1,721 research outputs found

    From qubits and actions to the Pauli-Schroedinger equation

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    Here I show that a classical or quantum bit state plus one simple operation, an action, are sufficient ingredients to derive a quantum dynamical equation that rules the sequential changes of the state. Then, by assuming that a freely moving massive particle is the qubit carrier, it is found that both, the particle position in physical space and the qubit state, change in time according to the Pauli-Schroedinger equation. So, this approach suggests the following conjecture: because it carries one qubit of information the particle motion has its description enslaved by the very existence of the internal degree of freedom. It is compelled to be no more described classically but by a wavefunction. I also briefly discuss the Dirac equation in terms of qubits.Comment: Presented at the 15th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Belgrade, Serbia, May 30 to June 03 200

    Stationary States in Saturated Two-Photon Processes and Generation of Phase-Averaged Mixtures of Even and Odd Quantum States

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    We consider a relaxation of a single mode of the quantized field in a presence of one- and two-photon absorption and emission processes. Exact stationary solutions of the master equation for the diagonal elements of the density matrix in the Fock basis are found in the case of completely saturated two-photon emission. If two-photon processes dominate over single-photon ones, the stationary state is a mixture of phase averaged even and odd coherent states.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, 3 eps figure

    An algorithm for hiding and recovering data using matrices

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    We present an algorithm for the recovery of a matrix M\mathbb{M} % (non-singular \in CN×N\mathbb{C}^{N\times N}) by only being aware of two of its powers, Mk1:=Mk1\mathbb{M}_{k_{1}}:=\mathbb{M}^{k_{1}} and Mk2:=Mk2\mathbb{M}% _{k_{2}}:=\mathbb{M}^{k_{2}} (k1>k2k_{1}>k_{2}) whose exponents are positive coprime numbers. The knowledge of the exponents is the key to retrieve matrix M\mathbb{M} out from the two matrices Mki\mathbb{M}_{k_{i}}. The procedure combines products and inversions of matrices, and a few computational steps are needed to get M\mathbb{M}, almost independently of the exponents magnitudes. Guessing the matrix M\mathbb{M} from the two matrices Mki\mathbb{M}_{k_{i}}, without the knowledge of k1k_{1} and k2k_{2}, is comparatively highly consuming in terms of number of operations. If a private message, contained in M\mathbb{M}, has to be conveyed, the exponents can be encrypted and then distributed through a public key method as, for instance, the DF (Diffie-Hellman), the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), or any other.Comment: 17 pages, 1 latex file, 3 fugure

    Relativistic dynamics compels a thermalized Fermi gas to a unique intrinsic parity eigenstate

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    Dirac equation describes the dynamics of a relativistic spin-1/2 particle regarding its spatial motion and intrinsic degrees of freedom. Here we adopt the point of view that the spinors describe the state of a massive particle carrying two qubits of information: helicity and intrinsic parity. We show that the density matrix for a gas of free fermions, in thermal equilibrium, correlates helicity and intrinsic parity. Our results introduce the basic elements for discussing the spin-parity correlation for a Fermi gas: (1) at the ultra-relativistic domains, when the temperature is quite high, $T > 10^{10}\ K,thefermionshavenodefiniteintrinsicparity(50maximallycorrelatedwiththehelicity;(2)atverylowtemperature,, the fermions have no definite intrinsic parity (50% : 50%), which is maximally correlated with the helicity; (2) at very low temperature, T \approx 3 \ K,auniqueparitydominates(conventionallychosenpositive),by, a unique parity dominates (conventionally chosen positive), by 10^{20}to to 1$, while the helicity goes into a mixed state for spin up and down, and the quantum correlation decoheres. For the anti-fermions we get the opposite behavior. In the framework of quantum information, our result could be considered as a plausible explanation of why we do accept, as a fact (consistent with the experimental observation), that fermions (and anti-fermions), in our present epoch of a cool universe, have a unique intrinsic parity. The framework for constructing spin-parity entangled states is established.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Generating Fock states and two-Fock states superposition from circular states, in a trapped ion

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    We propose three schemes to engineer 2^M and M+1 circular states for the motion of the center of mass of a trapped ion, MM being the number of laser pulses. Since the ion is subjected to several laser pulses, we analyze the necessary duration of each one for generating the circular states, and from these, the Fock states and superposition of two-Fock states. We also calculate the probability for obtaining the required states.Comment: 12 pages, REVTe

