21 research outputs found

    A proposed model for the kinetic analysis of movement in athletics

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    Predložen je 16-segmentalni model koji omogućava procjenu kinetičkih veličina gibanja muskuloskeletnog sustava sportaša, koje se odnose na: komponente i vektore sila segmenta i sustava u cjelini, ukupni moment impulsa i ukupnu energiju. Model zahtijeva dva skupa ulaznih podataka koji sadrže antropometrijske mjere i koordinate gibanja referentnih točaka tijela. Računanje željenih veličina zasniva se na procjeni parametara segmenata, te opisu geometrije gibanja i diferenciranju kinematičkih podataka. Zbog velike količine šuma koji nastaje pri korelaciji i akviziciji kinematičkih podataka, model koristi više standardnih procedura kojima se on reducira.Sixteen-segment has been proposed that enables estimation of kinetic variables of movement of the athlete\u27s musculoskeletal system referring to the force components and the force vectors of segments and of the systems a whole, the total moments of impulse and the total energy. The model requires two set of input data, including anthropometric measures and movement coordinates of body reference points

    Die Anwendung der Spektralanalyse in der Bearbeitung der kinematischen bewegungssignale

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    Kinematičko mjerenje sportskih gibanja realizira se nekom tehnikom koja omogućuje kinematički zapis gibanja (npr. filmski ili video zapis), i digitalizatorom cime se vrši prelazak iz kontinuirane amplitude i kontinuiranog vremena u diskretan oblik. Pri takvom procesu javljaju se problemi vezani uz vremensku rezoluciju u kolekciji signala i slučajnu pogrešku mjerenja koja nastaje vizualnom identifikacijom i manualnim mapiranjem anatomskih lokacija pri digitalizaciji. Kako nedovoljno uzorkovanje (vremenska rezolucija), i pogreška mjerenja imaju drastičan utjecaj na rezultate diferenciranja (derivacije linearnih i kutnih pomaka), potrebno je izvršiti analizu amplitudnog i faznog spektra signala pomoću diskretne Fourierove transformacije (DFT). Rezultati spektralne analize daju podatke o dovoljnom uzorkovanju (teorem uzorkovanja), i graničnoj frekvenciji kinematičkih signala koja sluzi za odabir značajnih spektralnih komponenata (razdvajanje informacije signala od pogreške mjerenja). Uz poznati dio spektra koji se odnosi na pogreške mjerenja, inverznim Fourierovim transformiranjem (IDFT) vrši se rekonstrukcija kinematičkog signala pri čemu se sumiraju samo frekvencijske komponente koje su nize od granične. To znaci da će inverzno transformiranje filtrirati originalni signal s niskim propustom, te da će rekonstruirani signal biti pročišćen od pogrešaka mjerenja. Tek tako pripremljeni signal biti će pogodan za diferenciranje u vremenskoj domeni signala, dakle za računanje zahtjevanih kinematičkih veličina.Kinematic measurement of sport movements is realized by a particular technique that makes it possible to record this movement kinematically (e. g. video, film), and by a digitizer, thus attaining the transition from the continuous amplitude and the continuous time into the discrete form. Different problems appear during such a process. These problems are connected to the time resolution in the collection of signals and to the accidental error in measurement- this error appears because of the visual identification and manual mapping of anatomy locations during digitalization. Because the insufficient sampling (time resolution) and measurement error have drastic influence on the results of differentiation (derivations of linear and angular displacements) it is necessary to analyze the amplitude and phase spectrum of signals by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The results of the spectral analysis provide data about sufficient sampling (sampling theorem) and about the cut-off frequency of kinematic signals, that is used in order to select significant spectral components (separating the information of the signal from the measurement error). Together with the known part of the spectra, that is connected to the measurement errors, the reconstruction of the kinematic signal is being done by means of the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation (IDFT), summing up only the frequency components that are lower than the cut-off frequency. This means that the inverse transformation is going to low-pass filter the original signal, and that the reconstructed signal will be freed from measurement errors. Only the signal that has been prepared in such a way will be suitable for differentiating in the time domain, i.e. for calculating the required kinematic values.Die kinematische Messung der Bewegungen im Sport wird durch eine bestimmte Technik realisiert, die die kinematische Aufzeichnung der Bewegung (z.B. auf Film oder Video) ermöglicht, oder die mit Hilfe des Digitalisators durchgeführt wird, womit der Übergang aus der kontinuierlichen Amplitude und der kontinuierlichen Zeit in die diskrete Form erfolgt. Bei einem solchen Prozess entstehen die Probleme, die sowohl mit der Zeitresolution in einer Gruppe von Signalen verbunden sind, als auch mit dem Messfehler, der durch die visuelle Identifikation und das manuelle Kartieren von anatomischen Referenzpunkten bei der Digitalisierung entsteht. Da das nicht ausreichende Stichprobenverfahren (die Zeitresolution) und der Messfehler einen drastischen Einfluss auf die Resultate der Differenzierung haben (die Derivationen von Linear- und Winkeländerungen), ist es notwendig, die Analyse der des Amplituden- und Phasenspektrums der Signale durchzuführen, und zwar mit Hilfe von der diskreten Fourierschen Transformation (DFT). Die Resultate der Spektralanalyseliefern die Daten über das ausreichende Stichprobenverfahren (das Theorem des Stichprobenverfahrens) und über die Grenzfrequenz der kinematischen Signale, die zur Auswahl von wichtigen Spektralkomponenten (die Absonderung der Signalinformation vom Messfehler) geeignet ist. Neben dem bekannten Teil der Spektren, der sich auf die Messfehler bezieht, wird mittels der inversen Fourierschen Transformierung (IDFT) die Rekonstruktion des kinematischen Signals durchgeführt, wobei nur diejenigen Frequenzen summiert werden, die niedriger als Grenzfrequenz sind. Das bedeutet, dass die inverse Transformierung das originale Signal mit dem niedrigen Durchlassgrad filtrieren wird, und dass das rekonstruierte Signal von den Messfehlern gesäubert wird. Nur das auf diese Weise vorbereitete Signal ist für die Differenzierung in der Zeitromäne des Signals, d.h. für die Berechnung der verlangten kinematischen Werte adequat

