19,982 research outputs found

    A critique of scaling behaviour in non-linear structure formation scenarios

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    Moments of the BBGKY equations for spatial correlation functions of cosmological density perturbations are used to obtain a differential equation for the evolution of the dimensionless function, h=−(v/a˙x)h = - ({v/{\dot{a}x}}), where vv is the mean relative pair velocity. The BBGKY equations are closed using a hierarchical scaling ansatz for the 3-point correlation function. Scale-invariant solutions derived earlier by Davis and Peebles are then used in the non-linear regime, along with the generalised stable clustering hypothesis (h→h \to const.), to obtain an expression for the asymptotic value of hh, in terms of the power law index of clustering, Îł\gamma,and the tangential and radial velocity dispersions. The Davis-Peebles solution is found to require that tangential dispersions are larger than radial ones, in the non-linear regime; this can be understood on physical grounds. Finally, stability analysis of the solution demonstrates that the allowed asymptotic values of hh, consistent with the stable clustering hypothesis, lie in the range 0≀h≀1/20 \leq h \leq 1/2. Thus, if the Davis-Peebles scale-invariant solution (and the hierarchical model for the 3-pt function) is correct, the standard stable clustering picture (h→1h \to 1 as Οˉ→∞\bar\xi \to \infty) is not allowed in the non-linear regime of structure formation.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. Scheduled to appear in ApJ, Mar 1 issue. Final version, contains added discussion to match the accepted versio

    Accurate determination of the Lagrangian bias for the dark matter halos

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    We use a new method, the cross power spectrum between the linear density field and the halo number density field, to measure the Lagrangian bias for dark matter halos. The method has several important advantages over the conventional correlation function analysis. By applying this method to a set of high-resolution simulations of 256^3 particles, we have accurately determined the Lagrangian bias, over 4 magnitudes in halo mass, for four scale-free models with the index n=-0.5, -1.0, -1.5 and -2.0 and three typical CDM models. Our result for massive halos with M≄M∗M \ge M_* (M∗M_* is a characteristic non-linear mass) is in very good agreement with the analytical formula of Mo & White for the Lagrangian bias, but the analytical formula significantly underestimates the Lagrangian clustering for the less massive halos $M < M_*. Our simulation result however can be satisfactorily described, with an accuracy better than 15%, by the fitting formula of Jing for Eulerian bias under the assumption that the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering are related with a linear mapping. It implies that it is the failure of the Press-Schechter theories for describing the formation of small halos that leads to the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula for the Eulerian bias. The non-linear mapping between the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering, which was speculated as another possible cause for the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula, must at most have a second-order effect. Our result indicates that the halo formation model adopted by the Press-Schechter theories must be improved.Comment: Minor changes; accepted for publication in ApJ (Letters) ; 11 pages with 2 figures include

    On the Spatial Correlations of Lyman Break Galaxies

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    Motivated by the observed discrepancy between the strong spatial correlations of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and their velocity dispersions, we consider a theoretical model in which these starbursting galaxies are associated with dark matter halos that experience appreciable infall of material. We show using numerical simulation that selecting halos that substantially increase in mass within a fixed time interval introduces a ``temporal bias'' which boosts their clustering above that of the underlying population. If time intervals consistent with the observed LBGs star formation rates of 50 solar masses per year are chosen, then spatial correlations are enhanced by up to a factor of two. These values roughly correspond to the geometrical bias of objects three times as massive. Thus, it is clear that temporal biasing must be taken into account when interpreting the properties of Lyman break galaxies.Comment: 5 Pages, 2 Figures, Accepted for Publication in ApJ Letter

