18 research outputs found

    Equation of State for Neutron Stars in the Quark-Meson Coupling Model with the Cloudy Bag

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    Using the quark-meson coupling model with the cloudy bag, we construct the equation of state for neutron stars with hyperons in SU(3) flavor symmetry. The hyperfine interaction due to the gluon exchange and the pion-cloud effect inside a baryon is taken into account in vacuum and nuclear matter. We investigate how the quark degrees of freedom and the exchanges of gluon and pion between two quarks affect the properties of nuclear and neutron-star matter. It is found that the variation of baryon substructure in matter plays an important role in supporting massive neutron stars.Comment: 4 papes, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted to the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018) in JPS Conference Proceeding

    Can the PREX-2 and CREX results be understood by relativistic mean-field models with the astrophysical constraints?

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    We construct new effective interactions using the relativistic mean-field models with the isoscalar- and isovector-meson mixing, σ2δ2\sigma^{2}\bm{\delta}^{2} and ωμωμρνρν\omega_{\mu}\omega^{\mu}\bm{\rho}_{\nu}\bm{\rho}^{\nu}. Taking into account the particle flow data in heavy-ion collisions, the observed mass of PSR J0740++6620, and the tidal deformability of a neutron star from binary merger events, GW170817 and GW190814, we study the ground-state properties of finite, closed-shell nuclei, and try to explain the recent results from the PREX-2 and CREX experiments. It is found that the σ\sigma--δ\delta mixing is very powerful to understand the terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations of neutron stars self-consistently. We can predict the large neutron skin thickness of 208^{208}Pb, Rskin208=0.243R_{\rm skin}^{208}=0.243~fm, using the slope parameter of nuclear symmetry energy, L=70L=70~MeV, which is consistent with the PREX-2 result. However, to explain the CREX data, it is preferable to adopt the small value of L=20L=20~MeV. It is very difficult to understand the PREX-2 and CREX results simultaneously within relativistic mean-field models.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Effects of neutron-rich nuclei masses on symmetry energy

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    We explore the impact of neutron-rich nuclei masses on the symmetry energy properties using the mass table evaluated by the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum (DRHBc) model. First, using the semi-empirical mass formula with the DRHBc mass table, we investigate the symmetry energy at saturation density ρ0\rho_0, denoted as S0S_0, and the ratio of surface to volume contributions to the symmetry energy, κ\kappa. As a result, we obtain S0=27.85MeVS_0=27.85\,{\rm MeV} (κ=1.38\kappa=1.38) for asym(A)=S0(1κA1/3)a_{\rm sym}(A) =S_0 (1 - \kappa A^{-1/3}) (Type I) and S0=32.66MeVS_0=32.66\,{\rm MeV} (κ=3.15\kappa=3.15) for asym(A)=S0(1+κA1/3)1a_{\rm sym}(A) = S_0 (1 + \kappa A^{-1/3} )^{-1} (Type II), which are lower than those obtained using the AME2020 mass table, S0=28.54MeVS_0=28.54\,{\rm MeV} (κ=1.29\kappa=1.29) for Type I and S0=33.81MeVS_0=33.81\,{\rm MeV} (κ=3.04\kappa=3.04) for Type II. Second, we further investigate the effect of these changes in asym(A)a_{\rm sym}(A) on the density-dependent symmetry energy by employing the empirical model of S(ρ)=Ck(ρ/ρ0)2/3+C1(ρ/ρ0)+C2(ρ/ρ0)γS(\rho) = C_k(\rho/\rho_0)^{2/3} + C_1(\rho/\rho_0) + C_2(\rho/\rho_0)^{\gamma} and universal relation of asym(A=208)=S(ρ=0.1fm3)a_{\rm sym}(A=208) = S(\rho=0.1\,{\rm fm}^{-3}). Compared to the experimental constraints, we find that S0S_0 and slope parameter LL, determined by the DRHBc mass table with Type II, are more suitable to explain the constraints by heavy ion collisions and isobaric analog states than AME2020. We also discuss the neutron skin thickness derived from the LL, comparing it with experimental measurements

    EoS for massive neutron stars

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    Using relativistic Hartree-Fock approximation, we investigate the properties of the neutron-star matter in detail. In the present calculation, we consider not only the tensor coupling of vector mesons to octet baryons and the form factors at interaction vertexes but also the internal (quark) structure change of baryons in dense matter. The relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations are performed in two ways: one is the calculation with the coupling constants determined by SU(6) (quark model) symmetry, the other is with the coupling constants based on SU(3) (flavor) symmetry. For the latter case, we use the latest Nijmegen (ESC08) model. Then, it is very remarkable that the particle composition of the core matter in SU(3) symmetry is completely different from that in SU(6) symmetry. In SU(6) symmetry, all octet baryons appear in the density region below 1.2\sim 1.2 fm3^{-3}, while, in the ESC08 model, only the \Xi^- hyperon is produced. Furthermore, the medium modification of the internal baryon structure hardens the equation of state for the core matter. Taking all these effects into account, we can obtain the maximum neutron-star mass which is consistent with the recently observed mass, 1.97 \pm 0.04 M_\sun (PSR J1614-2230). We therefore conclude that the extension from SU(6) symmetry to SU(3) symmetry in the meson-baryon couplings and the internal baryon-structure variation in matter certainly enhance the mass of neutron star. Furthermore, the effects of the form factor at vertex and the Fock contribution including the tensor coupling due to the vector mesons are indispensable to describe the core matter. In particular, the Fock term is very vital in reproducing the preferable value of symmetry energy, a_4 (\simeq 30 - 40 MeV), in nuclear matter.Comment: 10 figures, 8 table