76 research outputs found

    Radiobiologija sa radijacionom higijenom

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    Odlukom Nastavno-naučnog veća Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu, na 217. sednici održanoj 23.06.2021., rukopis je odobren za izdavanje kao osnovni udžbenik za predmet Radiobiologija sa radijacionom higijenom (odluka br. 01-394/5 od 23.06.2021.) i namenjen je studentima pete godine na studijskom programu Integrisane akademske studije Univerziteta u Beogradu, Fakulteta veterinarske medicine

    Radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the content of radionuclides and toxic elements in samples feedstuffs and food of animal origin collected between 2007-2017 from two suburban areas of Belgrade, the municipalities of Palilula and Surčin, both areas with intensive agricultural production. Materials and Methods. Radionuclides (40 K and 137 Cs) and toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in samples of corn, hay, meat, milk and eggs, by gamma ray spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Results and Conclusions. The obtained results showed that natural 40 K was present in all investigated samples. The average activity concentration of 40 K was 94 Bq/kg in corn, 117 Bq/kg, 108 Bq/kg and 95 Bq/kg in beef, pork and chicken meat, respectively, as well as 61 Bq/kg in cow's milk and 48 Bq/kg in eggs. Anthropogenic radionuclide 137 Cs was not detected. The trend for toxic element levels according to the average concentrations found in the studied feed samples (corn and hay) was as follows: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsenic was detected in animal feed in both Belgrade municipalities, with the average concentration being 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), and in corn, the as content was higher than in hay samples. In food of animal origin, only Zn and Cu were detected. It is concluded that the presence of radionuclides and toxic elements in feedstuffs and foods of animal origin does not pose a health risk for either humans or animals.Uvod. U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja sadržaja radionuklida i toksičnih elemenata u uzorcima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla prikupljanih na području grada Beograda, opÅ”tinama Palilula i Surčin, u periodu od 2007-2017. godine. Materijal i metode. U uzorcima kukuruza, sena, mesa, mleka i jaja određivani se radionuklidi (40K i 137Cs) i toksični elementi (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn) metodama gama spektrometrije i indukovane kuplovane plazma spektrometrije (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Rezultati i zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u uzrocima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla 40K bio dominantni radionuklid. Prosečan sadržaj 40K u kukuruzu je bio 94 Bq/kg, 117 Bq/kg u junećem mesu, 108 Bq/kg u svinjskom mesu, 95 Bq/kg u pilećem mesu, 61 Bq/kg u kravljem mleku i 48 Bq/kg u jajima. U hrani za životinje (kukuruz i seno) detektovani su toksični elementi u opadajućem trendu: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsen je detektovan u hrani za životinje na oba ispitivana lokaliteta, prosečan sadržaj je bio 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), u uzroku kukuruza sadržaj arsena je bio veći nego u senu. U hrani animalnog porekla detektovani su Zn i Cu, dok je sadržaj ostalih toksičnih elemenata bio ispod praga detekcije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla ne predstavljaju rizik po zdravlje ljudi i životinja

    Natural and artificial radionuclides in herbal teas from Serbia

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    Due to their therapeutic and pharmacologic properties, medicinal herbs have a long history of use around the world. The objective of this study is to determine the activity concentration of natural ( 40K, 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U) and artificial ( 137Cs) radionuclides in samples of herbal teas from Serbia. The samples of the following commercially available teas: dandelion leaf (Taraxaci folium), mulberry leaf (Mori nigrae folium), ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea), sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), rose hip (Cynosbati fructus), wall germander (Teucrium chamaedrys), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), were collected in Serbia in 2021. The radionuclidesā€™ activity concentrations were determined using gamma spectrometry. The results show that among the natural radionuclides, 40K is dominant (316ā€“1616 Bq/kg), while the activity concentration of 226Ra and 232Th ranges from below the minimum detectable activity (MDA) to 12.3 Bq/kg, and below the MDA to 13.4 Bq/kg, respectively. In all investigated samples, the 238U activity concentration is below the MDA. Cesium-137 is detected in five out of seven analysed samples (0.3ā€“2.9 Bq/kg). The results indicate that 137Cs, released into the atmosphere after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, is still present in the environment of Serbia. Nevertheless, according to the Serbian legislation regulating the maximum permitted levels of radionuclides in foodstuffs, all of the investigated samples of herbal teas are safe for human consumption