    Bias and Hierarchical Clustering

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    It is now well established that galaxies are biased tracers of the distribution of matter, although it is still not known what form this bias takes. In local bias models the propensity for a galaxy to form at a point depends only on the overall density of matter at that point. Hierarchical scaling arguments allow one to build a fully-specified model of the underlying distribution of matter and to explore the effects of local bias in the regime of strong clustering. Using a generating-function method developed by Bernardeau & Schaeffer (1992), we show that hierarchical models lead one directly to the conclusion that a local bias does not alter the shape of the galaxy correlation function relative to the matter correlation function on large scales. This provides an elegant extension of a result first obtained by Coles (1993) for Gaussian underlying fields and confirms the conclusions of Scherrer & Weinberg (1998) obtained using a different approach. We also argue that particularly dense regions in a hierarchical density field display a form of bias that is different from that obtained by selecting such peaks in Gaussian fields: they are themselves hierarchically distributed with scaling parameters Sp=p(p−2)S_p=p^{(p-2)}. This kind of bias is also factorizable, thus in principle furnishing a simple test of this class of models.Comment: Latex, accepted for publication in ApJL; moderate revision

    Deriving the Nonlinear Cosmological Power Spectrum and Bispectrum from Analytic Dark Matter Halo Profiles and Mass Functions

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    We present an analytic model for the fully nonlinear power spectrum P and bispectrum Q of the cosmological mass density field. The model is based on physical properties of dark matter halos, with the three main model inputs being analytic halo density profiles, halo mass functions, and halo-halo spatial correlations, each of which has been well studied in the literature. We demonstrate that this new model can reproduce the power spectrum and bispectrum computed from cosmological simulations of both an n=-2 scale-free model and a low-density cold dark matter model. To enhance the dynamic range of these large simulations, we use the synthetic halo replacement technique of Ma & Fry (2000a), where the original halos with numerically softened cores are replaced by synthetic halos of realistic density profiles. At high wavenumbers, our model predicts a slope for the nonlinear power spectrum different from the often-used fitting formulas in the literature based on the stable clustering assumption. Our model also predicts a three-point amplitude Q that is scale dependent, in contrast to the popular hierarchical clustering assumption. This model provides a rapid way to compute the mass power spectrum and bispectrum over all length scales where the input halo properties are valid. It also provides a physical interpretation of the clustering properties of matter in the universe.Comment: Final version to appear in the Astrophysical Journal 544 (2000). Minor revisions; 1 additional figure. 25 pages with 6 inserted figure

    Angular separations of the lensed QSO images

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    We have analyzed the observed image separations of the gravitationally lensed images of QSOs for a possible correlation with the source redshift. Contrary to the previously noted anti-correlation based on a smaller data set, no correlation is found for the currently available data. We have calculated the average image separations of the lensed QSOs as a function of source redshifts, for isothermal spheres with cores in a flat universe, taking into account the amplification bias caused by lensing. The shape of the distribution of average image separation as a function of redshift is very robust and is insensitive to most model parameters. Observations are found to be roughly consistent with the theoretical results for models which assume the lens distribution to be (i) Schechter luminosity function which, however, can not produce images with large separation and (ii) the mass condensations in a cold dark matter universe, as given by the Press-Schechter theory if an upper limit of 1-7×1013\times 10^{13} M⊙\odot is assumed on the mass of the condensations.Comment: 20 pages, 7 postscript figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Pairwise Peculiar Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: Effects of the Infall

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    We study the reliability of the reconstruction method which uses a modelling of the redshift distortions of the two-point correlation function to estimate the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersion of galaxies. In particular, the dependence of this quantity on different models for the infall velocity is examined for the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We make extensive use of numerical simulations and of mock catalogs derived from them to discuss the effect of a self-similar infall model, of zero infall, and of the real infall taken from the simulation. The implications for two recent discrepant determinations of the pairwise velocity dispersion for this survey are discussed.Comment: minor changes in the discussion; accepted for publication in ApJ; 8 pages with 2 figures include

    Confronting cold dark matter cosmologies with strong clustering of Lyman break galaxies at z∌3z\sim3