    Ocenka matematičeskoj modeli tela čeloveka i ee primenenie dlja predskazanija parametrov otdel\u27nyh setmentiv i svojstv tela

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    Model korišten u ovom istraživanju pokazuje zadovoljavajuću preciznost predikcije segmenatlnih težina, gustoće i volumena. Analiza razlika u mjerama i parametrima modela utvrdila je da postoje značajne razlike između segmenata desne i lijeve strane tijela. Obzirom na to može se zaključiti da je, u cilju veće točnosti modela, potrebno provesti antropometrijsko mjerenje parnih segmenata na obje strane tijela. Analiza modela ukazuje na to da je postupak distribucije težine po segmentima definiran Barterovim regresijskim jednadžbama u prosjeku slabije predikatuivan od Clauserovog, ali treba također napomenuti da se prvi postupak ponaša stabilnije. Naime, dok Barterov postupak pokazuje dobru konzistentnost u cijelom rasponu distribucije, dotle Clauserov sklon precjenjivanja težine težih, a potcjenjivanje težih i lakših ispitanika. Razumno je zato upotrijebiti oba postupka odnosno Clauserov, ako se iz bilo kojih razloga treba odlučiti samo za jedan od njih.The research was completed as one of the number of possibilities for evaluation of anthropomorphic models with the aim to validate the model by testing the reliability of prediction of segmental parameters and features. The aim was defined by the these hypothesis: - it is possible to construct a model of the human boy which can reproduce the total body mass within the limits of ± 0.5 kg; - a significant difference is assumed fro symmetrical segments of the left and right side of the body. For this purpose a 15-segment model was constructed, adapted for use of various regression equations for weight distribution, whose segments are models through the usual stereometric procedures. It was possible to form the segments of the model on the basis of a group of 49 anthropometric measures, 19 of which were taken on both sides of the body in order to test the differences in measurement and parameters of segments. Each measure was taken three times on after another, on a sample of 68 students of the Faculty for Physical Culture, University of Zagreb. The analysis of the obtained results indicates a satisfactory level of prediction of segmental massess, density and volume. It also indicates that there are signifcant differences as to the symmetry of the body and the model. namely, the analysis of, the differences undoubtedly confirms the hypothesis about the difference of the left and right side, both in measures of the body and on the parameters of the segments of the model. Distribution of mass by segments as defined by Bartes regression procedure (average erros 1.118 kg) is on the average less predictive than Clouser\u27s (average erros 0.38 kg) eventhough it must not beoverlooked that Barter\u27s procedure is consistent within the whole range of distribution, while Clouser\u27s procedure tends to overestimate the mass of the heavier and underestimate the mass of the lighter subjects. The utilized model is, with respect to design of the segments, relatively modest but, on the other hand, it ensures a simple and quick collection of input variables which is definitely an advantage in laboratory application. The model is with smaller adaptations, capable of forming segments of more complex shape if the research requires a greater congruence with the shapes of the body. With good assessment of segmental masses, densities and volumes on the basis of calculated parameteres, the model may be considered a satisfactory instrument in biomechanic and other kinesiological research

