18 research outputs found

    The environmental aspect of integrated smart card based services in Thessaloniki

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    In the framework of the DISTINCT European project, Thessaloniki is one of five cities selected in Europe to analyse and test the effect of using multi-function smart card on the level of service and the general improvements in transport and air quality. The card is being developed for services such as public transport, parking and tolling payments and extended to a city card which includes health applications and access to information. The idea behind that is to encourage the use of smart card in transport and increase the number of public transport users. Early results showed that the potential users of smart card are mainly interested for the electronic payment in public transport and parking and for the access to information from infokiosks

    Feasibility Study On Transport Enterprises' Quality Improvement

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    Striving for competitive advantage Transport Enterprises are obliged to determine and improve its performance quality. The article analyzes the concepts of Quality Management and processes, the main methods of Quality improvement and its applications in Transport Enterprises. The content analysis of Transport Enterprises‘ web pages made it possible to identify the most popular Quality Management Systems applied and other means of Quality assurance. The article provides an analysis of Transport En- terprises‘ Quality Improvement possibilities and a tool designed for performance improvement and evalu- ation on the basis of EFQM model. The provided tool undergone approbation in Transport Enterprise by the means of several iterations, which provides prerequisites for determination of usability and applicabil- ity of designed method in Transport sector

    Agency Law In Business Relationships: The Main Characteristics From A Comparative Perspective

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    This article tries to comparatively analyse theoretical and practical problems of agency law in terms of business relationships. In order to reach this goal the major issues of agency law are analyzed in this work, such as legal effect of agency, grant of authority, mandate contracts, unauthorized agency, liability imposed on the principal for wrongs committed by the agent and other important and problematic aspects in this field. When analysing every one of them, most of the emphasis is put on the ways allowing to ensure the balance of rights and legal interests of participants in business relations of agency

    The Effect of Logging Compartment Division on Harvesting Pricing

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    Volumetric productivity in harvesting varies as a function of the properties of the trees. Consequently, the harvesting price paid to the contractor tends to vary. However, pricing appears to depend not only on the properties of trees, but also on the division of any logging site into compartments. Such an effect depends on the statistical properties of any compartment. In the case of an exponentially distributed trunk volume, an upper incomplete gamma function appears to describe the relationship between the harvesting price and the productivity function. In the case of Weibull-distributed trunk volume, the relationship is given in terms of the ratio of two gamma functions. In the case of left-truncated Weibull-distribution, a ratio of two upper incomplete gamma functions appears. Exponential distribution may induce a deviation in excess of 10%, whereas a Weibull distribution with nonzero mode value induces at most 4%. Unification of compartments increases the harvesting price

    ACTIVAGE - Report on IoT devices

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    In order to have a complete Architecture of the ACTIVAGE platform, the device domain constituted of smart sensor and actuator nodes, gateways, connectivity and its associated protocols must be also considered. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the different devices required to implement the uses cases considered in the different Deployment sites (DSes). A systematic analysis is performed on the device, gateway, cloud and applications domains constituting each of the nine DSes. This analysis is based on several registration forms in order to gather key elements of each domain. The original goal was to collect information concerning only the device domain. However during the first months of the project, this goal changed to also include the three other domains in order to get an overall, homogenized, and rich technical information view of each DS. The additional information includes, the DS topology, the applications foreseen, the security and privacy mechanism to be implemented in the overall system, the servers used and their locations, and other information required to facilitate, in Task 3.2, the Security and Privacy assessments. Furthermore, this document gives a summary and classification of the different devices used in each DS allowing the identification of communalities, potential synergies and knowledge sharing between DSs. For the cases where, no suitable solutions are available, new devices could be prototyped in order to support a given use case with the right device or the right security protection level. Finally and in order to have a more complete document, the following aspects are also included: a list of key concepts in the device and gateway domains are explicitly defined to be shared and used in the overall project, a short introduction on the evolution of the communication systems is given in order to understand key IoT concepts at IoT architecture level and in particular at the device and gateway domains, including some security ones, and a brief market analysis on the home automation and health care devices