8 research outputs found

    The Application of Laser Beam Diffraction and Scattering Methods in the Measurement of Shape and Determination of Material Parameters

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    Lasers can be used for many applications including determination of size, in addition to the theory of diffraction and material dispersion phenomena. In this paper we calculated the corrections in angular intensity for the Gaussian and uniform particle distributions, the scattering intensity on cylindrical objects. We also evaluated the necessary mathematical summations. In addition, we analyse and simulated the special positions of detectors using laser Doppler anemometric (LDA) methods, which can be used to determine the particle diameter. The dispersion measurements for actual fibres are given at the end. The geometric and material parameters of these fibres were taken before the evaluation of the angular scattering intensity.This is the peer-reviewd version of the article: Srećković, M.; Tomić, Z.; Stank, O. M.; Ilić, J.; Bundaleski, N.; Sekulić, R. S.; Vlada, M. The Application of Laser Beam Diffraction and Scattering Methods in the Measurement of Shape and Determination of Material Parameters. Lasers in Engineering 2007, 17 (3ā€“4), 179ā€“196

    Use of light scattering methods for determining dimensions of particles in biomedical application

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    Razmatran je problem odredjivanja integralnog izraza za intenzitet rasejane laserske svetlosti o čestice sfernog i cilindričnog oblika. Definisan je integralni korekcioni faktor. Analiza uključuje dva izraza koji se primenjuju u zavisnosti od veličine i oblika čestice. U proračunu je uzeta u obzir raspodela čestica po dimenzijama, gde se kao raspodele koriste Gausova raspodela, uniformna raspodela i raspodele dobijene na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata. IzvrŔena je komparacija dobijenih rezultata u zavisnosti od parametara raspodele, predstavljenih u zavisnosti od ugla rasejanja.The probability determination of integral expression for light scattering intensity on particles of spherical and cylindrical shapes are presented. The integral correction factor was defined. Analysis include two equations which are applied with respect to the dependence of size and shape of the particle. Calculations include particle size distributions. Used distributions are Gaussians, uniform and distributions which are obtained by experimental results. Comparison of the results due to distribution parameters in dependence of angle of light scattering are presented

    Use of light scattering methods for determining dimensions of particles in biomedical application

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    Razmatran je problem odredjivanja integralnog izraza za intenzitet rasejane laserske svetlosti o čestice sfernog i cilindričnog oblika. Definisan je integralni korekcioni faktor. Analiza uključuje dva izraza koji se primenjuju u zavisnosti od veličine i oblika čestice. U proračunu je uzeta u obzir raspodela čestica po dimenzijama, gde se kao raspodele koriste Gausova raspodela, uniformna raspodela i raspodele dobijene na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata. IzvrŔena je komparacija dobijenih rezultata u zavisnosti od parametara raspodele, predstavljenih u zavisnosti od ugla rasejanja.The probability determination of integral expression for light scattering intensity on particles of spherical and cylindrical shapes are presented. The integral correction factor was defined. Analysis include two equations which are applied with respect to the dependence of size and shape of the particle. Calculations include particle size distributions. Used distributions are Gaussians, uniform and distributions which are obtained by experimental results. Comparison of the results due to distribution parameters in dependence of angle of light scattering are presented

    Analytical and numerical programing in laser scattering phenomena and experimetal technics

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    The problem of laser scattering is very complex. It includes analysis of specific cross section depending on the size and shape of scattering center, summation and the inclusion of correlation between the scattering centers. In the theory are many tasks including: mathematical problems, selecting respective apparatus, as well as physical interpretations and modelling of supposed effects. Between them are of special interest practical problems of distributions of the scatterers and manipulations with them. The definitions of generalized functions could be of interest for other type of scatterers (not only spherical case). Our investigations concern the generalized function versus size. In this paper the problems of summation and scattering on cylindrical objects of different sizes will be analyzed and calculated. To solve these problems, we use analytical and numerical methods. The intensity of scattered electromagnetic radiation by the object of cylindrical symmetry is analyzed. The case of linearly polarized laser irradiation with polarization normal to the axis of homogeneous cylinder is considered. Starting from the standard expression for scattered intensity, a new relation with introduced special functions is developed. As the principal problem, a mathematical summability of the obtained expression (trigonometric series with Bessel functions as coefficients) and the convergency of the series in classical and general sense are pointed out