    Die Variabilität von den kinematischen Parametern des Hochsprungs in einer longitudinalen Forschung

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    The aim of this research was to determine the basic kinematic parameters of the high jump as well as the impact of changes in kinematic parameters on the height of the jump, and finally to determine the variability of kinematic parameters in longitudinal research. By means of kinematic analysis 25 kinematic parameters were acquired for seven jumps performed in the time span of three years by an elite Croatian female high jumper. By analysis of the kinematic parameters and the height of the jump the parameters which correlated the most with the height of the jump were acquired. Those were: height of the flight of CG (H2), vertical velocity of CG at the end of the take-off (VVETO), height of the hips above the bar (HHIP), take-off angle (ANTO), take-off duration (DTO), angle at the moment of entering the take-off (ANETO), maximal height of CG at the moment of crossing the bar (CGMAX), horizontal velocity of CG in the penultimate stride in the run-up (HV2RU). The values of certain kinematic parameters increased with the increase in the height of the jump, while values of other kinematic parameters decreased with the increase in the height of the jump. Basic kinematic parameters that increased with the height of the jump were height of the flight of CG (H2), vertical velocity of CG at the end of the take-off (VVETO), height of the hips above the bar (HHIP), take-off angle (ANTO), maximal height of CG at the moment of crossing the bar (CGMAX) as well as horizontal velocity of CG in the penultimate stride in the run-up (HV2RU), while the values of kinematic parameters take-off duration (DTO) and angle at the moment of entering the take-off (ANETO) decreased with the increase in the height of the jump. By analyzing the kinematic parameters of all the observed jumps it was determined that all the parameters varied with the increase in the height of the jump. Parameters that had the highest variability with regard to the height of the jump were: length of the penultimate stride in the run-up (SD = 18.90), distance between CG and bar projection at the moment of the take-off leg positioning (SD = 15.24), distance between take-off point and the bar projection (SD = 11.78) and the length of the last stride during the run-up (SD = 11.11). The lowest variability was observed in the parameter take-off duration, which is the duration of contact between the take-off leg and the surface, indicated by the 0.007 value of standard deviation.Uvod Primjena kinematičkih mjernih sustava u atleti-ci nezaobilazna je metoda dijagnostike treniranosti sportaša koja omogućuje dobivanje relevantnih informacija o stanju sportaša i tehnici izvođenja sportskih gibanja. Izračunavanjem linearnih i kutnih pomaka te brzina i ubrzanja moguće je dobiti detaljan uvid u tehniku gibanja, što može biti značajna komponenta praćenja, programiranja i kontrole procesa treninga u različitim atletskim disciplinama. Skok u vis može se strukturalno podijeliti na fazu zaleta, odraza, leta i doskoka, a u okviru tih faza analiziraju se kinematičke veličine i parametri koji su bitni za efikasnost gibanja. U posljednjih nekoliko godina jedna vrhunska hrvatska skakačica u vis postigla je zapažene rezultate na svjetskoj razini, a kako bi se istražila pozadina postignuća uspješnih rezultata sustavno je promatrano sedam skokova na različitim visinama skoka u vis u razdoblju od tri godine. Stoga se ovo istraživanje