174 research outputs found

    The (Elusive) Theory of Everything

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    Stephen Hawking's work on black holes and the origin of the universe is arguably the most concrete progress theoretical physicists have made toward reconciling Einstein's gravitation and quantum physics into one final theory of everything. Physicists have a favorite candidate for such a theory, string theory, but it comes in five different formulations, each covering a restricted range of situations. A network of mathematical connections, however, links the different string theories into one overarching system, enigmatically called M-theory: perhaps the network is itself the final theory. In a new book, The Grand Design, Hawking and Caltech physicist Leonard Mlodinow argue that the quest to discover a final theory may in fact never lead to a unique set of equations. Every scientific theory, they write, comes with its own model of reality, and it may not make sense to talk of what reality actually is. This essay is based on that book

    Solving the Schrödinger equation with use of 1/N perturbation theory

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    The large N expansion provides a powerful new tool for solving the Schrödinger equation. In this paper, we present simple recursion formulas which facilitate the calculation. We do some numerical calculations which illustrate the speed and accuracy of the technique

    Abelian scalar theory at large global charge

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    We elaborate on Abelian complex scalar models, which are dictated by natural actions (all couplings are of order one), at fixed and large global U(1)U(1) charge in an arbitrary number of dimensions. The ground state υ| \upsilon\rangle is coherently constructed by the zero modes and the appearance of a centrifugal potential is quantum mechanically verified. Using the path integral formulation we systematically analyze the quantum fluctuations around υ| \upsilon\rangle in order to derive an effective action for the Goldstone mode, which becomes perturbatively meaningful when the charge is large. In this regime we explicitly show that the whole construction is stable against quantum corrections, in the sense that any higher derivative couplings to Goldstone's tree-level action are suppressed by appropriate powers of the large charge.Comment: 24+1 pages, 2 figure


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    Relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time

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    In this paper we lay out an argument that generically the psychological arrow of time should align with the thermodynamic arrow of time where that arrow is well defined. This argument applies to any physical system that can act as a memory, in the sense of preserving a record of the state of some other system. This result follows from two principles: the robustness of the thermodynamic arrow of time to small perturbations in the state, and the principle that a memory should not have to be fine-tuned to match the state of the system being recorded. This argument applies even if the memory system itself is completely reversible and nondissipative. We make the argument with a paradigmatic system, and then formulate it more broadly for any system that can be considered a memory. We illustrate these principles for a few other example systems and compare our criteria to earlier treatments of this problem

    Quantum interference with molecules: The role of internal states

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    Recent experiments have shown that fullerene and fluorofullerene molecules can produce interference patterns. These molecules have both rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom. This leads one to ask whether these internal motions can play a role in degrading the interference pattern. We study this by means of a simple model. Our molecule consists of two masses a fixed distance apart. It scatters from a potential with two or several peaks, thereby mimicking two or several slit interference. We find that in some parameter regimes the entanglement between the internal states and the translational degrees of freedom produced by the potential can decrease the visibility of the interference pattern. In particular, different internal states correspond to different outgoing wave vectors, so that if several internal states are excited, the total interference pattern will be the sum of a number of patterns, each with a different periodicity. The overall pattern is consequently smeared out. In the case of two different peaks, the scattering from the different peaks will excite different internal states so that the path the molecule takes become entangled with its internal state. This will also lead to degradation of the interference pattern. How these mechanisms might lead to the emergence of classical behavior is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 eps figures, quality of figures reduced because of size restriction