136 research outputs found

    A Matching Based Theoretical Framework for Estimating Probability of Causation

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    The concept of Probability of Causation (PC) is critically important in legal contexts and can help in many other domains. While it has been around since 1986, current operationalizations can obtain only the minimum and maximum values of PC, and do not apply for purely observational data. We present a theoretical framework to estimate the distribution of PC from experimental and from purely observational data. We illustrate additional problems of the existing operationalizations and show how our method can be used to address them. We also provide two illustrative examples of how our method is used and how factors like sample size or rarity of events can influence the distribution of PC. We hope this will make the concept of PC more widely usable in practice

    Representation of Developer Expertise in Open Source Software

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    Background: Accurate representation of developer expertise has always been an important research problem. While a number of studies proposed novel methods of representing expertise within individual projects, these methods are difficult to apply at an ecosystem level. However, with the focus of software development shifting from monolithic to modular, a method of representing developers' expertise in the context of the entire OSS development becomes necessary when, for example, a project tries to find new maintainers and look for developers with relevant skills. Aim: We aim to address this knowledge gap by proposing and constructing the Skill Space where each API, developer, and project is represented and postulate how the topology of this space should reflect what developers know (and projects need). Method: we use the World of Code infrastructure to extract the complete set of APIs in the files changed by open source developers and, based on that data, employ Doc2Vec embeddings for vector representations of APIs, developers, and projects. We then evaluate if these embeddings reflect the postulated topology of the Skill Space by predicting what new APIs/projects developers use/join, and whether or not their pull requests get accepted. We also check how the developers' representations in the Skill Space align with their self-reported API expertise. Result: Our results suggest that the proposed embeddings in the Skill Space appear to satisfy the postulated topology and we hope that such representations may aid in the construction of signals that increase trust (and efficiency) of open source ecosystems at large and may aid investigations of other phenomena related to developer proficiency and learning.Comment: Accepted in ICSE 2021 Main Technical Trac

    Which Pull Requests Get Accepted and Why? A study of popular NPM Packages

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    Background: Pull Request (PR) Integrators often face challenges in terms of multiple concurrent PRs, so the ability to gauge which of the PRs will get accepted can help them balance their workload. PR creators would benefit from knowing if certain characteristics of their PRs may increase the chances of acceptance. Aim: We modeled the probability that a PR will be accepted within a month after creation using a Random Forest model utilizing 50 predictors representing properties of the author, PR, and the project to which PR is submitted. Method: 483,988 PRs from 4218 popular NPM packages were analysed and we selected a subset of 14 predictors sufficient for a tuned Random Forest model to reach high accuracy. Result: An AUC-ROC value of 0.95 was achieved predicting PR acceptance. The model excluding PR properties that change after submission gave an AUC-ROC value of 0.89. We tested the utility of our model in practical scenarios by training it with historical data for the NPM package \textit{bootstrap} and predicting if the PRs submitted in future will be accepted. This gave us an AUC-ROC value of 0.94 with all 14 predictors, and 0.77 excluding PR properties that change after its creation. Conclusion: PR integrators can use our model for a highly accurate assessment of the quality of the open PRs and PR creators may benefit from the model by understanding which characteristics of their PRs may be undesirable from the integrators' perspective. The model can be implemented as a tool, which we plan to do as a future work

    Effect of Technical and Social Factors on Pull Request Quality for the NPM Ecosystem

