768 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan Penerapan Upaya Penyelesaian Sengketa Pembagian Warisan di Desa Purwosekar Kabupaten Tajinan Malang Berdasarkan Waris Adat Jawa

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    Hukum waris yang berlaku di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia sampai sekarang masih bersifat pluralistis, yaitu ada yang tunduk kepada hukum waris dalam kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata. Hukum Waris Islam dan Hukum Waris Adat. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Ibu-ibu Kader PKK desa. Presentasi penyuluhan hukum terpadu dilaksanakan pada kegiatan Kader PKK desa. Metode kegiatan berupa penyuluhan dengan ceramah dan presentasi yaitu memberikan penjelasan berdasarkan teori-teori dan hasil dari kajian dari materi/ bahan hukum tentang upaya penyelesaian sengketa pembagian warisan berdasarkan waris adat Jawa. Umpan Balik atau respon ini dalam bentuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dituangkan dalam tanya jawab yang kemudian berdiskusi bersama dengan saling menceritakan pengalaman-pengalaman masing-masing dalam hal pembagian warisan di lingkungan keluarganya masing-masing. Pemecahan masalah berupa penjelasan secara detail sistem pembagian adat Jawa yang berdasarkan hukum positif agar masyarakat desa dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan tidak mengalami kesulitan serta tidak melanggar kaidah-kaidah hukum nasional

    Penyusunan Atlas Kepariwisataan Elektronik Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : (1) Memetakan obyek dan sarana prasarana wisata yang terdapat di Kabupaten Boyolali. (2) Menyusun atlas pariwisata Kabupaten Boyolali dalam format digital dan hardcopy. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penyusunan peta tematik dengan tema pariwisata. Data yang digunakan diperoleh dari survei lapangan dan survei instasional. Hasil penelitian ini berupa atlas digital dan atlas hardcopy. Data yang ditampilkan dalam atlas ini yakni lokasi obyek wisata, lokasi SPBU, lokasi hotel, lokasi rumah makan, lokasi sarana layanan kesehatan, dan lokasi sarana transportasi. Obyek wisata di Kabupaten Boyolali beraneka ragam seperti wisata bahari (waduk dan pemandian), wisata alam (air terjun dan gunung), wisata buatan (waterboom), wisata sejarah (candi dan petilasan), wisata rohani (makam-makam), dan wisata minat khusus (goa)

    Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Dan Volume Air Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Kedelai Edamame (Gycine Max (L.) Merril)

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    This research aim to get the interaction of manure and water volume on the growth and yield of edamame soybean and determine the combination that gives the highest production on the growth and yield of edamame soybean. This research was conducted at the Screen House Stadion of Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau on January 2015 until March 2015. This research arranged Completely Rendomized Design (CRD) with factor (I) composed of three (5 tons/ha, 10 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha) and factor (II) composed of three (50% water volume, 75% water volume, 100% water volume). The data analyzed by (ANOVA) and tested further by Duncan Multiple Test Level (DNMRT) at 5%. The observed parameters are plant height, days to flowering, percentage of effective root nodules, plant dry weight, number of branches, number of plant pods, percentage filled pods, weight of plant pods, seeds weight a plant and number of seeds a plant. Interaction manure and water volume improve on percentage filled pod and doesn`t improve on plants height, days to flowering, percentage of effective root nodules, plant dry weight, number of branches,number of plant pods, weight of plant pods, seeds weight a plant and number of seeds a plant. Manure 5 tons/ha and 50% water volume is a combination treatment of the highest

    Impact of pharmacist provided knowledge on dengue among selected school children

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    Background: Dengue is a self-limiting acute mosquito transmitted disease caused by an arbovirus and spread by Aedes mosquitoes, sever infections results in DHF & DSS. Hence school education has been described as a ‘social vaccine’, and it can serve as a powerful preventive tool. Aim & Objectives: To assess the prevalence of mosquito borne diseases among School children, to assess the knowledge level of high school children regarding dengue and its prevention before and after the administration of planned teaching programme and to provide health education regarding dengue fever among school children. Materials and Methods:  A six months’ community based prospective observational study was conducted at selected schools of Gulbarga District. Total of 265 students were enrolled into the study by considering study criteria. Our inclusion criteria are all students of secondary school students of class 8th -10th. The data was collected from school children of RGEMS & AEMS in Gulbarga district. Results: In our study, most of the students were unaware of insect and species of mosquito which is responsible for causing DF, DHS & DSS and their knowledge was found to be excellent 3.6%, good 33.46%, average 37.90% and poor 25.00% before providing the knowledge. We pharmacist in our study played a vital role in providing education to the school children and their knowledge progress after our study was found, excellent 69.23%, good 30.76% and none of the students had average and poor knowledge. Conclusion: Our study concludes that the educational interventions by the pharmacist plays a vital role by educating the students and their by improving theirs and surrounding community health. Hence it is very imperative for pharmacists and other health care disciplinarians to carry out community based studies or educational interventions at all levels of students particularly in rural India where there is scope to improve their knowledge which helps students their parents and siblings and surrounding community