temelji na longitudinalnom praćenju kinematičkih parametara i njihovih promjena u analiziranim skokovima, pri čemu se nisu uzele u obzir promjene antropoloških obilježja (osim tjelesne visine i mase tijela) ni ostali aspekti trenažnog procesa koji, zasigurno, utječu na ukupnu motoričku efikasnost skoka. Cilj ovog longitudinalnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi osnovne kinematičke parametre skoka u vis, kao i utjecaj promjena osnovnih kinematičkih parametara na visinu skoka te utvrditi varijabilitet kinematičkih parametara u promatranom razdoblju. Metode Subjekt ovog istraživanja jedna je vrhunska hrvatska skakačica u vis. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja analizirano je sedam skokova snimljenih u razdoblju od 19. veljače 2000. godine do 7. ožujka 2003. godine. Video zapisi, potrebni za kinematičke analize, prikupljeni su i zaprimljeni pomoću dvije digitalne video kamere JVS DVL 9800, frekvencije 60 Hz, na šest natjecanja i trening natjecanja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu 25 kinematičkih parametara koji se najčešće koriste u istraživanjima tehnike skoka u vis. Kinematički podaci su prikupljeni i izračunati prema standardima procedure APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System). Podaci su obrađeni programskim paketom Statistica for Windows 7.0. Rezultati U radu su prikazani osnovni deskriptivni parametri 25 kinematičkih parametara sedam analiziranih skokova u vis, vrijednosti visine i mase tijela pri svakom mjerenju, korelacije svih kinematičkih parametara s visinom skoka te vrijednosti osnovnih kinematičkih parametara u svim analiziranim skokovima. Da bi se utvrdili osnovni kinematički parametri skoka u vis, odnosno kinematički parametri koji imaju najveću povezanost s visinom skoka, izračunate su korelacije prosječnih vrijednosti kinematičkih parametara iz svih mjerenja s visinom skoka. Osnovni kinematički parametri jesu: visina leta težišta tijela (H2), vertikalna brzina težišta tijela na kraju odraza (VVETO), visina kukova iznad letvice (HHIP), kut odraza (ANTO), trajanje odraza (DTO), kut ulaska u odraz (ANETO), maksimalna visina težišta tijela u trenutku prelaska preko letvice (CGMAX), horizontalna brzina težišta tijela pretposljednjeg (drugog) koraka zaleta (HV2RU). Rasprava i zaključak Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju dosadašnje spoznaje o povezanosti dobivenih osnovnih kinematičkih parametara s visinom skoka te ukazuju na to kako uspješnost skakača u vis nedvojbeno ovisi o brzini zaleta, izvođenju odraza te optimalnoj trajektoriji leta. Vrijednosti rezultata nekih kinematičkih parametara povećavaju se s povećanjem visine skoka, dok se vrijednosti rezultata drugih kinematičkih parametara smanjuju s povećanjem visine skoka. Osnovni kinematički parametri koji se povećavaju s povećanjem visine skoka jesu: visina leta težišta tijela (H2), vertikalna brzina težišta tijela na kraju odraza (VVETO), visina kukova iznad letvice (HHIP), kut odraza (ANTO), maksimalna visina težišta tijela u trenutku prelaska preko letvice (CGMAX) i horizontalna brzina težišta tijela pretposljednjeg (drugog) koraka zaleta (HV2RU), dok se vrijednosti kinematičkih parametara trajanje odraza (DTO) i kut ulaska u odraz (ANETO) smanjuju s povećanjem visine skoka. Analizom kinematičkih parametara svih skokova utvrđeno je da vrijednosti rezultata svih kinematičkih parametara variraju s povećanjem visine skoka. Kinematički parametri koji imaju najveći varijabilitet rezultata s obzirom na visinu skoka jesu: duljina drugog (pretposljednjeg) koraka zaleta (SD=18,90), udaljenost težišta tijela od ravnine letvice pri postavljanju odrazne noge (SD=15,24), udaljenost odra-za (prstiju) od ravnine letvice (SD=11,78) i dužina posljednjeg koraka zaleta (SD=11,11). Najmanji varijabilitet rezultata ima kinematički parametar trajanje odraza, odnosno vrijeme kontakta odrazne noge s podlogom, na što ukazuje vrijednost standardne devijacije koja iznosi tek 0,007. U razdoblju tijekom kojega su prikupljeni analizirani skokovi, ispitanica je izvela veliki broj iteracija skoka u vis u trenažnom procesu, kao i velik broj skokova u natjecateljskim uvjetima, što je zasigurno utjecalo na razvoj tehnike skoka u vis. U tom razdoblju došlo je do promjene tjelesne mase i visine tijela, što je vjerojatno utjecalo i na promjene ostalih antropoloških karakteristika. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate, istraživanje bi bilo dobro ponoviti na većem uzorku ispitanika i većem broju skokova na različitim visinama.Das Ziel dieser Forschung war, sowohl die basischen kinematischen Parameter des Hochsprungs als auchden Einfluss deren Änderungen auf die Höhe des Sprunges zu bestimmen, zusammen mit der Variabilität von kinematischen Parametern in einer longitudinalen Forschung. Mittels einer kinematischen Analyse wurden 25 kinematischen Parametern für sieben Hochsprünge, die in einer Zeitspanne von drei Jahren von einer kroatischen Spitzenhochspringerin ausgeführt wurden, analysiert. Die Analyse von kinematischen Parametern und der Höhe des Sprunges resultierte mit den Parametern, die mit der Sprunghöhe am meisten korrelieren. Diese Parameter waren: Flughöhe des Schwerpunktes (H2), vertikale Schnelligkeit des Schwerpunktes am Ende des Absprungs (VVETO), die Höhe von Hüften über der Latte (HHIP), Absprungwinkel (ANTO), Absprungdauer (DTO), der Winkel im Moment des Hineingehens in den Absprung (ANETO), maximale Höhe des Schwerpunktes beim Überspringen der Latte (CGMAX), horizontale Schnelligkeit des Schwerpunktes des vorletzten Schrittes während des Anlaufs (HV2RU). Die Werte von einigen kinematischen Parametern steigern mit der Steigerung der Sprunghöhe, während die Werte von anderen kinematischen Parametern senken mit der Steigerung der Sprunghöhe. Die basischen kinematischen Parameter, die mit der Sprunghöhe steigern, sind: Flughöhe des Schwerpunktes (H2), vertikale Schnelligkeit des Schwerpunktes am Ende des Absprungs (VVETO), die Höhe von Hüften über der Latte (HHIP), Absprungwinkel (ANTO), maximale Höhe des Schwerpunktes beim Überspringen der Latte (CGMAX) und horizontale Schnelligkeit des Schwerpunktes des vorletzten Schrittes während des Anlaufs (HV2RU). Die Werte von kinematischen Parametern Absprungdauer (DTO) und der Winkel im Moment des Hineingehens in den Absprung (ANETO) senken mit der Steigerung der Sprunghöhe. Mittels der Analyse von kinematischen Parametern von allen Sprüngen, die beobachtet wurden, wurde festgestellt, dass alle Parameter im Zusammenhang mit der Sprunghöhe variieren. Die Parameter mit der höchsten Variabilität waren: die Länge des zweiten (vorletzten) Schrittes während des Anlaufs (SD = 18,90), die Distanz zwischen dem Schwerpunkt und der Lattenprojektion im Moment der Positionierung des Absprungbeines (SD = 15,24), die Distanz zwischen dem Absprungspunkt und der Lattenprojektion (SD = 11,78) und die Länge des letzten Schrittes während des Anlaufs (SD = 11,11). Die niedrigste Variabilität zeigte sich in dem Parameter: Dauer des Absprungs, die die Dauer des Kontaktes zwischen dem Absprungbein und dem Boden darstellt (SD = 0,007)

