5 research outputs found

    Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and sequential CT findings of metaplastic breast carcinoma in neurofibromatosis type 1: A case report

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    Metaplastic breast carcinoma in neurofibromatosis type 1 is extremely rare. There are few reports about dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI findings and sequential CT findings of metaplastic breast carcinoma in neurofibromatosis type 1. Herein, we report imaging findings, including dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and sequential CT, of metaplastic breast carcinoma in an 82-year-old woman with neurofibromatosis type 1. Short tau inversion recovery image revealed an oval mass with a circumscribed margin that exhibited moderate intensity with partially hyperintense area inside, and T1-weighted imaging revealed a spotty hyperintense area. The solid component of the mass showed heterogeneous enhancement and the time-intensity curve had a fast/washout pattern with restricted diffusion. In addition, multiple neurofibromas were observed. Sequential CT revealed that the diameter of the mass doubled in 3 months without apparent lymph node metastasis. Because detection of metaplastic breast carcinoma in neurofibromatosis type 1 tends to be delayed due to multiple neurofibromas, characteristic MRI findings suggestive of metaplastic breast carcinoma and sequential CT findings are important for early treatment of metaplastic breast carcinoma in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1

    Placement of a Viabahn stent-graft for hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm complicated by arterial dissection caused by a guiding sheath

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    A 69-year-old man was transferred to our hospital for massive hemorrhage from a right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm 5 months after surgery for gastric cancer. Stent-graft placement was planned to avoid fatal hepatic infarction, and a guiding sheath was advanced deeply into the tortuous and stenotic right hepatic artery beyond the pseudoaneurysm for safe deployment of a stent-graft. However, this advancement caused arterial dissection of the right hepatic artery. After the guiding sheath was pulled back, a Viabahn stent-graft was successfully advanced over a guidewire to exclude the pseudoaneurysm. We consider that a Viabahn stent-graft is more flexible than a guiding sheath and that advancing a Viabahn stent-graft directly from a proximally placed guiding sheath is safer than advancing a guiding sheath into a tortuous and stenotic abdominal artery. Keywords: Stent-graft, Pseudoaneurysm, Arterial dissectio

    Usefulness of a distal access catheter in embolization of a short gastric artery pseudoaneurysm

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    A 59-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for hematemesis. A hematoma was found in the posterior wall of the stomach, but the source of bleeding was not identified. One month later, contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a pseudoaneurysm in the short gastric artery. Embolization of the pseudoaneurysm was difficult due to vessel tortuosity. Usage of a distal access catheter improved catheter stability and enabled successful embolization. We consider a distal access catheter to be useful for embolization of an aneurysm beyond a tortuous artery. Keywords: Short gastric artery, Pseudoaneurysm, Embolization, Distal access cathete

    Successful embolization of ileal conduit stomal varices with N-butyl cyanoacrylate via a recanalized paraumbilical vein

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    A 77-year-old woman with liver cirrhosis was admitted to our hospital for marked hemorrhage in her ileal conduit stoma. She had a history of cystectomy and urinary diversion for bladder carcinoma 2 years ago. Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrated varices in the ileal conduit stoma. We accessed the varices via a recanalized paraumbilical vein to avoid pain from the transhepatic approach, and selectively embolized the varices with N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA). We consider antegrade embolization of ileal conduit stomal varices with NBCA to be effective and feasible. Access via a paraumbilical vein is a useful alternative to the transhepatic approach. Keywords: Ectopic varix, Portal hypertension, Embolization, N-butyl cyanoacrylate, Paraumbilical vei

    Loop formation by an aortic occlusion balloon catheter during resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA)

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    A 77-year-old man was transferred to our hospital for endoscopically uncontrollable active bleeding from a duodenal ulcer. Soon after his arrival, he became hemodynamically unstable and resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta was performed using a 7-F aortic occlusion balloon catheter (Rescue Balloon; Tokai Medical Products, Aichi, Japan). He became hemodynamically stable and was transferred to the CT room. CT demonstrated that the distal part of the catheter shaft had made a loop in the aorta and the balloon was located at the level of the upper abdomen. We consider the low-profile occlusion balloon catheter to be less rigid than large ones, and care should be taken to prevent balloon migration and catheter shaft bending. Keywords: Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta, Aortic occlusion balloon cathete