    The application of laser beam diffraction and scattering methods in the measurement of shape and determination of material parameters

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    Lasers can be used for many applications including determination of size, in addition to the theory of diffraction and material dispersion phenomena. In this paper we calculated the corrections in angular intensity for the Gaussian and uniform particle distributions, the scattering intensity on cylindrical objects. We also evaluated the necessary mathematical summations. In addition, we analyse and Simulate the special positions of detectors using laser Doppler anemometric (LDA) methods, which can be used to determine the particle diameter. The dispersion measurements for actual fibres are given at the end. The geometric and material parameters of these fibres were taken before the evaluation of the angular scattering intensity

    Estimation of a scatterer size by laser tehniques

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    Četvrto stanje materijala (po nekim podelama to je plazma, a po nekim su prahovi) predstavlja predmet izučavanja u velikom broju istraživačkih oblasti, tehnika i prakse. Tehnike rasejanja svojim fundamentalnim pristupom mikročesticama metroloÅ”ki objedinjuju prahove, kapljice, emulzije, rastvore, i sl. U radu se paralelno razmatraju neke optičke (holografske, difrakcione) metode sa drugim metodama kojima se fizički i hemijski karakteriÅ”u i identifikuju čestice (ili ansamblli). Dimenzija objekta se gleda u odnosu na talasnu dužinu primenjenog koherentnog (ili nekoherentnog) zračenja, talasne vektore perturbovanog i neperturbovanog snopa i ugla posmatranja.The fourth state of matter (after some classification, it is plasma, after some other, it is powder) is object of investigation in great number of research areas, techniques and practice. Scattering techniques metrologically unify powder, droplets, emulsions, solutions etc. by fundamental approach to micro-particles. In this paper, some optical methods (holographic, diffractive) are comparatively described with other methods which physically and chemically characterize and identify particles (or particle ansambles). Object size is estimated considering wavelength of applied coherent (or incoherent) radiation, wave vector of perturbed and non-perturbed beam and observation angle

    Estimation of a scatterer size by laser tehniques

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    Četvrto stanje materijala (po nekim podelama to je plazma, a po nekim su prahovi) predstavlja predmet izučavanja u velikom broju istraživačkih oblasti, tehnika i prakse. Tehnike rasejanja svojim fundamentalnim pristupom mikročesticama metroloÅ”ki objedinjuju prahove, kapljice, emulzije, rastvore, i sl. U radu se paralelno razmatraju neke optičke (holografske, difrakcione) metode sa drugim metodama kojima se fizički i hemijski karakteriÅ”u i identifikuju čestice (ili ansamblli). Dimenzija objekta se gleda u odnosu na talasnu dužinu primenjenog koherentnog (ili nekoherentnog) zračenja, talasne vektore perturbovanog i neperturbovanog snopa i ugla posmatranja.The fourth state of matter (after some classification, it is plasma, after some other, it is powder) is object of investigation in great number of research areas, techniques and practice. Scattering techniques metrologically unify powder, droplets, emulsions, solutions etc. by fundamental approach to micro-particles. In this paper, some optical methods (holographic, diffractive) are comparatively described with other methods which physically and chemically characterize and identify particles (or particle ansambles). Object size is estimated considering wavelength of applied coherent (or incoherent) radiation, wave vector of perturbed and non-perturbed beam and observation angle

    Analytical and numerical programing in laser scattering phenomena and experimetal technics

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    The problem of laser scattering is very complex. It includes analysis of specific cross section depending on the size and shape of scattering center, summation and the inclusion of correlation between the scattering centers. In the theory are many tasks including: mathematical problems, selecting respective apparatus, as well as physical interpretations and modelling of supposed effects. Between them are of special interest practical problems of distributions of the scatterers and manipulations with them. The definitions of generalized functions could be of interest for other type of scatterers (not only spherical case). Our investigations concern the generalized function versus size. In this paper the problems of summation and scattering on cylindrical objects of different sizes will be analyzed and calculated. To solve these problems, we use analytical and numerical methods. The intensity of scattered electromagnetic radiation by the object of cylindrical symmetry is analyzed. The case of linearly polarized laser irradiation with polarization normal to the axis of homogeneous cylinder is considered. Starting from the standard expression for scattered intensity, a new relation with introduced special functions is developed. As the principal problem, a mathematical summability of the obtained expression (trigonometric series with Bessel functions as coefficients) and the convergency of the series in classical and general sense are pointed out