    Kinematische Analyse der speerabwurfphase - die Analyse eines Falles

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    Many studies have recently dealt with the javelin throw in elite competitions such as Olympic Games and international competitions. Owing to them it has become possible to compare throwing techniques of any athlete with those achieved by athletes who, according to official results, rank as the best in the world. The purpose of this study was to compare javelin release characteristics performed by one Croatian athlete with those performed by the best male throwers in the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. The achieved results have shown significant differences in numerous parameters: javelin release angle, release velocities, knee and elbow angles, grip distance, as well as differences in timing of peak joint centers speed. Since those technical shortcomings significantly influence the distance of the throw, they should be corrected during the training process in order to increase the distance.In letzter Zeit wurden viele Analysen des Speerabwurfes während der großen Wettbewerbe, wie z.B. die Olympischen Spiele, Weltmeisterschaften, usw., durchgeführt. Dank dieser Analysen ist es möglich die Wurftechniken von vielen Sportlern mit denjenigen zu vergleichen, die, gemäß der offiziellen Ergebnisse, zu den besten Sportlern auf der Welt zahlen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist der Vergleich von Abwurfcharakteristiken bei einem kroatischen Sportler mit denjenigen Charakteriken, die den Abwurfbei den besten Speerwerfern im Finale der Olympischen Spiele in Barcelona (1992) gekennzeichnet haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß es bedeutende Unterschiede in vielen Parametern gibt, wie z.B. im Abwurfwinkel, in der Abwurfschnelligkeit, im Knie- und Ellbogenwinkel, in der Griffdistanz, und in der Reihenfolge, in der die Spitzengelenkszentrenschnelligkeit erzielt wird. Da die diagnostizierten technischen Fehler die Wurfdistanz bedeutend beeinflussen, müssen sie während des Trainingsprozesses korrigiert werden

    Nekotorye vozmožnosti ustranenija pomež iz dannyh o dviženijah v sportivnoj biomehanike

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    U radu je evaluirana metoda i postupak za otklanjanje grešaka iz podataka pomaka anatomskih točaka tijela u sportskoj biomehanici i za računanje njihovih derivacija. Odabrana metoda omogućuje transformaciju originalnih podataka na temelju određivanja frekvencijskog područja signala. Za izračunavanje harmonika i faza signala upotrebljena je metoda najmanjih kvadrata. Upotrebljivost i ponašanje ove metode provjereni su tako da su njezini rezultati uspoređeni s analogno dobivenim podacima (Pezzack i sur. 1977), a također i njezinom evaluacijom na podacima iz sportske gimnastike. Rezultati pokazuju dobru konzistenciju s analogno dobivenim podacima i njihovim derivacijama, pa se metoda može preporučiti kao pogodan postupak za otklanjanje grešaka i određivanja viših derivacija funkcije pomaka u sportskoj biomehanici.The work evaluates the method and procedure for removing errors from data in the function of movement and anatomic points of the body in sports biomechanics, as well as calculation of their deratives. The selected method provides the transformation of the original data on the basis of determination of the frequency range of signals. In calculation of harmonics and signal phazes, the method of least squares was employed. The utility and behaviour of this method was compared with the analogously obtained data (Pezzack et al. 1977), and evaluated on the data concerning kinesiologic activity in sports gymnastics. The results show good consistency with the analogous data and their shift derivates. Therefore, it can be recommended as u suitable procedure for error removal and determination of higher derivates for the shift function in sport biomechanics

