98 research outputs found

    Nametnici na kavezno uzgojenoj ribi u Jadranu

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    With the rapid development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, a number of parasitic diseases have emerged in cage-reared fish. In confined rearing conditions, the diseases can induce mortality and economic losses related to suppressed growth. With diversification of aquaculture products and the introduction of new fish species into the rearing system, new parasitic pathogens have found their way into new environments, resulting in adaptation of the parasite, new colonization on resident aquaculture species (primarily sea bass and sea bream), or increased parasite prevalence and abundance on the newly cultivated fish species. The parasitofauna of reared fish is impoverished in terms of species richness and has greater population values than in the wild fish population. While the parasitofauna of fish reared in the Mediterranean is discussed in numerous publications, only occasional findings specifically refer to the Adriatic Sea. Wild fish populations in the Adriatic Sea have been sampled for parasite isolation and identification but an overview of reared fish parasitofauna has never been reported. This was the main goal of this study.Brzim razvojem marikulture na Mediteranu, pojavile su se brojne bolesti uzrokovane nametnicima na kavezno uzgojenoj ribi. U ograničenim uzgojnim uvjetima, bolesti mogu prouzročiti mortalitet i ekonomske gubitke zbog usporenog rasta. Uvođenjem novih proizvoda u marikulturi, te novih ribljih vrsta u uzgojnom sistemu, novi nametnički patogeni su pronašli svoj put u novim okružjima adaptirajući se i kolonizirajući tako novo uzgojene vrste (pretežito lubina i arbuna) ili su povećali rasprostranjenost nametnika na novo uvedenim vrstama u uzgoju. Parazitofauna uzgojene ribe je osiromašena sa stanovišta bogatstva vrsta i ima veće populacijske vrijednosti nego parazitofauna divlje ribe. Iako je parazitofauna uzgojene ribe u Mediteranu istraživana u brojnim publikacijama, tek povremeni nalazi se odnose na Jadransko more. Populacija divlje ribe u Jadanskom moru je bila uzorkovana za izolaciju i identifikaciju nametnika, ali pregled parazitofaune uzgojene ribe do sada nije objavljen. Ovo je bio glavni cilj istraživanja

    Nalaz plerocerkoidne trakavice Hepatoxylon trichiuri (Cestoda:Trypanorhyncha) u kavezno uzgojenoj sjevernoatlantskoj plavoperajnoj tuni Thunnus thynnus

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    Northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) were caught by purse seine boats and brought to a farm for a rearing cycle of 1.5 years. Mortalities occurred in the first weeks of acclimatization at the facility. Parasitological examination revealed plerocercoids of the cestode Hepatoxylon trichiuri embedded in the stomach mucosa. The larvae were found in 28.4% of the fish and the mean abundance was 3.12 per fish. Histopathology revealed disseminated erosion at the site of attachment, atrophy of fundic glands, lymphocytic migration, and hyperplasia of connective tissue in the lamina propria. These symptoms, however, together with the parasite abundance, could not have triggered the mortalities. This is the first record of this parasite in northern bluefin tuna.Plavoperajne tune (Thunnus thynnus) ulovljene su plivaricama i tegljene do uzgajališta za uzgojni ciklus u trajanju od godine i pol dana. Parazitološka pretraga je provedena na uginućima nastalim tijekom prvih tjedana aklimatizacijskog razdoblja na uzgajalištu, otkrivajući plerocerkoide trakavice Hepatoxylon trichiuri uklopljene u sluznicu želuca. Ličinke su izolirane u 28.4 % riba, srednje abundancije od 3.12 po ribi. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje poveznosti uginuća i količine nametnika, odnosno histopatološki učinak plerocerkoidna na domaćina. Histopatološki nalaz otkrio je diseminirane erozije na mjestu prihvaćanja nametnika, atrofiju fundusnih žlijezda, migraciju limfocita i hiperplaziju vezivnog tkiva lamine proprie želuca. Međutim, ove promjene zajedno s nađenom abundancijom nametnika nisu mogle potaknuti uginuća. Ovo je također i prvi nalaz ovog nametnika u plavoperajnoj tuni

    Anisakijaza u Europi: emergentna, zapostavljena, pogrešno dijagnosticirana, ili sve od navedenoga?