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    Hukum waris yang berlaku di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia sampai sekarang masih bersifat pluralistis, yaitu ada yang tunduk kepada hukum waris dalam kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata. Hukum Waris Islam dan Hukum Waris Adat. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Ibu-ibu Kader PKK desa. Presentasi penyuluhan hukum terpadu dilaksanakan pada kegiatan Kader PKK desa. Metode kegiatan berupa penyuluhan dengan ceramah dan presentasi yaitu memberikan penjelasan berdasarkan teori-teori dan hasil dari kajian dari materi/ bahan hukum tentang upaya penyelesaian sengketa pembagian warisan berdasarkan waris adat Jawa. Umpan balik atau respon ini dalam bentuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dituangkan dalam tanya jawab yang kemudian berdiskusi bersama dengan saling menceritakan pengalaman-pengalaman masing-masing dalam hal pembagian warisan di lingkungan keluarganya masing-masing. Pemecahan masalah berupa penjelasan secara detail sistem pembagian adat Jawa yang berdasarkan hukum positif agar masyarakat desa dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan tidak mengalami kesulitan serta tidak melanggar kaidah-kaidah hukum nasional


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    The Sokoto state needs biology-based students for the making of many useful professionals that works in a diverse array of human lives. However, there is a report showing poor performance in the subject. Anxiety is an issue that may affect education; thus, this work aimed to assess the issue of anxiety among students of biology in secondary school, the related causes, and control. The study design applied was a survey (questionnaire) among 400 students in Sokoto and the data was managed using descriptive statistics. Sources revealed include: How often do you hear from your family while on campus had the greatest percentage with 40.0%, then by Lack taking in a well-balanced diet with 30.0 %, How often have you been following your time table had 20.0%, followed by Distractions or disturbances from a roommate on campus (7.5%), and the least was How often have you been angered because of things that were beyond your control on campus with 2.5%.  The effects of anxiety on academics include: Anxiety distracting from the lesson (40.0%), and reduces morale in academics (30.0%).  Anxiety prevents students from finishing their assignments (20.0%), and elicits absenteeism (10.0%). Anxiety management includes: Major ploy is enough time and participating in extracurricular activities. Guidance and counselling/discussions with friends are helpful. Thus, academic anxiety can be tamed for better learning. Education on anxiety, enough rest, staying focused, and exercise are needed to enhance students’ academic performance

    Optogenetic insights on the relationship between anxiety-related behaviors and social deficits

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    Many psychiatric illnesses are characterized by deficits in the social domain. For example, there is a high rate of co-morbidity between autism spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders. However, the common neural circuit mechanisms by which social deficits and other psychiatric disease states, such as anxiety, are co-expressed remains unclear. Here, we review optogenetic investigations of neural circuits in animal models of anxiety-related behaviors and social behaviors and discuss the important role of the amygdala in mediating aspects of these behaviors. In particular, we focus on recent evidence that projections from the basolateral amygdala (BLA) to the ventral hippocampus (vHPC) modulate anxiety-related behaviors and also alter social interaction. Understanding how this circuit influences both social behavior and anxiety may provide a mechanistic explanation for the pathogenesis of social anxiety disorder, as well as the prevalence of patients co-diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders. Furthermore, elucidating how circuits that modulate social behavior also mediate other complex emotional states will lead to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which social deficits are expressed in psychiatric disease

    Inhibitory Input from the Lateral Hypothalamus to the Ventral Tegmental Area Disinhibits Dopamine Neurons and Promotes Behavioral Activation

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    Projections from the lateral hypothalamus (LH) to the ventral tegmental area (VTA), containing both GABAergic and glutamatergic components, encode conditioned responses and control compulsive reward-seeking behavior. GABAergic neurons in the LH have been shown to mediate appetitive and feeding-related behaviors. Here we show that the GABAergic component of the LH-VTA pathway supports positive reinforcement and place preference, while the glutamatergic component mediates place avoidance. In addition, our results indicate that photoactivation of these projections modulates other behaviors, such as social interaction and perseverant investigation of a novel object. We provide evidence that photostimulation of the GABAergic LH-VTA component, but not the glutamatergic component, increases dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) via inhibition of local VTA GABAergic neurons. Our study clarifies how GABAergic LH inputs to the VTA can contribute to generalized behavioral activation across multiple contexts, consistent with a role in increasing motivational salience.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-MH102441-01
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