    Nekotorye vozmožnosti uplačščenija biomehaničeskoj modeli čelovećnogo tela

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    U prostoru antropometrijskih mjera dobivena su četiri faktora koji su, u skladu sa sličnim istraživanjima, interpretirani kao longitudinalna dimenzionalnost skeleta i cirkularna dimezionalnost tijela. U prostoru segmentalnih parametara dobiveno je osam faktora od kojih su tri definirana ka latentna (longitudinalna, transverzalna i cirkularna dimenzionalnost), a pet kao topološka svojstva tijela (trup, stopalo, glava, natkoljenica, šaka). Kanoničke relacije ukazuju na visoku povezanost oba prostora, koja se posebno očituju u prva dva para kanoničkih faktora u manifestnom i prvog kanoničkog para u latentnom prostoru.The analysis was carried put on a sample of 121 students at the faculty of Physical Culture in Zagreb, aged 20 to 26. The subjects had no acute malformations of the body at the time the measurements of the body at the time the measurements were taken. Two groups of anthropometric measures were used. The first group was intended to calculate the parameters and form the segments of the biomechanical model, whereas the second had to establish the latent anthropometric dimensions of the body. The results were determined on the basis of the first major component of measures, rescaled into the anti-image metrics. Each system of variables was subjected to component analysis using GK criterion for space dimensionality particularly between the systems of latent dimensions, were assessed by means of the orthoblique procedure. Relations between measuring systems, and particularly between the systems of latent dimensions, were assessed by means of the canonic correlation analysis. The results of the analysis in the space of 16 anthropometric measures have shown agreement with the results up to (M), transversal dimensionality of the skeleton (T) and circular dimensionality of the body (C). The second studied space was determined by means of the biomechanical measures of the human body that were constructed with the purpose to calculate the volume of the segments of the biomechanical model. The measures analyzed in the study were derived from the original measures, established directly on the subjects and derived from linear-type procedures. The segment density was obtained on the basis of the calculated volumes and weights that were established by the procedure designed by Clauser et al. (1969): Eight isolated factors were interpreted as follows: 1. factor involving trunk and its belonging (TZ). 2. topological factor of the trunk (TT). 3. longitudinality (LE). 4. topological factor of the foot (TS). 5. topological factor of the head (TG). 6. topological factor of the thigh (TN). 7. transversality (TrS). 8. topological factor of the fist (TSa). Canonic relations between the systems of manifest variables have yielded eight significant pairs of canonic factors, but only first three have been interpreted due to low coefficients of determination in the remaining pairs. The first canonic factor in the space of anthropometric measures was interpreted as skeleton factor, while its pair in the parameter space determined by all measures of segment length, by measures of a smaller radii of extremities and by measures of density with opposite sign, as longitudinal and transversal dimensionality of segments of extremities. The second canonic factor in the space of anthropometric measures was interpreted as the total mass of the body. In the parameter space the second canonic factor was determined by the greater and smaller radii of the extremities pointing to its similarity with the circular dimensionality of the body. The third pair of canonic factors seems to have been determined by the specific composition and form of the trunk segment. Canonic relations in the latent space, although determined by the first three pairs of significant canonic factors, are practically exhausted in the first pair. The first canonic factor in the anthropometric space is defined by the longitudinal and circular and, somewhat less, by the transversal dimensionality. In the parameter space this factor is determined by parameters that are measure of the corresponding features of the human body. The high correlation between the two spaces was to expected, bearing in mind that essentially a single object is involved and described in two different ways, for two different purposes. This correlation, as may be seen from the first two pairs of canonic factors in the manifest and the first factor in the latent space, is exhausted through the latent features of longitudinality, circularity and transversality of the human body. Having explained these correlations, a poor and practically negligible correlation is evident between the subcutaneus fat tissue and the segment density

    Die Anwendung von technischen und technologischen Erfindungen bei der Erwerbung von motorischen Fähigkeiten

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    Daje se sažeti pregled tehničkih uređaja, metoda, postupaka i pomagala koji mogu doprinijeti usvajanju pojedinih motoričkih znanja, kako u sportu, tako i u rehabilitacijskoj medicini, kada je, zbog bolesti ili traume, narušena prirodna motorika. Uređaji su kategorizirani na dijagnostičke i one za direktnu primjenu u motoričkom učenju. Obuhvaćeni su kinematički, kinetički i elektromiografski dijagnostički postupci, a od tehničkih pomagala u motoričkom učenju audiovizualna sredstva, uređaji za tehniku relaksacije, te ortoze i proteze ekstremiteta. Navedeni su vodeći svjetski proizvođači odgovarajuće opreme, a referirana i neka vlastita rješenja iz oblasti dijagnostike stanja usvojenosti sportske tehnike.The paper provides a brief survey of technical devices, methods, procedures and aids that can contribute to the acquisition of particular motor skills, in sports as well as in rehabilitation medicine, in case when natural motor system has been disturbed because of illness or trauma. The devices have been classified into diagnostic ones, and the ones applied directly in the motor learning process. The kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic procedures have been included. In this process of motor learning different technical devices have been used: audio-visual devices, devices necessary for the relaxation technique, and orthoses and prostheses of extremities. The largest world manufacturers of suitable equipment have been listed, and we have also referred to some of our methods in the field of diagnosing the level of the sports technique acquisition.Man gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die technischen Gerate und Hilfsmittel, sowie über die Methoden und Verfahren, die der Erwerbung von einigen motorischen Fähigkeiten sowohl im Sport, als auch in der Rehabilitationsmedizin, beitragen können, wenn, wegen einer Krankheit oder eines Traumas, die Naturmotorik gestört wird. Die Geräte wurden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: diejenige, die für Diagnostik geeignet sind und diejenige, die man unmittelbar bei dem motorischen Lernen anwendet. Es wurden sowohl die kinematischen, kinetischen und elektromiographischen diagnostischen Verfahren umfaβt, als auch die technischen Hilfsmittel für das motorische Lernen wie audio-visuelle Mittel, Anlagen für die Relaxation, und Orthosen und Prothesen fiir Extremitäten. Es wurden die Spitzenhersteller der entsprechenden Ausrüstung aus der ganzen Welt angeführt, und es wurde auch von einigen eigenen Lösungen im Bereich der Diagnostik des Sporttechnikerwerbungsniveaus berichtet