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    Supported by the intensified migration and transport of people and foodstuffs, expansion of culinary trends that rely on raw and lightly thermally processed seafood, more sustainable management of aquatic resources, primarily marine mammals in terms of their conservation, and the development of more sensitive diagnostic tools, the rate of fish-borne parasitosis cases has increased worldwide in recent decades. Judging from a recent ranking, anisakiasis is one of the most important zoonoses in Europe from the public health perspective. The infective third-stage larva of the nematode Anisakis spp. is contracted by consumption of insufficiently thermally processed fish and cephalopods, evoking gastric, intestinal, ectopic or (gastro) allergic clinical type of disease in humans. Moreover, based on the widespread anti-Anisakis seroprevalence in the asymptomatic healthy population, a fifth form of the disease has been proposed. In contrast to the ubiquitous nature of the larvae in paratenic hosts (e.g. fish and cephalopods), the epidemiological status in European countries is very diverse, mostly unknown and strongly underestimated. Therefore, this article highlights the most important recent assessments of anisakiasis clinical cases at the EU level, with a short overview of the biological characteristics of this nematode.Učestalost parazitoza koje se prenose ribom je posljednjih desetljeća porasla širom svijeta, potpomognuta pojačanom migracijom i prijevozom ljudi i hrane, širenjem kulinarskog trenda koji se osniva na sirovoj i termički nedovoljno obrađenoj morskoj hrani, održivijim upravljanjem vodenim resursima, poglavito morskim sisavcima u smislu njihove zaštite, kao i razvojem osjetljivijih dijagnostičkih alata. Sudeći prema nedavnoj europskoj ranglisti, s gledišta javnog zdravstva, jedna od najznačajnijih zoonoza je anisakijaza. Infektivna ličinka trećeg stadija oblića Anisakis spp. se prenosi konzumacijom nedovoljno termički obrađene ribe i glavonožaca, uzrokujući želučani, crijevni, ektopični i (želučano) alergijski klinički oblik bolesti u ljudi. Dodatno, temeljem široko rasprostranjene seroprevalencije anti-Anisakis antitijela u asimptomatične i zdrave populacije, nedavno je predložen i peti oblik bolesti. U suprotnosti s ubikvitarnosti ličinki u parateničnom domaćinu (ribe i glavonošci), epidemiološko stanje anisakijaze u Europi je vrlo raznoliko, većinom nepoznato i vrlo podcijenjeno. U tu svrhu ovaj rad naglašava najznačajnije nedavne procjene kliničkih slučajeva anisakijaze na razini Europe, dajući i kratki pregled bioloških osobitosti oblića

    Copepod Pennela filosa (Pennelidae, Copepoda) - parasite of reared bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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    Plavoperajna tuna Thunnus thynnus (Teleostea, Scombridae) vrlo je vrijedan proizvod zbog mesa pogodnog za konzerviranje a po sastavu bjelančevina jako srodnog bjelančevinama čovjeka. Stoga je ova vrsta ribe jedan od glavnih hrvatskih izvoznih proizvoda, bilo u svježem, smrznutom ili prerađenom obliku, a kao takav podliježe ocjeni kakvoće sirovina i prerađevina. Ključno, ali često zanemarivano mjesto, pri ocjeni kakvoće ribe imaju nametnici, budući da mehanički ili postmortalno enzimatskim djelovanjem umanjuju kakvoću namirnice (primjerice pripadnici rodova Kudoa, Microsporidia, Didymocystis) ili neposredno ugrožavaju čovjekovo zdravlje (Anisakis sp.). Parazitološkom pretragom uzgojene tune, izoliran je račić veslonožac Pennella filosa (Pennellidae, Copepoda). Iako se radi o nametniku koji nije štetan po zdravlje čovjeka, njegov način prihvaćanja duboko u mišićne slojeve najcjenjenijih dijelova trupa tune, može uzrokovati lokalizirane procese s nekrozama, zbog kojih se meso ocjenjuje neprikladnim za ljudsku konzumaciju.Blufin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Teleostea, Scombridae) represents very valuable product because of its appreciated meat quality, adequate for conservation and similar in protein content and quality to human proteins. This scombrid is one of the main Croatian export products, either in fresh, frozen or processed form, and therefore, both raw material and products are subjected to quality assessment. The key feature, even though often neglected, in the process of quality assessment belongs to parasites, because they are able to reduce the quality of meat by mechanical and post-mortem enzymatic changes (member of the genera Kudoa, Microsporidia, Didymocystis) or directly endanger the human health (Anisakis sp.). During the parasitological examination of reared tuna, copepodid crustacean Pennella filosa (Pennellidae, Copepoda) was isolated. Even though this parasite does not present risk to human health, its deep attachment in the muscular layers of the most valuable parts of tuna trunks can cause localised processes with necrosis, resulting in reduced quality and thus becoming inappropriate for human consumption