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    Pull request (PR) based development, which is a norm for the social coding platforms, entails the challenge of evaluating the contributions of, often unfamiliar, developers from across the open source ecosystem and, conversely, submitting a contribution to a project with unfamiliar maintainers. Previous studies suggest that the decision of accepting or rejecting a PR may be influenced by a diverging set of technical and social factors, but often focus on relatively few projects, do not consider ecosystem-wide measures, or the possible non-monotonic relationships between the predictors and PR acceptance probability. We aim to shed light on this important decision making process by testing which measures significantly affect the probability of PR acceptance on a significant fraction of a large ecosystem, rank them by their relative importance in predicting PR acceptance, and determine the shape of the functions that map each predictor to PR acceptance. We proposed seven hypotheses regarding which technical and social factors might affect PR acceptance and created 17 measures based on them. Our dataset consisted of 470,925 PRs from 3349 popular NPM packages and 79,128 GitHub users who created those. We tested which of the measures affect PR acceptance and ranked the significant measures by their importance in a predictive model. Our predictive model had and AUC of 0.94, and 15 of the 17 measures were found to matter, including five novel ecosystem-wide measures. Measures describing the number of PRs submitted to a repository and what fraction of those get accepted, and signals about the PR review phase were most significant. We also discovered that only four predictors have a linear influence on the PR acceptance probability while others showed a more complicated response.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.01153. Preprint of the paper accepted in ESEM,2020 conferenc

    Machine-assisted annotation of forensic imagery

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    Image collections, if critical aspects of image content are exposed, can spur research and practical applications in many domains. Supervised machine learning may be the only feasible way to annotate very large collections, but leading approaches rely on large samples of completely and accurately annotated images. In the case of a large forensic collection, we are aiming to annotate, neither the complete annotation nor the large training samples can be feasibly produced. We, therefore, investigate ways to assist manual annotation efforts done by forensic experts. We present a method that can propose both images and areas within an image likely to contain desired classes. Evaluation of the method with human annotators showed highly accurate classification that was strongly helped by transfer learning. The segmentation precision (mAP) was improved by adding a separate class capturing background, but that did not affect the recall (mAR). Further work is needed to both increase the accuracy of segmentation and enhances prediction with additional covariates affecting decomposition. We hope this effort to be of help in other domains that require weak segmentation and have limited availability of qualified annotators.Comment: Submitted to ICIP 201

    Patterns of Effort Contribution and Demand and User Classification based on Participation Patterns in NPM Ecosystem

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    Background: Open source requires participation of volunteer and commercial developers (users) in order to deliver functional high-quality components. Developers both contribute effort in the form of patches and demand effort from the component maintainers to resolve issues reported against it. Aim: Identify and characterize patterns of effort contribution and demand throughout the open source supply chain and investigate if and how these patterns vary with developer activity; identify different groups of developers; and predict developers' company affiliation based on their participation patterns. Method: 1,376,946 issues and pull-requests created for 4433 NPM packages with over 10,000 monthly downloads and full (public) commit activity data of the 272,142 issue creators is obtained and analyzed and dependencies on NPM packages are identified. Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is used to find the groups among the users based on their effort contribution and demand patterns, and Random Forest is used as the predictive modeling technique to identify their company affiliations. Result: Users contribute and demand effort primarily from packages that they depend on directly with only a tiny fraction of contributions and demand going to transitive dependencies. A significant portion of demand goes into packages outside the users' respective supply chains (constructed based on publicly visible version control data). Three and two different groups of users are observed based on the effort demand and effort contribution patterns respectively. The Random Forest model used for identifying the company affiliation of the users gives a AUC-ROC value of 0.68. Conclusion: Our results give new insights into effort demand and supply at different parts of the supply chain of the NPM ecosystem and its users and suggests the need to increase visibility further upstream.Comment: 10 pages, 5 Tables, 2 Figures, Accepted in The 15th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering 201

    ALFAA: Active Learning Fingerprint Based Anti-Aliasing for Correcting Developer Identity Errors in Version Control Data

