20 research outputs found


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    Security in a Knowledge-based Society: The Role of the South-East European Division

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    A sustainable knowledge society is a response to the challenges of the 21st century. In Croatia like in the other countries of SEE, the development of a sustainable knowledge society implies interaction between security, economic and regional development and a sustainable management of natural and human resources. Some of the strategic goals of the Croatian foreign policy, like in same other SEE countries is full membership in EU and NATO. Before became full member of the EU, Croatia and the other SEE countries must strive that its own objectives are in line with EU member countries objectives, and they have fulfil the economic criteria for the EU membership


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    Security in a Knowledge-based Society: The Role of the South-East European Division

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    A sustainable knowledge society is a response to the challenges of the 21st century. In Croatia like in the other countries of SEE, the development of a sustainable knowledge society implies interaction between security, economic and regional development and a sustainable management of natural and human resources. Some of the strategic goals of the Croatian foreign policy, like in same other SEE countries is full membership in EU and NATO. Before became full member of the EU, Croatia and the other SEE countries must strive that its own objectives are in line with EU member countries objectives, and they have fulfil the economic criteria for the EU membership

    Croatia on the path towards the EU: conditionality and challenge of negotiations

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    As the first candidate for the EU membership from the Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP) and a forerunner from the region for the EU integration, Croatia is expected to demonstrate its ability to fulfil the remaining criteria for starting the negotiations. Appropriate respond requires additional immediate and future efforts, not only because the date for the start of negotiations has still not been defined, but because of the countryā€™s own development. However, the assessment of Croatiaā€™s readiness to integrate into the EU will depend to greatest extent on success of internal reforms, ability and quality of implementation, but the external framework might significantly help the country to pass this exam more successfully


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    Povijest procesa globalizacije veoam je usko povezana s povijeŔću nastanka analize međunarodnih gospodarskih odnosa kao zanstvene discipline ekonomske znanosti koja se razlikuje od ekonomike međunarodne razmjene. Fenomen globalizacije često se poistovjećuje sa globalnim gospodarstvom, ali analiza procesa povezivanja svjetskoga gospodarstva pokazuje da to ipak nije jedinstveni fenomen.The present discussions on globalisation often identify the process of globalisation with global economy, as it existed in political and economic history in many different ways. Global economy has existed at least since the time of imperialism, and scientific-technological and informative-communication revolution introduced the global economy into the process of globalisation. This strengthened the significance of analysis of international economic relations because their coordinative impact is the prerequisite to minimise the negative effects of globalisation, and make the most of positive effects in the interest of development of global economy. The history of the process of globalisation is therefore very closely linked with the history of analysis of international economic relations as a scientific discipline of economic science which differs trom economics of international exchange, which, as a discipline of analytical economy comprises of analysis of trade commerce, service commerce, as well as the overall international capital flow. The international economic relations are dealing with analysis of political conditions or the frame of processes in global economy, and as the process of globalisation expands, they gain more significance


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    Globalizacija je dovela do uruÅ”avanja bipolarnog sustava međunarodnih odnosa, koji je bio i osnova strukture globalne sigurnosti na tehnoloÅ”kim temeljima masovne proizvodnje kao načina proizvodnje u to vrijeme. Promjenom načina proizvodnje od masovnog u fleksibilni, pokazala se potreba za izgradnjom novoga sustava globalne sigurnosti na tehnoloÅ”kim temeljima fleksibilne proizvodnje, te na temeljima političkih implikacija globalizacije. Prema mnogim se indikacijama može zaključiti da se upravo takav novi sustav globalne sigurnosti počeo formirati onoga dana kad je prva NATO bomba pala na Srbiju, Å”to znači da se počeo stvarati baÅ” u jugoistočnoj Europi, dakle u regiji u kojoj se početkom stoljeća upalio fitilj svjetskih ratova i koji bi, da nije bilo ove intervencije, joÅ” uvijek prijetio. Intervencija, koja je doduÅ”e novost u poslijeratnim međunarodnim odnosima i koja je zbog toga otvorila mnoga nova pitanja, utrla je naime put ostvarenju projekta Europe 21. stoljeća. Taj je projekt, koji se zasniva na prilagodbi međunarodnih odnosa uvjetima globalizacije, a čiji se prvi obrisi upravo formiraju na prostoru jugoistočne Europe, u izrazitom interesu Hrvatske i glavni je jamac očuvanja njezine neovisnosti i suvereniteta.Globalization has brought about the collapse of the bipolar system of international relations, which was the foundation of the structure of global security based on the technological means of mass production, which predominated at that time. The change from the mass to the flexible way of production has made it necessary to build a new system of global security on the technological resources of flexible production and the political implications of globalization. There are many indications that it was just this new system of global security that began to take shape the day the first NATO bomb fell on Serbia, which means that it came into being in South-Eastern Europe i.e. in the region that at the beginning of the 20th century ignited the fuse of the world wars and which would, if not for this intervention, still pose a threat. The intervention, a novelty in the postwar international relations, and which consequently brought up a plethora of questions, paved the way to the realization of the project Europe for the 21st century. That project, based on adjusting international relations to globalization, whose outlines are becoming visible in the region of South-Eastern Europe, is in Croatiaā€™s interest, and is the major guarantor of the preservation of its independence and sovereignty