536 research outputs found

    Prognostic Role of MMPs in Colorectal Cancer

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    Orthogonal antibody testing for COVID-19 among healthcare workers in a non-epidemic place and time: Japan's Iwate Prefecture, May 18-31, 2020

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    Of the 47 prefectures in Japan, Iwate had the fewest cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), with the first diagnosis officially confirmed on July 28, 2020. A baseline serological survey of COVID-19 antibodies is essential to accurately evaluate an epidemic outbreak. The primary purpose of this study was to determine pre-epidemic prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies among healthcare workers, using two laboratory-based quantitative tests. In addition, a point-of-care (POC) qualitative test, rapid, simple, and convenient for primary care clinics, was compared with the laboratory-based tests. All antibody tests were performed on serum from 1,000 healthcare workers (mean age, 40 ± 11 years) in Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital, May 29-31, 2020. A COVID-19 case was defined as showing positive results in both laboratory-based quantitative tests. None of 1,000 samples had positive results in both of the laboratory immunoassays. The POC test showed positive results in 33 of 1,000 samples (3.3%) (95% confidence interval:2.19-4.41), but no samples were simultaneously positive in both laboratory-based tests. In conclusion, COVID-19 cases were not serologically confirmed by a baseline control study of healthcare workers at our hospital in late May, 2020. Moreover, the POC qualitative test may offer no advantage in areas with very low prevalence of COVID-19, due to higher false-positive reactions compared with laboratory-based quantitative immunoassays

    Successful management of tracheo-innominate artery fistula with endovascular stent graft repair

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    AbstractTracheo-innominate artery fistula is a highly lethal complication after tracheostomy. A 37-year-old man who had undergone a tracheostomy 14 years earlier because of dysphagia after brain surgery had a tracheo-innominate artery fistula with exsanguinating hemorrhage from his tracheostomy site. After temporary control of the bleeding, a stent graft was implanted in the innominate artery through the brachial artery. The patient recovered uneventfully and remained well 14 months after the procedure, with no sign of infection. Endovascular stent grafting may be the treatment of choice for patients with tracheo-innominate artery fistula. (J Vasc Surg 2001;33:1280-2.

    Atypical spatial frequency dependence of visual metacognition among schizophrenia patients

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    Although altered early stages of visual processing have been reported among schizophrenia patients, how such atypical visual processing may affect higher-level cognition remains largely unknown. Here we tested the hypothesis that metacognitive performance may be atypically modulated by spatial frequency (SF) of visual stimuli among individuals with schizophrenia, given their altered magnocellular function. To study the effect of SF on metacognitive performance, we asked patients and controls to perform a visual detection task on gratings with different SFs and report confidence, and analyzed the data using the signal detection theoretic measure meta-d′. Control subjects showed better metacognitive performance after yes- (stimulus presence) than after no- (stimulus absence) responses (‘yes-response advantage’) for high SF (HSF) stimuli but not for low SF (LSF) stimuli. The patients, to the contrary, showed a ‘yes-response advantage’ not only for HSF but also for LSF stimuli, indicating atypical SF dependency of metacognition. An fMRI experiment using the same task revealed that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), known to be crucial for metacognition, shows activity mirroring the behavioral results: decoding accuracy of perceptual confidence in DLPFC was significantly higher for HSF than for LSF stimuli in controls, whereas this decoding accuracy was independent of SF in patients. Additionally, the functional connectivity of DLPFC with parietal and visual areas was modulated by SF and response type (yes/no) in a different manner between controls and patients. While individuals without schizophrenia may flexibly adapt metacognitive computations across SF ranges, patients may employ a different mechanism that is independent of SF. Because visual stimuli of low SF have been linked to predictive top-down processing, this may reflect atypical functioning in these processes in schizophrenia