116 research outputs found

    A pedagogical overview of quantum discord

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    Recent measures of nonclassical correlations are motivated by different notions of classicality and operational means. Quantum discord has received a great deal of attention in studies involving quantum computation, metrology, dynamics, many-body physics, and thermodynamics. In this article I show how quantum discord is different from quantum entanglement from a pedagogical point of view. I begin with a pedagogical introduction to quantum entanglement and quantum discord, followed by a historical review of quantum discord. Next, I give a novel definition of quantum discord in terms of any classically extractable information, a approach that is fitting for the current avenues of research. Lastly, I put forth several arguments for why discord is an interesting quantity to study and why it is of interest to so many researchers in the community.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, to appear in special OSID volume of on open system

    Energetic fluctuations in an open quantum process

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    Relations similar to work and exchange fluctuations have been recently derived for open systems dynamically evolving in the presence of an ancilla. Extending these relations and constructing a non-equilibrium Helmholtz equation we derive a general expression for the energetic and entropic changes of an open quantum system undergoing a nontrivial evolution. The expressions depend only on the state of the system and the dynamical map generating the evolution. Furthermore our formalism makes no assumption on either the nature or dimension of the ancilla. Our results are expected to find application in understanding the energetics of complex quantum systems undergoing open dynamics.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    Tomographically reconstructed master equations for any open quantum dynamics

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    Memory effects in open quantum dynamics are often incorporated in the equation of motion through a superoperator known as the memory kernel, which encodes how past states affect future dynamics. However, the usual prescription for determining the memory kernel requires information about the underlying system-environment dynamics. Here, by deriving the transfer tensor method from first principles, we show how a memory kernel master equation, for any quantum process, can be entirely expressed in terms of a family of completely positive dynamical maps. These can be reconstructed through quantum process tomography on the system alone, either experimentally or numerically, and the resulting equation of motion is equivalent to a generalised Nakajima-Zwanzig equation. For experimental settings, we give a full prescription for the reconstruction procedure, rendering the memory kernel operational. When simulation of an open system is the goal, we show how our procedure yields a considerable advantage for numerically calculating dynamics, even when the system is arbitrarily periodically (or transiently) driven or initially correlated with its environment. Namely, we show that the long time dynamics can be efficiently obtained from a set of reconstructed maps over a much shorter time.Comment: 10+4 pages, 5 figure

    A non-equilibrium quantum Landauer principle

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    Using the operational framework of completely positive, trace preserving operations and thermodynamic fluctuation relations, we derive a lower bound for the heat exchange in a Landauer erasure process on a quantum system. Our bound comes from a non-phenomenological derivation of the Landauer principle which holds for generic non-equilibrium dynamics. Furthermore the bound depends on the non-unitality of dynamics, giving it a physical significance that differs from other derivations. We apply our framework to the model of a spin-1/2 system coupled to an interacting spin chain at finite temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4-1; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Tight, robust, and feasible quantum speed limits for open dynamics

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    Starting from a geometric perspective, we derive a quantum speed limit for arbitrary open quantum evolution, which could be Markovian or non-Markovian, providing a fundamental bound on the time taken for the most general quantum dynamics. Our methods rely on measuring angles and distances between (mixed) states represented as generalized Bloch vectors. We study the properties of our bound and present its form for closed and open evolution, with the latter in both Lindblad form and in terms of a memory kernel. Our speed limit is provably robust under composition and mixing, features that largely improve the effectiveness of quantum speed limits for open evolution of mixed states. We also demonstrate that our bound is easier to compute and measure than other quantum speed limits for open evolution, and that it is tighter than the previous bounds for almost all open processes. Finally, we discuss the usefulness of quantum speed limits and their impact in current research.Comment: Main: 11 pages, 3 figures. Appendix: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Markovian memory in IBMQX4

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    We measure and quantify non-Markovian effects in IBM's Quantum Experience. Specifically, we analyze the temporal correlations in a sequence of gates by characterizing the performance of a gate conditioned on the gate that preceded it. With this method, we estimate (i) the size of fluctuations in the performance of a gate, i.e., errors due to non-Markovianity; (ii) the length of the memory; and (iii) the total size of the memory. Our results strongly indicate the presence of non-trivial non-Markovian effects in almost all gates in the universal set. However, based on our findings, we discuss the potential for cleaner computation by adequately accounting the non-Markovian nature of the machine.Comment: 8 page

    An introduction to operational quantum dynamics

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    In the summer of 2016, physicists gathered in Torun, Poland for the 48th annual Symposium on Mathematical Physics. This Symposium was special; it celebrated the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation, which is widely used in quantum physics and quantum chemistry. This article forms part of a Special Volume of the journal Open Systems & Information Dynamics arising from that conference; and it aims to celebrate a related discovery -- also by Sudarshan -- that of Quantum Maps (which had their 55th anniversary in the same year). Nowadays, much like the master equation, quantum maps are ubiquitous in physics and chemistry. Their importance in quantum information and related fields cannot be overstated. In this manuscript, we motivate quantum maps from a tomographic perspective, and derive their well-known representations. We then dive into the murky world beyond these maps, where recent research has yielded their generalisation to non-Markovian quantum processes.Comment: Submitted to Special OSID volume "40 years of GKLS

    Criteria for measures of quantum correlations

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    Entanglement does not describe all quantum correlations and several authors have shown the need to go beyond entanglement when dealing with mixed states. Various different measures have sprung up in the literature, for a variety of reasons, to describe bipartite and multipartite quantum correlations; some are known under the collective name quantum discord. Yet, in the same sprit as the criteria for entanglement measures, there is no general mechanism that determines whether a measure of quantum and classical correlations is a proper measure of correlations. This is partially due to the fact that the answer is a bit muddy. In this article we attempt tackle this muddy topic by writing down several criteria for a "good" measure of correlations. We breakup our list into necessary, reasonable, and debatable conditions. We then proceed to prove several of these conditions for generalized measures of quantum correlations. However, not all conditions are met by all measures; we show this via several examples. The reasonable conditions are related to continuity of correlations, which has not been previously discussed. Continuity is an important quality if one wants to probe quantum correlations in the laboratory. We show that most types of quantum discord are continuous but none are continuous with respect to the measurement basis used for optimization.Comment: 22 pages, closer to published versio