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    Graphs of developer networks are important for software engineering research and practice. For these graphs to realistically represent the networks, accurate developer identities are imperative. We aim to identify developer identity errors from open source software repositories in VCS, investigate the nature of these errors, design corrective algorithms, and estimate the impact of the errors on networks inferred from this data. We investigate these questions using over 1B Git commits with over 23M recorded author identities. By inspecting the author strings that occur most frequently, we group identity errors into categories. We then augment the author strings with 3 behavioral fingerprints: time-zone frequencies, the set of files modified, and a vector embedding of the commit messages. We create a manually validated set of identities for a subset of OpenStack developers using an active learning approach and use it to fit supervised learning models to predict the identities for the remaining author strings in OpenStack. We compare these predictions with a commercial effort and a leading research method. Finally, we compare network measures for file-induced author networks based on corrected and raw data. We find commits done from different environments, misspellings, organizational IDs, default values, and anonymous IDs to be the major sources of errors. We also find supervised learning methods to reduce errors by several times in comparison to existing methods and the active learning approach to be an effective way to create validated datasets and that correction of developer identity has a large impact on the inference of the social network. We believe that our proposed Active Learning Fingerprint Based Anti-Aliasing (ALFAA) approach will expedite research progress in the software engineering domain for applications that depend upon graphs of developers or other social networks.Comment: 12 page

    More Effective Software Repository Mining

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    Background: Data mining and analyzing of public Git software repositories is a growing research field. The tools used for studies that investigate a single project or a group of projects have been refined, but it is not clear whether the results obtained on such ``convenience samples'' generalize. Aims: This paper aims to elucidate the difficulties faced by researchers who would like to ascertain the generalizability of their findings by introducing an interface that addresses the issues with obtaining representative samples. Results: To do that we explore how to exploit the World of Code system to make software repository sampling and analysis much more accessible. Specifically, we present a resource for Mining Software Repository researchers that is intended to simplify data sampling and retrieval workflow and, through that, increase the validity and completeness of data. Conclusions: This system has the potential to provide researchers a resource that greatly eases the difficulty of data retrieval and addresses many of the currently standing issues with data sampling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to ESEM2020 Emerging Results trac

    An Exploratory Study of Bot Commits

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    Background: Bots help automate many of the tasks performed by software developers and are widely used to commit code in various social coding platforms. At present, it is not clear what types of activities these bots perform and understanding it may help design better bots, and find application areas which might benefit from bot adoption. Aim: We aim to categorize the Bot Commits by the type of change (files added, deleted, or modified), find the more commonly changed file types, and identify the groups of file types that tend to get updated together. Method: 12,326,137 commits made by 461 popular bots (that made at least 1000 commits) were examined to identify the frequency and the type of files added/ deleted/ modified by the commits, and association rule mining was used to identify the types of files modified together. Result: Majority of the bot commits modify an existing file, a few of them add new files, while deletion of a file is very rare. Commits involving more than one type of operation are even rarer. Files containing data, configuration, and documentation are most frequently updated, while HTML is the most common type in terms of the number of files added, deleted, and modified. Files of the type "Markdown", "Ignore List", "YAML", "JSON" were the types that are updated together with other types of files most frequently. Conclusion: We observe that majority of bot commits involve single file modifications, and bots primarily work with data, configuration, and documentation files. A better understanding if this is a limitation of the bots and, if overcome, would lead to different kinds of bots remains an open question

    How are Software Repositories Mined? A Systematic Literature Review of Workflows, Methodologies, Reproducibility, and Tools

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    With the advent of open source software, a veritable treasure trove of previously proprietary software development data was made available. This opened the field of empirical software engineering research to anyone in academia. Data that is mined from software projects, however, requires extensive processing and needs to be handled with utmost care to ensure valid conclusions. Since the software development practices and tools have changed over two decades, we aim to understand the state-of-the-art research workflows and to highlight potential challenges. We employ a systematic literature review by sampling over one thousand papers from leading conferences and by analyzing the 286 most relevant papers from the perspective of data workflows, methodologies, reproducibility, and tools. We found that an important part of the research workflow involving dataset selection was particularly problematic, which raises questions about the generality of the results in existing literature. Furthermore, we found a considerable number of papers provide little or no reproducibility instructions -- a substantial deficiency for a data-intensive field. In fact, 33% of papers provide no information on how their data was retrieved. Based on these findings, we propose ways to address these shortcomings via existing tools and also provide recommendations to improve research workflows and the reproducibility of research.Comment: 11 Page
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