41 research outputs found
Nakon slabljenja osmanlijskog pritiska na središnjem dijelu fronte poslije 1593. u 17. stoljeću (1606.-1683.) na hrvatsko-turskoj granici vlada razmjerna ravnoteža. U vojnom uređenju Bosanskoga pašaluka počinje prevladavati defenzivna logika praćena svojevrsnom feudalizacijom vojničkoga staleža i pojačanim osloncem obrane na islamizirano slobodno seljaštvo. Također su znatno povećani pokrajinski nameti u cilju rasterećenja centralne blagajne. Sada odnos hrvatskih zemalja pod vlašću Habzburgovaca i Mletaka a Osmanlijama više određuju opći odnosi velikih sila, negoli lokalni sukobi.
S druge strane aktualizira se pitanje hrvatsko-ugarskih odnosa s Turcima u traženju protuteže habzburškoj centralizaciji. Politika Zrinskih razapeta je između dviju krajnosti: pokušaja da se uspjesi u okršajima s Turcima na krajiškom području pretvore u veliki oslobodilački rat s jedne strane, i sporazumom s tim istim neprijateljem kako bi se pariralo dvoru u sukobu koji nezaustavljivo jača.After the Ottoman pressure on the central section of the frontline after 1593 has weakened, in the 17^*^ Century (1606-1683) a certain state of equilibrium appeared in the Croatian-Ottoman borderland area. In the military organization of the Bosnian eyalet a defensive logic coupled with a kind of feudalization and the more intensive use
of islamicized peasant militia got ever stronger. Taxation to the benefit of local defense was considerably increased, in order to downgrade pressures on the central Treasury.
Now Croatian relations to the Ottomans became more determinated by general trends in the relationship of great powers toward each other than by local small warfare of older times. The question of Hungarian and Croatian attitude toward the Ottomans
was reactualized because of the Hapsburg centralization polity. The Zrinski family found itself hounted by the dilemma of whether and how to turn military success in small warfare into a large-scale war for liberation and that of whether and how to seek an
agreement with the ennemy, in order to ward of the ever growing ruler\u27s ambitions