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    U radu su promatrane danas dvije najčešće korištene tehnike rekonstrukcije koje za transplantat koriste polutetivasti ili vitki mišić (m. gracillis i m. semitendinosus) ili središnju trećinu patelarne tetive. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li kvalitativne neuromuskularne promjene i odstupanja od zdravog obrasca pokreta izražene u površinskom elektromiografskom signalu te u kojoj se mjeri one razlikuju ovisno o korištenoj operativnoj tehnici jednu godine nakon rekonstrukcijeACL-a. Ispitanici su bili raspoređeni u tri homogene skupine. Prvu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaši nogometaši koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a patelarnim transplantatom (PAT). Drugu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaši nogometaši koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a tetivnim transplantatom mišića gracillisa i semitendinosusa (STG). Treću, kontrolnu skupinu činili su potpuno zdravi nogometaši (MODEL). Prag mišićne aktivacije određen je kao 30% maksimalne amplitude srednje anvelope elektromiografskog signala pojedinog mišića u kontrolnoj skupini. Rezultati godinu dana nakon rekonstrukcije pokazuju statistički značajno kraće vrijeme aktivnosti mišića vastus lateralis u fazi leta grupe PAT(.0249, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model, kasniji kraj aktivnosti mišića vastus medialis grupe STG u fazi odraza (.0179, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model te kraće vrijeme aktivnosti mišića vastus lateralis u prvoj fazi doskoka grupe PAT (.0132, p=.05 i .015873, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na grupu STG. Rezultati pokazuju neuromuskularne promjene kod eksperimentalnih skupina nakon rekonstrukcija i potpune rehabilitacije. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja nismo u mogućnost ustvrditi koja je od prezentiranih tehnika rekonstrukcije ACL-a primjerenija.This study aimed at comparing two most commonly used ACL reconstruction techniques in Croatia. Subjects were chosen amongst patients who were all active soccer players operated on by the same physician and rehabilitated in the same clinic, by the same therapist. They were divided into two groups according to ACL reconstruction technique used: PAT group (n = 5) was treated byACL reconstruction using patellar tendon graft and STG group (n = 5) was treated byACLreconstruction technique using gracillis and semitendinosus tendon graft. Control group (MODEL) comprised of completely healthy active soccer players. One year after the reconstruction our subjects performed one legged vertical jump using their injured leg and surface electromyographic signals of muscles rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were recorded.Vertical jump cycle was divided into five phases based on vertical force platform measurements. Muscle activity threshold was defined at 30% of maximum amplitude of mean envelope of individual muscles in MODEL group and several variables describing muscle activity were defined. Nonparametric statistical methods (KruskalWallis test and consecutive Mann Whitney tests with Bonferroni correction) showed some statistically significant differences: shorter activity period of the muscle vastus lateralis in the flight phase for the PAT group (.0249, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction), delayed end of vastus medialis muscle activity in the take off phase for the STG group (.0179, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) when compared to MODEL group and longer activity of the muscle vastus lateralis in the STG group (.0132, p=.05 and .015873, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) with respect to the PATgroup in the landing1 phase. Based on this we are unable to conclude which of these two surgery techniques should be preferred