    Kudoa sp. in frozen hake filets

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    U radu je opisana identifikacija Kudoa sp. iz smrznutih fileta oslića. Organoleptičkom pretragom fileta oslića utvrđene su na površini fileta duguljaste žuto-bjeličaste, oble i pravilne tvorbe, slične velikim kuhanim zrnima riže, dužine do 1.5 cm, meke konzistencije. Pseudociste su bile smještene u palisadama po dvije ili tri, teško su se izdvajale iz hipaksijalnog mišičja, a na jači pritisak su se pojedine tvorbe raspale u sjajnu sluzavu ili u sirastu masu. Na mjestu u kojemu su pseudociste izolirane, meso ribe nije promijenilo boju ali je bilo vodnjikavo i mekane konzistencije. Prilikom razrezivanja fileta u dubini mišićja, utvrđene su također ovalne tvorbe. Mikroskopskom pretragom nativnog preparata razmaza pseudocista, utvrđene su miksosporidije, Kudoa sp.The study describes identification of Kudoa sp. From frozen hake filets. By organoleptic examination of hake filets, elongated yellow-whitish forms, oblique and regular, rice-like and 1,5 cm long, of soft consistency, were identified on the filet surface. Pseudocysts were arranged in palisades in two or three, hard to isolate from hypaxial musculature, and under stronger pressure they collapsed in shinny mucous or cheesy mass. At the site of pseudocysts’ isolation, flash didn’t change color but was waterish and of soft consistency. After cutting the filets deeper in musculature, the same formations were found. Microscopic examination of fresh pseudocyst smears revealed myxosporidia Kudoa sp

    Prevalence of the parasite Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, Nematoda) in the blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from mariculture

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    Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, Nematoda), je nametnik koji parazitira u utrobi morskih riba i sisavaca. Ljudi se najčešće invadiraju parazitom konzumirajući sirovu, blago mariniranu ili soljenu odnosno nedovoljno toplinski obrađenu ribu, glavonošce ili rakove. A. simplex nametnik je brojnih gospodarski značajnih vrsta morskih riba, a među njima i plavoperajne tune (Thunnus thynnus), važnog izvoznog proizvoda, stoga su podaci o njegovoj distribuciji značajni ne samo zbog zdravstvenih već i ekonomskih razloga. Učestalost nalaza i brojnost ličinke III stupnja (invazivnog stadija) nametnika istraživana je na uzorku od ukupno 179 plavoperajnih tuna prikupljenih na uzgajalištima u srednjem Jadranu tijekom tri godine. Nametnik je pronađen u 39 uzoraka ribe a prevalencija je iznosila 21,78% prosječne abundancije 2,69.Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, nematoda), is the parasite which lives in the guts of marine fish and mammals. Humans can be infested after consumption of raw, slightly marinated or salted and insufficiently cooked fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. A. simplex is the parasite of numerous commercially significant marine fishes, and among them is blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) as an important export product, so the data of its distribution are of great concern for both human health and economic reasons. Prevalence and abundance of the parasite 3rd stage larvae (invading form) was investigated on the sample of 179 blue fin tuna collected from the middle Adriatic marine farms during a period of three years. The parasite was found in 39 samples, with total prevalence of 21.78% and abundance of 2.69, respectively

    Prevalence of the parasite Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, Nematoda) in the blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from mariculture

