1,872 research outputs found

    Persidangan tanpa Kehadiran Terdakwa (In Absentia)

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    Membicarakan pembangunan hukum, termasuk di dalamnya adalah penegakan hukum dalam sistem peradilan pidana (Integrated Criminal Justice System). Perlu semakin dimantapkan peran dan kedudukan penegakan hukum supaya terwujud peningkatan kemampuan dan kewibawaannya. Penegakan hukum merupakan salah satu USAha untuk menciptakan tata tertib, keamanan, dan ketentraman dalam masyarakat, baik itu merupakan pencegahan maupun USAha pemberantasan atau penindakan setelah terjadinya pelanggaran hukum. Peradilan In Absentia adalah contoh praktek hukum yang potensial melahirkan kesewenang-wenangan dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia. Hak-hak tersangka atau terdakwa menjadi terhempas dan hilang. Dan semuanya itu merupakan hilangnya indepedensi penegak hukum dan adanya kelompok kepentingan yang mengintervensi kekuasaan yudikatif. Di sinilah muncul dilema untuk memilih praktek In Absentia yang menghilangkan hak-hak tersangka atau terdakwa, atau untuk melindungi hak-hak asasi tersangka atau terdakwa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif atau penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan: 1. Eksistensi Peradilan yang tidak dihadiri terdakwa telah ada dasar pengaturan dalam Hukum Pidana yakni terdapat dalam Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Acara Pidana yaitu dalam Pasal 196 ayat (1) dan Pasal 214 ayat (1) dan ayat (2)., sehingga peradilan pidana dapat dilasungsungkan sekalipun tidak hadirnya terdawa asalkan telah dilakukan pemanggilan terlebih dahulu bagi terdakwa secara sah menurut hukum yang berlaku. 2. Untuk mencapai suatu putusan yang adil (substansial justice), Hakim yang memimpin jalannya persidangan haruslah melalui suatu proses yaitu berupa tahap-tahap persidangan secara adil pula (prosedural justice)

    Робоча програма і методичні вказівки до самостійного вивчення дисципліни "Основи теорії транспорту"

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    Гірничовидобувна промисловість України набуває розвитку на базі без- перервного використання досягнень науково-технічного прогресу, застосування комплексної механізації та автоматизації всіх процесів виробництва, поліпшен- ня якісних показників підприємств, підвищення продуктивності й безпеки пра- ці.Гірничовидобувна промисловість України набуває розвитку на базі без- перервного використання досягнень науково-технічного прогресу, застосування комплексної механізації та автоматизації всіх процесів виробництва, поліпшен- ня якісних показників підприємств, підвищення продуктивності й безпеки пра- ці

    Matching NLO QCD computations with PYTHIA using MC@NLO

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    We present the matching between a next-to-leading order computation in QCD and the PYTHIA parton shower Monte Carlo, according to the MC@NLO formalism. We study the case of initial-state radiation, and consider in particular single vector boson hadroproduction.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Several comments and two figures have been adde

    Initial-state parton shower kinematics for NLO event generators

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    We are developing a consistent method to combine tree-level event generators for hadron collision interactions with those including one additional QCD radiation from the initial-state partons, based on the limited leading-log (LLL) subtraction method, aiming at an application to NLO event generators. In this method, a boundary between non-radiative and radiative processes necessarily appears at the factorization scale (mu_F). The radiation effects are simulated using a parton shower (PS) in non-radiative processes. It is therefore crucial in our method to apply a PS which well reproduces the radiation activities evaluated from the matrix-element (ME) calculations for radiative processes. The PS activity depends on the applied kinematics model. In this paper we introduce two models for our simple initial-state leading-log PS: a model similar to the "old" PYTHIA-PS and a p_T-prefixed model motivated by ME calculations. PS simulations employing these models are tested using W-boson production at LHC as an example. Both simulations show a smooth matching to the LLL-subtracted W + 1 jet simulation in the p_T distribution of W bosons, and the summed p_T spectra are stable against a variation of mu_F, despite that the p_T-prefixed PS results in an apparently harder p_T spectrum.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; minor changes in the abstract and the text according to the comments from the refere