    Coherent quantum squeezing due to the phase space noncommutativity

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    The effect of phase space general noncommutativity on producing deformed coherent squeezed states is examined. A two-dimensional noncommutative quantum system supported by a deformed mathematical structure similar to that of Hadamard billiards is obtained and their components behavior are monitored in time. It is assumed that the independent degrees of freedom are two \emph{free} 1D harmonic oscillators (HO's), so the system Hamiltonian does not contain interaction terms. Through the noncommutative deformation parameterized by a Seiberg-Witten transform on the original canonical variables, one gets the standard commutation relations for the new ones, such that the obtained Hamiltonian represents then two \emph{interacting} 1D HO's. By assuming that one HO is inverted relatively to the other, we show that their effective interaction induces a squeezing dynamics for initial coherent states imaged in the phase space. A suitable pattern of logarithmic spirals is obtained and some relevant properties are discussed in terms of Wigner functions, which are essential to put in evidence the effects of the noncommutativity.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, as an Invited Comment for Physica Script

    Finite-Length Soliton Solutions of the Local Homogeneous Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation

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    We found a new kind of soliton solutions for the 5-parameter family of the potential-free Stenflo-Sabatier-Doebner-Goldin nonlinear modifications of the Schr\"odinger equation. In contradistinction to the "usual'' solitons like {\cosh[b(x-kt)]}^{-a}\exp[i(kx-ft)], the new {\em Finite-Length Solitons} (FLS) are nonanalytical functions with continuous first derivatives, which are different from zero only inside some finite regions of space. The simplest one-dimensional example is the function which is equal to {\cos[g(x-kt)]}^{1+d}\exp[i(kx-ft)] (with d>0) for |x-kt|<\pi/(2g), being identically equal to zero for |x-kt|>\pi/(2g). The FLS exist even in the case of a weak nonlinearity, whereas the ``usual'' solitons exist provided the nonlinearity parameters surpass some critical values.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    How to check the one-count operator experimentally

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    We propose an experimental scheme to probe the form of one-count operation used in the theory of continuous photodetection in cavities. Two main steps are: 1) an absorption of a single photon by an atom passing through a high-Q cavity containing electromagnetic field in a thermal or coherent state, 2) a subsequent measurement of the photon statistics in the new field state arising after the photon absorption. Then comparing the probabilities of finding 0 and 1 photons in the initial and final states of the field, one can make conclusions on the form of the one-count operation. This method can be readily applied in the microwave cavity QED with present technology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. New references and discussion adde

    Urban vehicular traffic: fitting the data using a hybrid stochastic model. Part II

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    In this second part of our research we used the models presented in \emph{Modeling a vehicular traffic network. Part I} \cite{ogm1} to perform an analysis of the urban traffic as recorded by cameras distributed in a chosen sector of Tigre, a city in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We found that the circulation of vehicles -- the traffic dynamics --, along a whole day, can be described by a hybrid model that is an adapted blend of model 2, for an open linear system, with model 3, which is nonlinear, developed in Part I. The objectives of this work were, firstly, to verify whether the vehicular flux can be modeled as an nn-step stochastic process for its evolution, nn for the time. Secondly, to find out if the model, with its parameters fixed to describe the traffic of a single day, may adequately describe the traffic in other days. Thirdly, to propose changes in the already established set of the urban traffic rules in order to optimize the vehicular flow and to diminish the average time that a vehicle stays idle at the semaphores. We estimate that the goals were achieved satisfactorily within the margins of the experimental errors of the gathered data.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Marginal and correlation distribution functions in the squeezed-states representation

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    Here we consider the Husimi function P for the squeezed states and calculate the marginal and correlation distribution functions when P is projected onto the photon number states. According to the value of the squeezing parameter one verifies the occurence of oscillations and beats as already appointed in the literature. We verify that these phenomena are entirely contained in the correlation function. In particular, we show that since Husimi and its marginal distribution functions satisfy partial differential equations where the squeeze parameter plays the role of time, the solutions (the squeezed functions obtained from initial unsqueezed functions) can be expressed by means of kernels responsible for the propagation of squeezing. From the calculational point of view, this method presents advantages for calculating the marginal distribution functions (compared to a direct integration over one of the two phase-space variables of P) since one can use the symmetry properties of the differential equations.Comment: 11 pages, 12 EPS figures, figures 1(a)-(d) can be obtained with the first author, accepted for publication in Journal Physics