4 research outputs found

    Edukasi Mengenai Kanker Nasofaring Pada Masyarakat di Kawasan Pesisir Barat Pulau Lombok

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    Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is a malignancy in the field of ENT-KL with a high incidence and ranks 4th in Indonesia. There are several risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer, including infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), environmental factors (consumption of salted fish, smoking and exposure to dust, occupational fumes), and genetics. Related to lifestyle, coastal areas are the areas that produce and consume the most salted fish, and are active smokers every day from a young age. The Tanjung Karang area is one of the coastal areas located in the west of Lombok Island, where the habit of consuming salted fish and smoking is also a habit of the people. The lack of public knowledge, especially in coastal areas, regarding the risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer and its early prevention is one of the reasons for the need to hold health education activities on this matter. Coinciding with the commemoration of World Cancer Day, ENT Specialists gathered in PERHATI-KL Cab. NTB conducts educational activities regarding Naopharyngeal Cancer, with the aim of increasing public knowledge about this dangerous disease. as a result, this activity was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the people in the area and was attended by 66 participants. This can be used as a benchmark and evaluation material for the implementation of further educational activities in the futur

    Kegiatan Penyuluhan dan Pelayanan Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Pada Masyarakat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Taliwang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat

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    Ear nose throat (ENT) disease is still a public health problem because of the many cases found in Indonesia. These various conditions can cause problems, both social, work, school and even economic. There are several factors that can affect the health of both individuals and communities including internal and external. To be able to improve the health status of individuals and communities, it is necessary to carry out several efforts including through health promotion, preventive and curative and rehabilitative efforts. Based on these conditions, social service activities were carried out for the NTB community in Taliwang, West Sumbawa Regency in the form of health counseling and ENT-KL health services as well as hearing examinations with audiometry. The community was very enthusiastic to participate in all these activities. The results of the ENT examination in this activity are that there are still some ENT problems that need attention, namely cerumen obstruction, chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and otitis externa, although in general there are also people who have good health status. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out similar activities in order to increase public knowledge about ENT diseases and achieve better health conditions in the future.

    Edukasi Sadar Bising Sebagai Upaya Promotif dan Preventif Terhadap Gangguan Dengar Melalui Media Podcast

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    Advances in technology and communication media that are increasingly rapidly giving meaning to the development of education where various information can be easily accessed, including health. Among the various latest trends that have emerged, podcasts appear as a very interesting technology for conducting health education and can be accepted by all circles, including the millennial generation. Various health education themes have been carried out through podcasts, one of which is noise awareness which reviews various information about the importance of maintaining hearing health and its impact on quality of life. The millennial generation is an age group that is close to technological developments, so that more and more young people are at risk of hearing loss due to frequent exposure to loud sounds from gadgets or from a noisy surrounding environment. The results of this podcast recording are then uploaded through the YouTube channel with the hope that the information that has been reviewed in it will be able to increase high awareness of individuals, especially the younger generation regarding their daily attitudes in maintaining hearing health, as a preventive and promotive effort. The result of this activity is the acceptance of education about noise awareness by the public which can be seen from the viewers listed on the youtube page. There are 675 viewers on this podcast upload