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    Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, Nematoda), je nametnik koji parazitira u utrobi morskih riba i sisavaca. Ljudi se najčešće invadiraju parazitom konzumirajući sirovu, blago mariniranu ili soljenu odnosno nedovoljno toplinski obrađenu ribu, glavonošce ili rakove. A. simplex nametnik je brojnih gospodarski značajnih vrsta morskih riba, a među njima i plavoperajne tune (Thunnus thynnus), važnog izvoznog proizvoda, stoga su podaci o njegovoj distribuciji značajni ne samo zbog zdravstvenih već i ekonomskih razloga. Učestalost nalaza i brojnost ličinke III stupnja (invazivnog stadija) nametnika istraživana je na uzorku od ukupno 179 plavoperajnih tuna prikupljenih na uzgajalištima u srednjem Jadranu tijekom tri godine. Nametnik je pronađen u 39 uzoraka ribe a prevalencija je iznosila 21,78% prosječne abundancije 2,69.Anisakis simplex (Anisakidae, nematoda), is the parasite which lives in the guts of marine fish and mammals. Humans can be infested after consumption of raw, slightly marinated or salted and insufficiently cooked fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. A. simplex is the parasite of numerous commercially significant marine fishes, and among them is blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) as an important export product, so the data of its distribution are of great concern for both human health and economic reasons. Prevalence and abundance of the parasite 3rd stage larvae (invading form) was investigated on the sample of 179 blue fin tuna collected from the middle Adriatic marine farms during a period of three years. The parasite was found in 39 samples, with total prevalence of 21.78% and abundance of 2.69, respectively

    Copepod Pennela filosa (Pennelidae, Copepoda) - parasite of reared bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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    Plavoperajna tuna Thunnus thynnus (Teleostea, Scombridae) vrlo je vrijedan proizvod zbog mesa pogodnog za konzerviranje a po sastavu bjelančevina jako srodnog bjelančevinama čovjeka. Stoga je ova vrsta ribe jedan od glavnih hrvatskih izvoznih proizvoda, bilo u svježem, smrznutom ili prerađenom obliku, a kao takav podliježe ocjeni kakvoće sirovina i prerađevina. Ključno, ali često zanemarivano mjesto, pri ocjeni kakvoće ribe imaju nametnici, budući da mehanički ili postmortalno enzimatskim djelovanjem umanjuju kakvoću namirnice (primjerice pripadnici rodova Kudoa, Microsporidia, Didymocystis) ili neposredno ugrožavaju čovjekovo zdravlje (Anisakis sp.). Parazitološkom pretragom uzgojene tune, izoliran je račić veslonožac Pennella filosa (Pennellidae, Copepoda). Iako se radi o nametniku koji nije štetan po zdravlje čovjeka, njegov način prihvaćanja duboko u mišićne slojeve najcjenjenijih dijelova trupa tune, može uzrokovati lokalizirane procese s nekrozama, zbog kojih se meso ocjenjuje neprikladnim za ljudsku konzumaciju.Blufin tuna Thunnus thynnus (Teleostea, Scombridae) represents very valuable product because of its appreciated meat quality, adequate for conservation and similar in protein content and quality to human proteins. This scombrid is one of the main Croatian export products, either in fresh, frozen or processed form, and therefore, both raw material and products are subjected to quality assessment. The key feature, even though often neglected, in the process of quality assessment belongs to parasites, because they are able to reduce the quality of meat by mechanical and post-mortem enzymatic changes (member of the genera Kudoa, Microsporidia, Didymocystis) or directly endanger the human health (Anisakis sp.). During the parasitological examination of reared tuna, copepodid crustacean Pennella filosa (Pennellidae, Copepoda) was isolated. Even though this parasite does not present risk to human health, its deep attachment in the muscular layers of the most valuable parts of tuna trunks can cause localised processes with necrosis, resulting in reduced quality and thus becoming inappropriate for human consumption

    Aggregata infection in the common octopus, (Linnaeus, 1758), Cephalopoda: Octopodidae, reared in a flow-through system

