77 research outputs found

    Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Estimating Japanese Fetal Weights

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    We developed an artificial intelligence (AI) method for estimating fetal weights of Japanese fetuses based on the gestational weeks and the bi-parietal diameter, abdominal circumference, and femur length. The AI comprised of neural network architecture was trained by deep learning with a dataset that consists of ± 2 standard devia-tion (SD), ± 1.5SD, and ± 0SD categories of the approved standard values of ultrasonic measurements of the fetal weights of Japanese fetuses (Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine [JSUM] data). We investigated the residuals and compared 2 other regression formulae for estimating the fetal weights of Japanese fetuses by t-test and Bland-Altman analyses, respectively. The residuals of the AI for the test dataset that was 12.5% of the JSUM data were 6.4 ± 2.6, −3.8 ± 8.6, and −0.32 ± 6.3 (g) at −2SD, +2SD, and all categories, respectively. The residu-als of another AI method created with all of the JSUM data, of which 20% were randomized validation data, were −1.5 ± 9.4, −2.5 ± 7.3, and −1.1 ± 6.7 (g) for −2SD, +2SD, and all categories, respectively. The residuals of this AI were not different from zero, whereas those of the published formulae differed from zero. Though vali-dation is required, the AI demonstrated potential for generating fetal weights accurately, especially for extreme fetal weights

    Neurotropin inhibits neuronal activity through potentiation of sustained Kv currents in primary cultured DRG neurons

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    Neurotropin (NTP) is a Japanese analgesic agent for treating neuropathic pain; however, its method of action remains unclear. This study examined the effects of NTP on the activity of small dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons using whole-cell patch clamp recordings. After 3 days of treatment, NTP decreased current injection-induced firing activity of cultured DRG neurons by raising the current threshold for action potential generation. Additionally, NTP increased the sustained component of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel currents without affecting other K⁺ currents. These results suggest that NTP inhibits the firing activity of DRG neurons through augmentation of sustained Kv current

    Gpr19 is a circadian clock-controlled orphan GPCR with a role in modulating free-running period and light resetting capacity of the circadian clock

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    Gpr19 encodes an evolutionarily conserved orphan G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) with currently no established physiological role in vivo. We characterized Gpr19 expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the locus of the master circadian clock in the brain, and determined its role in the context of the circadian rhythm regulation. We found that Gpr19 is mainly expressed in the dorsal part of the SCN, with its expression fluctuating in a circadian fashion. A conserved cAMP-responsive element in the Gpr19 promoter was able to produce circadian transcription in the SCN. Gpr19⁻/⁻mice exhibited a prolonged circadian period and a delayed initiation of daily locomotor activity. Gpr19 deficiency caused the downregulation of several genes that normally peak during the night, including Bmal1 and Gpr176. In response to light exposure at night, Gpr19⁻/⁻mice had a reduced capacity for light-induced phase-delays, but not for phase-advances. This defect was accompanied by reduced response of c-Fos expression in the dorsal region of the SCN, while apparently normal in the ventral area of the SCN, in Gpr19⁻/⁻ mice. Thus, our data demonstrate that Gpr19 is an SCN-enriched orphan GPCR with a distinct role in circadian regulation and may provide a potential target option for modulating the circadian clock

    Formulae Based on Biomathematics to Estimate the Standard Value of Fetal Growth of Japanese

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    We devised biomathematics-based formulae to estimate the standard values of fetal growth of Japanese after 22 weeks' gestation. The growth rates of bi-parietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL), and estimated fetal body weight (EFBW) at the time of gestation were assumed to be proportional to the product of the value at the time and the rest value of an unknown maximum value, respectively. The EFBW was also assumed to follow a multiple logistic function of BPD, AC and FL to fit the standard values of Japanese fetuses published by the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine. The Mann-Whitney test was used for statistical analysis. The values as a function of gestational day, t, were as follows: BPD(t)=99.6/(1+exp (2.725−0.01837*t)) (mm); AC(t)=39.7/(1+exp (2.454−0.01379*t)) (cm); FL(t)=79.6/(1+exp (2.851−0.01710*t)) (mm); EFBW(t)=8045.1/(1+exp (6.028−0.06582*BPD(t)−0.1469*AC(t)+ 0.07377*FL(t))) (g). EFBW as a function of BPD, AC and FL was as follows: EFBW=8045.1/(1+exp (4.747+ 0.02584*BPD+0.1010*AC−0.1416*FL)) (g). When the BPD, AC and FL were at −2 standard deviation (SD), −1SD, mean and + 2SD, the EFBW values calculated by the formula were statistically closer to the standard values than conventional formulas with p-values of 4.871×10−7, 4.228×10−7, 9.777×10−7 and 0.028, respectively. The formulae based on biomathematics might be useful to estimate the fetal growth standard values

    Minimal upstream open reading frame of Per2 mediates phase fitness of the circadian clock to day/night physiological body temperature rhythm

