31 research outputs found

    Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality

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    Sasaki, K., Shiba, K., Nakamura, A. et al. Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality. Commun Biol 2, 226 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-019-0462-

    Mamld1 Knockdown Reduces Testosterone Production and Cyp17a1 Expression in Mouse Leydig Tumor Cells

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    MAMLD1 is known to be a causative gene for hypospadias. Although previous studies have indicated that MAMLD1 mutations result in hypospadias primarily because of compromised testosterone production around the critical period for fetal sex development, the underlying mechanism(s) remains to be clarified. Furthermore, although functional studies have indicated a transactivation function of MAMLD1 for the non-canonical Notch target Hes3, its relevance to testosterone production remains unknown. To examine these matters, we performed Mamld1 knockdown experiments.Mamld1 knockdown was performed with two siRNAs, using mouse Leydig tumor cells (MLTCs). Mamld1 knockdown did not influence the concentrations of pregnenolone and progesterone but significantly reduced those of 17-OH pregnenolone, 17-OH progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and testosterone in the culture media. Furthermore, Mamld1 knockdown significantly decreased Cyp17a1 expression, but did not affect expressions of other genes involved in testosterone biosynthesis as well as in insulin-like 3 production. Hes3 expression was not significantly altered. In addition, while 47 genes were significantly up-regulated (fold change >2.0×) and 38 genes were significantly down-regulated (fold change <0.5×), none of them was known to be involved in testosterone production. Cell proliferation analysis revealed no evidence for compromised proliferation of siRNA-transfected MLTCs.The results, in conjunction with the previous data, imply that Mamld1 enhances Cyp17a1 expression primarily in Leydig cells and permit to produce a sufficient amount of testosterone for male sex development, independently of the Hes3-related non-canonical Notch signaling

    Knockout of Murine Mamld1 Impairs Testicular Growth and Daily Sperm Production but Permits Normal Postnatal Androgen Production and Fertility

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    MAMLD1 has been implicated in testicular function in both human and mouse fetuses. Although three patients with MAMLD1 mutations were reported to have hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in their teens, the functional significance of MAMLD1 in the postnatal testis remains unclear. Here, we analyzed the phenotype of Mamld1 knockout (KO) male mice at reproductive ages. The reproductive organs of KO male mice were morphologically unremarkable, except for relatively small testes. Seminiferous tubule size and number of proliferating spermatogonia/spermatocytes were reduced in the KO testis. Daily sperm production of KO mice was mildly attenuated, whereas total sperm counts in epididymal semen remained normal. Sperm motility and morphology, as well as androgen levels in serum and testicular tissues and the number of pups born from cross-mated wildtype (WT) female mice, were comparable between WT and KO male mice. These results indicate that MAMLD1 contributes to the maintenance of postnatal testicular growth and daily sperm production but is dispensable for androgen biosynthesis and fertility. MAMLD1 likely plays supporting roles in multiple and continuous steps of male reproduction

    Sodium Hexametaphosphate Serves as an Inducer of Calcium Signaling

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    In bacteria, polymers of inorganic phosphates, particularly linear polyphosphate, are used as alternative phosphate donors for adenosine triphosphate production. A six-chain form of sodium metaphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), is believed to have no physiological functions in mammalian cells. In this study, we explored the possible effects of SHMP on mammalian cells, using mouse oocytes, which are useful for observing various spatiotemporal intracellular changes. Fertilization-competent oocytes were isolated from the oviducts of superovulated mice and cultured in an SHMP-containing medium. In the absence of co-incubation with sperm, SHMP-treated oocytes frequently formed pronuclei and developed into two-cell embryos owing to the increase in calcium concentration in the cytoplasm. We discovered an intriguing role for SHMP as an initiator of calcium rise in mouse oocytes, presumably in a wide variety of mammalian cells

    Suppressive Role of Lactoferrin in Overweight-Related Female Fertility Problems

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    The secretory glycoprotein lactoferrin (LF) is suggested to ameliorate overweight regardless of non-genetic or genetic mechanisms. Although maternal overweight represents a key predictor of offspring growth, the efficacy of LF on fertility problems in overweight and obese mothers remains unknown. To address this issue, we examined the effect of LF ingestion by analyzing overweight mice (Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice with high-fat diets; HF mice) and obese mice (leptin-deficient mice with type II diabetes; ob/ob mice). Plasma insulin, leptin, glucose, and cholesterol levels were measured, and thermal imaging and histological analysis were employed. The litter size of HF females was reduced due to miscarriage, which was reversed by LF ingestion. In addition, LF ingestion suppressed overweight prevalence in their offspring. The component analysis of the maternal blood demonstrated that glucose concentration in both HF females and their offspring was normalized by LF ingestion, which further standardized the concentration of insulin, but not leptin. LF ingestion was unable to reverse female infertility in ob/ob mice, although their obesity and uterine function were partially improved. Our results indicate that LF upregulates female fertility by reinforcing ovarian and uterine functions in females that are overweight due to caloric surplus

    Autophagy-disrupted LC3 abundance leads to death of supporting cells of human oocytes

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    Autophagic recycling of cell parts is generally termed as the opposite of cell death. Here, we explored the relation between cell death and autophagy by examining granulosa cell layers that control oocyte quality, which is important for the success of fertilization. Granulosa cell layers were collected from infertile women and morphologically divided into four types, viz., mature (MCCs), immature (ICCs), and dysmature cumulus cells (DCCs), and mural granulosa cells (MGCs). Microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 (LC3), which is involved in autophagosome formation, was expressed excessively in DCCs and MGCs, and their chromosomal DNA was highly fragmented. However, autophagy initiation was limited to MGCs, as indicated by the expression of membrane-bound LC3-II and autophagy-related protein 7 (ATG7), an enzyme that converts LC3-I to LC3-II. Although pro-LC3 was accumulated, autophagy was disabled in DCCs, resulting in cell death. Our results suggest the possibility that autophagy-independent accumulation of pro-LC3 proteins leads to the death of human granulosa cells surrounding the oocytes and presumably reduces oocyte quality and female fertility. Keywords: Human granulosa cells, Autophagy, LC3, ATG7, Cell death, Cumulus cell

    Chemotactic behavior of egg mitochondria in response to sperm fusion in mice

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    Mitochondria are the powerhouses of eukaryotic cells and their positioning contributes to fertilization and early developmental processes. We report that sperm fusion triggers Ca2+ oscillations and mitochondrial movement toward fused sperm (mitochondrial chemotaxis) in mouse eggs. Mitochondria functioned in Ca2+ storage and were colocalized with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during Ca2+ oscillations. Mitochondria then moved toward the fused sperm. Sperm extracts lacking nuclei induced Ca2+ oscillations, but did not promote mitochondrial chemotaxis. Our results suggest that sperm fusion motivates Ca2+ oscillation-independent mitochondrial chemotaxis. This phenomenon indicates that egg mitochondria interact with sperm materials, presumably nuclear substances, and their network tethers egg and sperm nuclei at the early stage of zygote formation