2,109 research outputs found

    Bˉ→Xsγ\bar B\to X_s \gamma with a warped bulk Higgs

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    We study the decay Bˉ→Xsγ\bar B\to X_s\gamma in Randall-Sundrum models with an IR-localised bulk Higgs. The two models under consideration are a minimal model as well as a model with a custodial protection mechanism. We include the effects of tree- and one-loop diagrams involving 5D gluon and Higgs exchanges as well as QCD corrections arising from the evolution from the Kaluza-Klein scale to the typical scale of the decay. We find the RS corrections to the branching fraction can be sizeable for large Yukawas and moderate KK scales TT; for small Yukawas the RS contribution is small enough to be invisible in current experimental data.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures(V2: references added, matches version published in Nuclear Physics B

    Sudakov Resummations at Higher Orders

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    We summarize our recent results on the resummation of hard-scattering coefficient functions and on-shell form factors in massless perturbative QCD. The threshold resummation has been extended to the fourth logarithmic order for deep-inelastic scattering, Drell-Yan lepton pair production and Higgs production via gluon-gluon fusion. The leading six infrared pole terms have been derived to all orders in the strong coupling constant for the photon-quark-quark and the (heavy-top) Higgs-gluon-gluon form factors. These results have many implications, most notably they lead to a new best estimate for the Higgs production cross section at the LHC.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 2 eps-figures. Uses modification appbav.cls (included) of the appolb.cls style. Presented by S.M. and A.V. at the conferences `Matter to the Deepest', Ustron (Poland), September '05, and RADCOR 2005, Shonan Village (Japan), October '05. To appear, in the latter case in shortened form, in the proceeding

    Deep Inelastic Structure Functions at two Loops

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    We present the analytic calculation of the Mellin moments of the structure functions F_2, F_3 and F_L in perturbative QCD up to second order corrections and in leading twist approximation. We calculate the 2-loop contributions to the anomalous dimensions of the singlet and non-singlet operator matrix elements and the 2-loop coefficient functions of F_2, F_3 and F_L. We perform the inverse Mellin transformation analytically and find our results in agreement with earlier calculations in the literature by Zijlstra and van Neerven.Comment: 45 pages LaTe

    Strange sea determination from collider data

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    We consider determinations of the strange sea in the nucleon based on the QCD analyses of data collected at the LHC with focus on the recent high-statistics ATLAS measurement of the W±W^\pm- and ZZ-boson production. We study the effect of different functional forms for parameterization of the parton distribution functions and the combination of various data sets in the analysis. We compare to earlier strange sea determinations and discuss ways to improve them in the future.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Deep-inelastic structure functions: Reconstruction from Mellin moments

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    We summarize the method of calculating Mellin moments of deep-inelastic structure functions in perturbative QCD. We briefly discuss all steps to a complete analytical reconstruction of the perturbative corrrections in x-space.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX, presented at LL2000, Bastei (Germany

    Lepton flavour violation in RS models with a brane- or nearly brane-localized Higgs

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    We perform a comprehensive study of charged lepton flavour violation in Randall-Sundrum (RS) models in a fully 5D quantum-field-theoretical framework. We consider the RS model with minimal field content and a "custodially protected" extension as well as three implementations of the IR-brane localized Higgs field, including the non-decoupling effect of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of a narrow bulk Higgs. Our calculation provides the first complete result for the flavour-violating electromagnetic dipole operator in Randall-Sundrum models. It contains three contributions with different dependence on the magnitude of the anarchic 5D Yukawa matrix, which can all be important in certain parameter regions. We study the typical range for the branching fractions of mu -> e gamma, mu -> 3e, mu N -> e N as well as tau -> mu gamma, tau -> 3 mu and the electron electric dipole moment by a numerical scan in both the minimal and the custodial RS model. The combination of mu -> e gamma and mu N -> e N currently provides the most stringent constraint on the parameter space of the model. A typical lower limit on the KK scale T is around 2 TeV in the minimal model (up to 4 TeV in the bulk Higgs case with large Yukawa couplings), and around 4 TeV in the custodially protected model, which corresponds to a mass of about 10 TeV for the first KK excitations, far beyond the lower limit from the non-observation of direct production at the LHC.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figures, LaTeX, v2: electron EDM analysis added, matches published versio
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