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    全身の体内リズムを調和させるRNA配列の発見 --体温の日内変化に合わせてしなやかに調和させる--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-07.Body temperature in homeothermic animals does not remain constant but displays a regular circadian fluctuation within a physiological range (e.g., 35°C–38.5°C in mice), constituting a fundamental systemic signal to harmonize circadian clock-regulated physiology. Here, we find the minimal upstream open reading frame (uORF) encoded by the 5′ UTR of the mammalian core clock gene Per2 and reveal its role as a regulatory module for temperature-dependent circadian clock entrainment. A temperature shift within the physiological range does not affect transcription but instead increases translation of Per2 through its minimal uORF. Genetic ablation of the Per2 minimal uORF and inhibition of phosphoinositide-3-kinase, lying upstream of temperature-dependent Per2 protein synthesis, perturb the entrainment of cells to simulated body temperature cycles. At the organismal level, Per2 minimal uORF mutant skin shows delayed wound healing, indicating that uORF-mediated Per2 modulation is crucial for optimal tissue homeostasis. Combined with transcriptional regulation, Per2 minimal uORF-mediated translation may enhance the fitness of circadian physiology

    Hepatitis C Virus-specific T-cell Response Correlates with Hepatitis Activity and Donor IL28B Genotype Early after Liver Transplantation

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    It is not known how the immune system targets hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected HLA-mismatched hepatocytes under immune-suppressed conditions after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). In addition, the relationship between the HCV-specific immune response and IL28B variants as predictors of HCV clearance has not been well-characterized. We determined the IL28B polymorphisms for 57 post-OLT HCV carriers, and we assessed the HCV-specific immune responses by measuring the peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived HCV-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) response using an enzyme-linked immunospot assay. At 1-3 years after OLT, patients with no active hepatitis showed higher total spots on the immunospot assay. At>3 years after OLT, patients with resolved HCV showed higher levels of core, NS3, NS5A, and total spots compared to the chronic hepatitis patients. The IL28B major genotype in the donors correlated with higher spot counts for NS5A and NS5B proteins at 1-3 years after OLT. In the post-OLT setting, the HCV-specific immune response could be strongly induced in patients with no active hepatitis with an IL28B major donor or sustained virological response. Strong immune responses in the patients with no active hepatitis could only be maintained for 3 years and diminished later. It may be beneficial to administer IFN treatment starting 3 years after OLT, to induce the maximum immunological effect

    Intracrine activity involving NAD-dependent circadian steroidogenic activity governs age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction

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    新たなイントラクライン機構を用いた加齢性眼疾患治療へ --眼局所のホルモンの加齢変化とサーカディアンリズムが鍵--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-02-14.Canonically, hormones are produced in the endocrine organs and delivered to target tissues. However, for steroids, the concept of tissue intracrinology, whereby hormones are produced in the tissues where they exert their effect without release into circulation, has been proposed, but its role in physiology/disease remains unclear. The meibomian glands in the eyelids produce oil to prevent tear evaporation, which reduces with aging. Here, we demonstrate that (re)activation of local intracrine activity through nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent circadian 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity ameliorates age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction and accompanying evaporative dry eye disease. Genetic ablation of 3β-HSD nullified local steroidogenesis and led to atrophy of the meibomian gland. Conversely, reactivation of 3β-HSD activity by boosting its coenzyme NAD+ availability improved glandular cell proliferation and alleviated the dry eye disease phenotype. Both women and men express 3β-HSD in the meibomian gland. Enhancing local steroidogenesis may help combat age-associated meibomian gland dysfunction

    Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein levels may be associated with the occurrence of acute kidney injury induced by trauma

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    IntroductionAcute kidney injury (AKI), with a fatality rate of 8.6%, is one of the most common types of multiorgan failure in the intensive care unit (ICU). Thus, AKI should be diagnosed early, and early interventions should be implemented. Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) could aid in the diagnosis of AKI.MethodsIn this prospective, single-center, observational study, we included 100 patients with trauma. Urinary L-FABP levels were measured using a semi-quantitative rapid assay kit 6 and 12 h after injury. Negative, weakly positive, and strongly positive urinary L-FABP levels were examined using two protocols. Using protocol 1, measurements were performed at 6 h after injury negative levels were considered “negative,” and weakly positive and strongly positive levels were considered “positive.” Using protocol 2, strongly positive levels at 6 h after injury were considered “positive,” and negative or weakly positive levels at 6 h after injury were considered “positive” if they were weakly positive or positive at 12 h after injury.ResultsFifteen patients were diagnosed with AKI. Using protocol 1, the odds ratio (OR) was 20.55 (p = 0.001) after adjustment for the injury severity score (ISS), contrast media use, and shock index. When the L-FABP levels at 6 and 12 h were similarly adjusted for those three factors, the OR was 18.24 (p < 0.001). The difference in ORs for protocols 1 and 2 was 1.619 (p = 0.04).DiscussionAssociations between urinary L-FABP and AKI can be examined more precisely by performing measurements at 6 and 12 h after injury than only one time at 6 h