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the statistical significance of a concentration of Lyman break galaxies at z∌3z \sim 3 recently discovered by Steidel et al. (1997), using a series of N-body simulations with N=2563N=256^3 particles in a (100\himpc)^3 comoving box. While the observed number density of Lyman break galaxies at z∌3z\sim3 implies that they correspond to systems with dark matter halos of \simlt 10^{12}M_\odot, the resulting clustering of such objects on average is not strong enough to be reconciled with the concentration if it is fairly common; we predict one similar concentration approximately per (6∌106\sim 10) fields in three representative cold dark matter models. Considering the current observational uncertainty of the frequency of such clustering at z∌3z\sim3, it would be premature to rule out the models, but the future spectroscopic surveys in a dozen fields could definitely challenge all the existing cosmological models a posteriori fitted to the z=0z=0 universe.Comment: the final version which matchs that published in ApJ Letters (Feb 1998); compared with the previous versions, the predictions for the SCDM model are slightly changed; Latex, 11 pages, including 3 ps figure

    Calibrating the Galaxy Halo - Black Hole Relation Based on the Clustering of Quasars

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    The observed number counts of quasars may be explained either by long-lived activity within rare massive hosts, or by short-lived activity within smaller, more common hosts. It has been argued that quasar lifetimes may therefore be inferred from their clustering length, which determines the typical mass of the quasar host. Here we point out that the relationship between the mass of the black-hole and the circular velocity of its host dark-matter halo is more fundamental to the determination of the clustering length. In particular, the clustering length observed in the 2dF quasar redshift survey is consistent with the galactic halo - black-hole relation observed in local galaxies, provided that quasars shine at ~10-100% of their Eddington luminosity. The slow evolution of the clustering length with redshift inferred in the 2dF quasar survey favors a black-hole mass whose redshift-independent scaling is with halo circular velocity, rather than halo mass. These results are independent from observations of the number counts of bright quasars which may be used to determine the quasar lifetime and its dependence on redshift. We show that if quasar activity results from galaxy mergers, then the number counts of quasars imply an episodic quasar lifetime that is set by the dynamical time of the host galaxy rather than by the Salpeter time. Our results imply that as the redshift increases, the central black-holes comprise a larger fraction of their host galaxy mass and the quasar lifetime gets shorter.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Constraints on z~10 Galaxies from the Deepest HST NICMOS Fields

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    We use all available fields with deep NICMOS imaging to search for J dropouts (H<28) at z~10. Our primary data set for this search were the two J+H NICMOS parallel fields taken with the ACS HUDF. The 5 sigma limiting mags were 28.6 in J and 28.5 in H. Several shallower fields were also used: J+H NICMOS frames available over the HDF North, the HDF South NICMOS parallel, and the ACS HUDF. The primary selection criterion was (J-H)>1.8. 11 such sources were found in all search fields using this criterion. 8 of these were clearly ruled out as credible z~10 sources, either as a result of detections (>2 sigma) blueward of J or their colors redward of the break (H-K~1.5). The nature of the 3 remaining sources could not be determined from the data. The number appears consistent with the expected contamination from low-z interlopers. Analysis of the stacked images for the 3 candidates also suggests contamination. Regardless of their true redshifts, the actual number of z~10 sources must be <=3. To assess the significance of these results, two lower redshift samples (a z~3.8 B-dropout and z~6 i-dropout sample) were projected to z~8-12 using a (1+z)^{-1} size scaling. They were added to the image frames, and the selection repeated, giving 15.6 and 4.8 J-dropouts, respectively. This suggests that to the limit of this probe (0.3 L*) there has been evolution from z~3.8 and possibly from z~6. This is consistent with the strong evolution already noted at z~6 and z~7.5 relative to z~3-4. Even assuming that 3 sources from this probe are at z~10, the rest-frame continuum UV (~1500 A) luminosity density at z~10 (integrated down to 0.3 L*) is just 0.19_{-0.09}^{+0.13}x that at z~3.8 (or 0.19_{-0.10}^{+0.15}x including cosmic variance). However, if none of our sources is at z~10, this ratio has a 1 sigma upper limit of 0.07. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter
