147 research outputs found

    Almost Gorenstein Hibi rings

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    In this paper, we state criteria of a Hibi ring to be level, non-Gorenstein and almost Gorenstein and to be non-level and almost Gorenstein in terms of the structure of the partially ordered set defining the Hibi ring. We also state a criterion of a ladder determinantal ring defined by 2-minors to be non-Gorenstein and almost Gorenstein in terms of the shape of the ladder

    On the analytic spread and the reduction number of the ideal of maximal minors

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    Let mm, nn, a1a_1, ..., ara_r, b1b_1, ..., brb_r be integers with 1≀a1<...<ar≀m1\leq a_1<...<a_r\leq m and 1≀b1<...<br≀n1\leq b_1<...<b_r\leq n. And let xx be the universal mΓ—nm\times n matrix with the property that ii-minors of first aiβˆ’1a_i-1 rows and first biβˆ’1b_i-1 columns are all zero, for i=1i=1, ..., r+1r+1 (ar+1=m+1a_{r+1}=m+1 and br+1=n+1b_{r+1}=n+1). For an integer uu with 1≀u≀m1\leq u\leq m, we denote by UU the uΓ—nu\times n matrix consisting of the first uu rows of xx. In this paper, we consider the analytic spread and the reduction number of the ideal of maximal minors of $U

    Behavior of local cohomology modules under polarization

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    Let S=k[x1,...,xn]S=k[x_1,..., x_n] be a polynomial ring over a field kk with nn variables x1x_1, ..., xnx_n, \mmmm the irrelevant maximal ideal of SS, II a monomial ideal in SS and Iβ€²I' the polarization of II in the polynomial ring Sβ€²S' with ρ\rho variables. We show that each graded piece H_\mmmm^i(S/I)_\aaa, \aaa\in\ZZZ^n, of the local cohomology module H_\mmmm^i(S/I) is isomorphic to a specific graded piece H_{\mmmm'}^{i+\rho-n}(S'/I')_\alphaaa, \alphaaa\in\ZZZ^\rho, of the local cohomology module H_{\mmmm'}^{i+\rho-n}(S'/I'), where \mmmm' is the irrelevant maximal ideal of Sβ€²S'.Comment: Now available from http://lib1.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/kiyou/kiyoupdf/no109/bkue10902.pd

    On the canonical ideal of the Ehrhart ring of the chain polytope of a poset

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    Let P be a poset, O(P) the order polytope of P and C(P) the chain polytope of P. In this paper, we study the canonical ideal of the Ehrhart ring K[C(P)] of C(P) over a field K and characterize the level (resp. anticanonical level) property of K[C(P)] by a combinatorial structure of P. In particular, we show that if K[C(P)] is level (resp. anticanonical level), then so is K[O(P)]. We exhibit examples which show the converse does not hold. Moreover, we show that the symbolic powers of the canonical ideal of K[C(P)] are identical with ordinary ones and degrees of the generators of the canonical and anticanonical ideals are consecutive integers

    On the generators of the canonical module of a Hibi ring: a criterion of level property and the degrees of generators

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    In this paper, we study the minimal generating system of the canonical module of a Hibi ring. Using the results, we state a characterization of a Hibi ring to be level. We also give a characterization of a Hibi ring to be of type 2. Further, we show that the degrees of the elements of the minimal generating system of the canonical module of a Hibi ring form a set of consecutive integers.Comment: Changed the subtitle. Shortened the last two section

    Action of special linear groups to the tensor of indeterminates, classical invariants of binary forms and hyperdeterminant

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    In this paper, we study the ring of invariants under the action of SL(m,K)\times SL(n,K) and SL(m,K)\times SL(n,K)\times SL(2,K) on the 3-dimensional array of indeterminates of form m\times n\times 2, where K is an infinite field. And we show that if m=n\geq 2, then the ring of SL(n,K)\times SL(n,K)-invariants is generated by n+1 algebraically independent elements over K and the action of SL(2,K) on that ring is identical with the one defined in the classical invariant theory of binary forms. We also reveal the ring of SL(m,K)\times SL(n,K)-invariants and SL(m,K)\times SL(n,K)\times SL(2,K)-invariants completely in the case where m\neq n.Comment: Changed the expresseion of Proposition 5.6 since it was misleadin

    On the discrete counterparts of Cohen-Macaulay algebras with straightening laws

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    We study properties of a poset generating a Cohen-Macaulay algebra with straightening laws (ASL for short). We show that if a poset PP generates a Cohen-Macaulay ASL, then PP is pure and, if PP is moreover Buchsbaum, then PP is Cohen-Macaulay. Some results concerning a Rees algebra of an ASL defined by a straightening closed ideal are also established. And it is shown that if PP is a Cohen-Macaulay poset with unique minimal element and QQ is a poset ideal of PP, then P⊎QP\uplus Q is also Cohen-Macaulay

    A sufficient condition for a Hibi ring to be level and levelness of Schubert cycles

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    Let KK be a field, DD a finite distributive lattice and PP the set of all join-irreducible elements of DD. We show that if {y∈P∣yβ‰₯x}\{y\in P\mid y\geq x\} is pure for any x∈Px\in P, then the Hibi ring \RRRRR_K(D) is level. Using this result and the argument of sagbi basis theory, we show that the homogeneous coordinate rings of Schubert subvarieties of Grassmannians are level

    On the generating poset of Schubert cycles and the characterization of Gorenstein property

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    The homogeneous coordinate ring of a Schubert variety (a Schubert cycle for short) is an algebra with straightening law generated by a distributive lattice. This paper gives a simple method to study the set of all the join-irreducible elements of this distributive lattice, and gives a simple proof of the criterion of the Gorenstein property of Schubert cycles.Comment: To appear in Bulletin of Kyoto University of Educatio

    Typical rank of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors with 3≀m≀n3\leq m\leq n over the real number field

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    Tensor type data are used recently in various application fields, and then a typical rank is important. Let 3≀m≀n3\leq m\leq n. We study typical ranks of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors over the real number field. Let ρ\rho be the Hurwitz-Radon function defined as ρ(n)=2b+8c\rho(n)=2^b+8c for nonnegative integers a,b,ca,b,c such that n=(2a+1)2b+4cn=(2a+1)2^{b+4c} and 0≀b<40\leq b<4. If m≀ρ(n)m \leq \rho(n), then the set of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors has two typical ranks (mβˆ’1)n,(mβˆ’1)n+1(m-1)n,(m-1)n+1. In this paper, we show that the converse is also true: if m>ρ(n)m > \rho(n), then the set of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors has only one typical rank (mβˆ’1)n(m-1)n.Comment: 20 page
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