21 research outputs found

    (103)Ru for Tumor Scanning Part I. Subcellular distribution of (103)Ru-chloride in tumor and liver

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    Subcellular distributions of (103)Ru in tumors and livers from Ehrlich's solid tumor-bearing mice (given (103)Ru-chloride intravenously) and in AH-130 ascites hepatoma cells (incubatedin vitro with (103)Ru-chloride) were investigated by differential centrifugation. Fractionations showed that most of the total radioactivity was recovered in the mitochondrial, and cell dibrisplus nuclear, fractions. The highest relative radioactivity per protein was found in the mitochondria1 fraction. These results indicate that (103)Ru accumulates especially in the mitochondria. (97)Ru and (67)Ga in livers showed similar subcellular distributions

    (103)Ru for Tumor Scanning Part II. The mechanism of ruthenium binding to tumor cells

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    The mechanism of (103)Ru-uptake in tumors was investigated through the incubation of rat ascites hepatoma cells (AH-130) in vitro with various concentrations of Ru-chloride containing (103)Ru-chloride as a tracer. Quantitative analysis of Ru binding to the cells indicated that ascites hepatoma cells contained high and low-affinity binding sites for Ru. When ascites hepatoma cells were incubated with Ru after incubation with a low concentration of papain, most of the Ru was not bound to the cells but was found in the medium containing solubilized glycoproteins. However Ru bound mainly to washed cells after the incubation with papain. About 65 % of the Ru bound to ascites hepatoma cells was liberated by the papain treatment, and about 45 % of the liberated Ru was precipitated by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, indicating that Ru bound tightly to glycopeptides. These results suggest that the tumor affinity of (103)Ru is related to specific binding to glycopeptides on the tumor cell surface

    (103)Ru for Tumor Scanning Part II. The mechanism of ruthenium binding to tumor cells

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    The mechanism of (103)Ru-uptake in tumors was investigated through the incubation of rat ascites hepatoma cells (AH-130) in vitro with various concentrations of Ru-chloride containing (103)Ru-chloride as a tracer. Quantitative analysis of Ru binding to the cells indicated that ascites hepatoma cells contained high and low-affinity binding sites for Ru. When ascites hepatoma cells were incubated with Ru after incubation with a low concentration of papain, most of the Ru was not bound to the cells but was found in the medium containing solubilized glycoproteins. However Ru bound mainly to washed cells after the incubation with papain. About 65 % of the Ru bound to ascites hepatoma cells was liberated by the papain treatment, and about 45 % of the liberated Ru was precipitated by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, indicating that Ru bound tightly to glycopeptides. These results suggest that the tumor affinity of (103)Ru is related to specific binding to glycopeptides on the tumor cell surface

    Diagnosis of heart disease using by RI angiocardiography Part Ⅱ. Mitral valve disease

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    心疾患を有する患者では,その循環動態は種々の因子により容易に変化するものであり,一回の検査のみで決して正確にその患者の動態を表わしているとはいいがたい.この点コンピューターを用いたRI angio-cardiography(以下RCGと略す)は被曝線量も少く,生理的状態を損うことなく繰返し検査を行うことが出来る非観血的方法であり,心疾患者の術前術後の変化,治療経過観察に極めて有用である.従って,僧帽弁疾患におけるRCGによる右室,左室peak to peak time C(2)/C(1)比の解折は,上述の点後於て重要な臨床情報を提供すると考えられる.今回は僧帽弁疾患を中心としてこれらの点について若干の検討を試みた.This report represents an extension of our use of a Scintillation (Anger) camera with computer processing (Toshiba DAP 5000-2) of data for evaluation of mitral valve disease (11 cases). For these studies we have administered 10 mCi of (99m)Tc intravenously and have followed its passage through the heart and lung using techniques for data acquisition: a 35 mm camera, a video tape system for data storage and replay for computer analysis using a DAP 5000-2. RI dilution curves recorded on the right ventricle, the left lung and the left ventricle were analyzed to obtain following parameters, namely interventricular peak to peak time, C(2)/C(1) ratio of each dilution curves. These data showed following: 1) Interventricular peak to peak time normal group (12 cases): 6.40 ± 1.18 seconds mitral valve disease (11 cases): 11.34 ± 3.69 seconds 2) a) C(2)/C(1) ratio of the right ventricle normal group: 0.45 ± 0.08 seconds mitral valve disease: 0.58 ± 0.17 seconds b) C(2)/C(1) ratio of the left ventricle normal group: 0.38 ± 0.09 seconds mitral valve disease: 0.49 ± 0.11 seconds c) C(2)/C(1) ratio of the left lung normal group: 0.45 ± 0.08 seconds mitral valve disease: 0.50 ± 0.12 second

    Diagnosis of heart disease using by RI angio cardiography Part Ⅲ. Cases of left to right shunts

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    Count ratio (C(2)/C(1)) technique for detection of left to right shunts by radionuclide was performed. Count ratio technique of ASD cases accurately detected shunts and could reliably separate from normals, but there were a few false positive in patients with ventricle septal defect. There was no correlation between C(2)/C(1) ratio and oximetry. Postoperatively, C(2)/C(1) ratios of ASD cases were resumed to normal or close to normal but some cases of VSD were not returned to normal

    Small pulmonary carcinoma in inflated and fixed lung

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    We reported two cases of peripheral adenocarcinoma about 10mm in diameter. High resolution. thin-slice CT images were reviewed in comparison with pathologic findings. The margins of both lesions were ill-defined, and corresponded to superficial tumor replacement of alveolar cells without collapse. In one case, the pulmonary vein was viewed as going toward the central portion of the mass on CT, which suggested the possibility of malignacy because such a finding is different from the pattern of centrilobular inflammation. In the other case, airbronchograms of bronchioles and alveolar ducts on CT suggested the possidility of malignancy instead of ordinary inflammatory changes. These radiological findings corresponded to radiograms of specimens and pathologic findings.Inflated and fixed lung were useful for diagnosis by radiological imaging, including CT