1,847 research outputs found

    The survey of cross profiles and the calculation of volumes for the road Plave–Neblo

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    Surveying cross profiles and volumes of excavations and dikes have crucial meaning at building roads. Cross profiles define the course line of future road. That means its installation in the area. The calculation of volumes is especially important from financial view, because terrestrial work performs considerable influence on costs of construction the whole project of building roads. In this thesis are described different methods of measuring and tracing of cross profiles and also calculation of areas of cross profiles. Described and analysed are different calculations of volumes on base of cross profiles and calculation made with program Plateia. At the end is done the analysis of particular method of defining volumes

    Mestne zelene površine kot izhodišče načrtovanja hidroenergetskih in urbanih ureditev: primer obsavskega prostora v Mestni občini Ljubljana

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    Prispevek predstavlja krajinsko in urbanistično zasnovo obsavskega prostora in severnega bežigrajskega kraka v Ljubljani. Osredotočen je na predstavitev metodoloških in vsebinskih izhodišč priprave zasnove ter urejanja mestnih zelenih površin širšega območja obsavskega prostora, ki kot vezni člen ter hkrati samostojna prostorska in funkcionalna celota predstavljajo izhodišče načrtovanja hidroenergetskih in urbanih ureditev. Izpostavljena je nuja prepoznavanja in reševanja stvarnih prostorskonačrtovalnih problemov, oblikovanja jasnih ciljev in konceptov, soočanja različnih prostorskih sistemov in interesov ter smiselnost oblikovanja alternativnih razvojnih scenarijev. Eno najpomembnejših izhodišč predlagane zasnove je celovito oblikovanje javnega odprtega prostora in zelenih površin. Urbanistična rešitev temelji na programsko močni, prepoznavni in členjeni Dunajski cesti, ki se jo preoblikuje v javni prostor sodobne mestne vpadnice, z jasnim zaključkom in hkrati s postopnim, okoliški morfologiji prilagojenim iztekom v obsavski prostor. To območje ima zaradi naravnih značilnosti, ohranjene kulturne krajine in dobre dostopnosti velike možnosti za razvoj prostočasnih dejavnosti. Predlagana rešitev izhaja iz izhodišča, da verige hidroelektrarn ne gre jemati le kot objekta z negativnimi vplivi na okolje, temveč tudi kot razvojno priložnost – dejansko uresničitev rekreacijskega območja vzdolž Save in način sanacije degradacij v prostoru. Predlagane so celovite prostorske ureditve vzdolž obsavskega prostora, kot del hidroenergetskih ureditev, posebna pozornost pa je namenjena aktivnemu oblikovanju različnih tipov brežin

    Negotovost v prostorskonačrtovalnih postopkih

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    Za prostorsko načrtovanje je značilnih več negotovosti, ki izhajajo iz nujnosti uskladitve različnih interesov v prostoru, nujnosti sprejemanja prostorskonačrtovalnih odločitev, kompleksnosti okolja, prostora in družbe, ukvarjanja s prihodnostjo, ki je vedno nekoliko negotova, ter iz dvomov o pravilnosti odločitev. Odgovor na negotovost je več ukrepov, ki naj bi omilili učinke negotovosti. Ti ukrepi temeljijo na dveh osnovnih izhodiščih – standardizaciji in optimizaciji. Ukrepi se nanašajo na povečevanje znanja in razumevanja prostorskega načrtovanja, spremembo pravnih predpisov, obstoj prostorskega načrtovanja kot načina usklajevanja interesov, aktivno prostorsko načrtovanje in tvorno reševanje aktualnih prostorskih problemov, integracijo postopkov urejanja prostora in varstva okolja, izvajanje analize kot osnove delovanja prostorskega načrtovalca, način razmišljanja v alternativah, izoblikovanje jasnih prostorskih konceptov, izoblikovanje transparentnega sistema upravljanja prostora in uveljavljanje participatornih procesov

    Reassociating Student Rights: Giving It the Ole College Try

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    At the beginning of 2020, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) declared Coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) a “public health emergency of international concern.” Governments around the world began instituting citywide and even nationwide “lockdowns.” In the United States, the approach was far more splintered. While there was no nationwide lockdown, states across the country instituted varying measures ranging from “shelter-in-place” and “stay at home” orders, to school closures, limits on the size of public gatherings, “mask mandates,” and even some states allowing restaurants and bars to remain open. Across the United States, these measures have resulted in the most pervasive governmental regulation of American citizens’ private affairs since World War II

    The Beat Pad

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    In her article The Beat \u27Pad\u27 Heike Mlakar analyzes the importance of Joan Vollmer\u27s and Hettie Jones\u27s Manhattan apartments as centers for the upcoming avant-garde movement of the time in order to understand the meaning of home in postwar bohemianism in general and specifically for female Beats. In sensationalized late 1950s films and in print media, the Beats were associated with low-rent Beat pads in poor urban areas, in which wild all-night parties were held—sites of drug use, destitution, and sexual promiscuity. Both Vollmer and Jones contributed greatly to the formation of the Beat Generation by providing the perfect setting for the flourishing of the artistic scene that would change the postwar literary scene forever: it was here, in Vollmer\u27s Apartment 51, that the cornerstone for a new era in literature was laid, as Ginsberg, Burroughs, and Kerouac lived there simultaneously from 1945 to 1946. Similarly, the pads Hettie Jones shared with then-husband Amiri Baraka served a similar function, namely to build up a homogeneous Beat identity

    Analysis of ambient SO2 concentrations and winds in the complex surroundings of a thermal power plant

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    SO2 pollution is still a significant problem in Slovenia, especially around large thermal power plants (TPPs), like the one at ˇSoˇstanj. The ˇSoˇstanj TPP is the exclusive source of SO2 in the area and is therefore a perfect example for air pollution studies. In order to understand air pollution around the ˇSoˇstanj TPP in detail, some analyses of emissions and ambient concentrations of SO2 at six automated monitoring stations in the surroundings of the TPP were made. The data base from 1991 to 1993 was used when there were no desulfurisation plants in operation. Statistical analyses of the influence of the emissions from the three TPP stacks at different measuring points were made. The analyses prove that the smallest stack (100 m) mainly pollutes villages and towns near the TPP within a radius of a few kilometres. The medium stack’s (150 m) influence is noticed at shorter as well as at longer distances up to more than ten kilometres. The highest stack (230 m) pollutes mainly at longer distances, where the plume reaches the higher hills. Detailed analyses of ambient SO2 concentrations were made. They show the temporal and spatial distribution of different classes of SO2 concentrations from very low to alarming values. These analyses show that pollution patterns at a particular station remain the same if observed on a yearly basis, but can vary very much if observed on a monthly basis, mainly because of different weather patterns. Therefore the winds in the basin (as the most important feature influencing air pollution dispersion) were further analysed in detail to find clusters of similar patterns. For cluster analysis of ground-level winds patterns in the basin around the ˇSoˇstanj Thermal Power Plant, the Kohonen neural network and Leaders’ method were used. Furthermore, the dependence of ambient SO2 concentrations on the clusters obtained was analysed. The results proved that effective cluster analysis can be a useful tool for compressing a huge wind data base in order to find the correlation between winds and pollutant concentrations. The analyses made provide a better insight into air pollution over complex terrain