2 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the isometric strength of the muscles around the knee and hip is associated with anterior tibial translation. Forty-four female high school basketball players participated in this study. Anterior tibial translation was measured with a Kneelax 3 arthrometer. The isometric strengths of knee flexion, knee extension, and hip abduction were determined with a hand-held dynamometer. In the case of both the legs, significant correlations were found between the anterior tibial translation, knee extension strength, and hamstring/quadriceps strength (H/Q) ratio. No significant correlations were found between the anterior tibial translation and the knee flexion and hip abduction strengths. Muscle imbalance between the quadriceps and hamstring muscles may lead to greater anterior tibial translation

    Influence of Different Arm External Loads on Kinematics of Scapular and Trunk during Arm Elevation

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    [目的]本研究は,上肢挙上運動時にさまざまな負荷を与えた際の肩甲骨および体幹の運動を分析することにより,どの程度の負荷量が肩甲骨上方回旋,後傾運動および体幹伸展運動を増大させるかを明らかにすることを目的とした。[対象]対象は肩関節に疼痛の訴えがない健常成人男性15名とした。[方法]無負荷,2 kg,4 kg,6 kgを上肢に負荷した状態での上肢挙上動作を,デジタルビデオカメラにて撮影し,肩甲骨上方回旋角度,肩甲骨後傾角度,胸椎伸展角度,腰椎伸展角度,骨盤前傾角度を算出した。[結果]肩甲骨上方回旋角度は上肢挙上角度150°以降で6 kgの負荷が無負荷より有意に大きかった。胸椎伸展角度は上肢挙上角度60°,90°で4 kg,6 kgの負荷が無負荷より有意に大きく,上肢挙上角度120°以降では2 kg,4 kg,6 kgの負荷が無負荷より有意に大きかった。[結語]負荷を与えた上肢挙上動作では,肩甲骨上方回旋に加え,胸椎伸展運動も大きくなっていた。[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the magnitude of external loads on the arm on the orientation of the scapula and trunk during arm elevation in the scapular plane. [Subjects] Fifteen healthy subjects participated in this study. [Methods] We measured the angle of scapular upward rotation, scapular posterior tilt, thoracic extension, lumbar extension and pelvic anterior tilt with four levels of external loads (0 kg, 2 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg) at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 degrees of arm elevation and maximum arm elevation. Kinematic data were collected using four digital video cameras. [Results] With 6 kg at 150° and maximum elevation, scapular upward rotation was greater than in the normal condition. We observed significant increases of thoracic extension with 4 kg and 6 kg at 60° and 90°, and significant differences between 2-6 kg loads and the normal condition over 120°. [Conclusion] The results suggest that the magnitude of the arm external load affects scapular upward rotation and thoracic extension