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    Along with the introduction of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) to rearing systems in the Mediterranean by fattening or experimental paralarval production, emergence of diseases has become a concern. The most devastating infection of reared octopus stock is the coccidian parasite Aggregata sp. (Apicomplexa: Aggregatidae) that causes weight loss, excitation and behavioral changes, and miliar subcutaneous parasitic cysts. During eight months of experimental fattening of common octopus in the aquaculture facilities of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Split, Croatia), 7% mortality was attributed to infection by Aggregata sp. Although the detailed life cycle of the genus Aggregata is not yet completely elucidated, it is known that this heteroxenous coccidian uses crustaceans for merogony, which comprise 30% of the cephalopod’s diet. For the moment, only adequate zooprophylactic measures can prevent the emergence of the infection in the rearing system. Preventing introduction of adult specimens into the rearing system is a critical zooprophylactic measure, along with stocking only juvenile cephalopods that are uninfected by the coccidian through the food web in the natural environment and are, thus, unable to introduce the infection into the rearing system. The second measure involves avoiding crustaceans in the rearing diet

    Uvid u sastav prehrane i zajednice probavnih nametnika morskog psa mekuša, Mustelus mustelus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae), u sjevernom Jadranu

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    We examined gastrointestinal tracts from 15 sharks, common smooth-hound (Mustelus mustelus), sampled between December 2005 and April 2007 by bottom trawls operating in the northern Adriatic Sea, and analysed diet composition and infestation levels of gastrointestinal helminth parasites. Decapod malacostracans were the dominant prey group (Index of Relative Importance, %IRI = 84), with Liocarcinus corrugatus, L. depurator and Pilumnus sp. as the most frequent prey (Frequency of occurrence, %F = 20 - 33). The second highest ranked prey group were ray-finned fish (%IRI = 9.5), represented mostly by Engraulis encrasicolus (%F = 13.3), while the third prey group were cephalopods (%IRI = 6.0), consisting mainly of Sepia elegans. Parasitological examination revealed 377 parasite specimens in 13 infected sharks (Prevalence, P = 86.7%), with a mean intensity (I) of 29 helminths per host. Nematode Cucullanus micropapillatus was the most prevalent (P = 60.0%) and dominant parasite (I = 26.9), recorded with 242 specimens. Trematode Ptychogonimus megastomum was recorded in 3 sharks (P = 20.0%) and numbered 89 individuals, while cestodes were represented by genus Eutetrarhynchus and genus Phyllobothrium, although in low prevalence (both P = 13.3%) and with only few individuals (I = 0.3 and 1.1, respectively).Analizirali smo sastav probavila 15 morskih pasa mekuša, Mustelus mustelus, prikupljenih u razdoblju od prosinca 2005. do travnja 2007. godine pridnenim koćama u sjevernom Jadranu, te istražili sastav prehrane i stupanj invadiranosti probavnim nametnicima. Dominantna skupina plijena bili su desetonožni rakovi (Decapoda – Malacostraca, indeks relativne važnosti, %IRI = 84,0), među kojima su najčešći plijen bili Liocarcinus corrugatus, L. depurator i Pilumnus sp. (postotak učestalosti, %F = 20 - 33). Ribe koštunjače bile su po važnosti druga skupina plijena (%IRI = 9,5) najčešće zastupljene vrstom Engraulis encrasicolus (%F = 13,3), dok su treća skupina plijena bili glavonošci (%IRI = 6,0), većinom predstavljeni vrstom Sepia elegans. Parazitološkom analizom ukupno je zabilježeno 377 jedinki nametnika u 13 inficiranih morskih pasa (prevalencija, P = 86,7%), s prosječnim intenzitetom infekcije (I) od 29 jedinki po domaćinu. Oblić Cucullanus micropapillatus bio je najprevalentniji (P = 60,0%) i najbrojniji nametnik (I = 26,9), zabilježen s ukupno 242 primjerka. Metilj Ptychogonimus megastomum je pronađen u 3 morska psa (P = 20,0%) s ukupno 89 jedinki, dok su trakavice bile predstavljene s rodovima Eutetrarhynchus i Phyllobothrium, ali s niskom stopom prevalencije (oba P =13,3%) i u malom broju jedinki (I = 0,3 i 1,1)