    Vortex Fluctuations in High-Tc Films: Flux Noise Spectrum and Complex Impedance

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    The flux noise spectrum and complex impedance for a 500 {\AA} thick YBCO film are measured and compared with predictions for two dimensional vortex fluctuations. It is verified that the complex impedance and the flux noise spectra are proportional to each other, that the logarithm of the flux noise spectra for different temperatures has a common tangent with slope 1\approx -1, and that the amplitude of the noise decreases as d3d^{-3}, where dd is the height above the film at which the magnetic flux is measured. A crossover from normal to anomalous vortex diffusion is indicated by the measurements and is discussed in terms of a two-dimensional decoupling.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures in two columns, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Squark and Gluino Production with Jets

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    We present cross section predictions for squark and gluino production at the LHC, in association with up to two additional hard jets. These cross sections can be very large in comparison to the inclusive Born rates. Because hadron collider experiments utilize hard jets in the reconstruction of cascade decays or as a way to separate squark and gluino production, the understanding of these processes is crucial. We show to what degree hard jet radiation can be described by shower algorithms and point out how tuning these showers, for example to top quark pair production, could help reduce theoretical uncertainties for new physics searches at the LHC.Comment: 5 p, 2 fig, 1 tab; version to appear in PLB; added comments on uncertainty estimate

    Relationship between blood pressure measurements recorded on patients' charts in family physicians' offices and subsequent 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

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    BACKGROUND: In most western countries 20% of adults have hypertension. Reports in the literature suggest that from 31 to 86% of treated patients are not at recommended target levels. However it is important to consider how we are determining whether targets are unmet and the degree to which they are unmet. Our underlying hypothesis is that white coat effect is partially responsible for the reported low rates of control of hypertension by primary care practitioners. METHODS: The study population consists of 1142 patients who are being assessed for enrolment in two community-based randomized controlled trials. Patients must have essential hypertension, be on antihypertensive medication, and must not have met their blood pressure targets. We are reporting on the proportion of patients who have not achieved target, and the degree to which they have not achieved their target. We also report on the mean daytime blood pressures on 24 hour ABPM and compare these to mean blood pressures found on the patients' charts. RESULTS: We identified 3284 patient charts of patients with hypertension. Of these, 1142 were determined to be "out of control" (did not achieve target) and 436 agreed to undergo 24 hour ABPM for final determination of eligibility. Overwhelmingly (95.8% of the time) it was the systolic blood pressure that was not under control. However, most of the patients who had not achieved target according to our criteria were within 10 mmHg of the recommended targets. Isolated systolic blood pressure was the best predictor of elevated mean daytime blood pressure on 24 hour ABPM. CONCLUSIONS: At least 35% of patients had not achieved target blood pressure levels and this is primarily due to lack of control of systolic blood pressure. The best predictor of continuing hypertension on 24 hour ABPM was the mean systolic blood pressure on the patients chart. However, only 69% of patients who were uncontrolled according blood pressures recorded in the chart were uncontrolled according to 24 hour ABPM criteria. This suggests that the white coat effect makes blood pressure measurements in the doctor's offices, at least as currently done, not sufficiently accurate for determining treatment endpoint

    ExSample -- A Library for Sampling Sudakov-Type Distributions

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    Sudakov-type distributions are at the heart of generating radiation in parton showers as well as contemporary NLO matching algorithms along the lines of the POWHEG algorithm. In this paper, the C++ library ExSample is introduced, which implements adaptive sampling of Sudakov-type distributions for splitting kernels which are in general only known numerically. Besides the evolution variable, the splitting kernels can depend on an arbitrary number of other degrees of freedom to be sampled, and any number of further parameters which are fixed on an event-by-event basis.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, minor changes and figures added, corresponds to published versio