    Prirodni i proizvedeni radionuklidi u zemljiŔtu planinskih regiona Republike Srbije i parametri radijacionog rizika

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    This review paper discusses the content of natural ( 40K, 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th) and artificial (137Cs) radionuclides in the soil of the mountains of Maljen, Tara and Kopaonik in the Republic of Serbia over 2002-2015. In addition, the paper gives radiation hazard parameters, i.e., radium equivalent activity, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose equivalent, external hazard index, annual gonadal dose equivalent, and excess lifetime cancer risk outdoors that we calculated from the obtained content of the natural radionuclides in the soil samples. We compared the parameters to previously published results for different parts of the country and looked into the radioecological status of the investigated areas.U radu su prikazani rezultati gamaspektrometrijskog određivanja sadržaja prirodnih (40K, 238U, 226Ra i 232Th) i proizvedenog (137Cs) radionuklida u zemljiÅ”tu sa područja planina Maljen, Tara i Kopaonik. Uzorci zemljiÅ”ta prikupljeni su u periodu od 2002. do 2015. godine na različitim nadmorskim visinama. Na osnovu sadržaja radionuklida u zemljiÅ”tu odredili smo parametre radijacionog rizika: radijum ekvivalentnu aktivnost, jačinu doze, godiÅ”nju efektivnu dozu spoljaÅ”njeg zračenja, indeks spoljaÅ”njeg hazarda, godiÅ”nju gonadnu dozu i faktor rizika pojave kancera na području planinskih regiona Republike Srbije, i potom ih uporedili sa ranije objavljenim rezultatima za pojedine regione Republike Srbije

    Efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju prelaska i deponovanja 137Cs u meso i jestive organe brojlerskih pilića

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    The objectives of the present study were to examine the level of radiocesium deposit in meat and edible organs of broiler chickens as well as to investigate efficiency of natural sepiolite in reducing 137Cs deposition in meat, liver and gizzard of alimentary contaminated broiler chickens. Broiler chickens (six weeks of age) were fed with the standard diet and each broiler was given a single oral dose of 137Cs, total activity of 3750 Bq. The broilers were divided into two groups (10 broilers per group). The group 1 was control (received only radiocesium). The broilers of the group 2, in addition to radiocesium received natural sepiolite solution (2 g sepiolite per bird). After 24 hours, all broilers, from each group, were stunned and killed. The samples of meat, (breast and legs), liver and gizzard were taken from each broiler, for gamma spectrometry determination of radiocesium activity. After 24 hours of contamination, 56 % of introduced 137Cs radioactivity was deposited in the meat (breast and legs muscles), 1 % in the liver and 2,4 % in the gizzard of broiler chickens 42 days of age. Natural sepiolite demonstrated insufficient protective action. Compared to the control group, percentage reduction (decreasing percentage) of 137Cs deposition in meat was 16%, in liver 5% and in gizzard 12%.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita stepen deponovanja radiocezijuma u mesu i jestivim organima brojlerskih pilića, kao i da se ispita efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju deponovanja 137Cs u mesu, jetri i bubcu, alimentarno kontaminiranih pilića. U radu su koriŔčeni brojlerski plići (Hubbard) uzrasta 42 dana, koji su dobili po jednu oralnu dozu 137Cs, ukupne aktivnosti 3750 Bq. Pilići su podeljeni u dve grupe (po 10 jedinki u grupi). Grupa 1 je bila kontrolna (dobijala je samo 137Cs). pilići grupe 2, pored radiocezijuma dobijali su, istovremeno, i rastvor sepiolita (2 g sepiolita po piletu). Posle 24 sata, izvrÅ”eno je žrtvovanje svih pilića. Uzorci celokupnog mesa (miÅ”ići grudi i nogu zajedno), jetre i bubca su uzimani od svakog pileta za gamaspektrometrijsko određivanje nivoa aktivnosti radiocezijuma. Ustanovljeno je da 24 sata posle kontaminacije, u odnosu na unetu aktivnost, u mesu se deponuje 56 % radiocezijuma, u jetri 1 % a u bubcu 2,4 %. Prirodni sepiolit ispoljio je nedovoljnu efikasnost zaÅ”tite. U odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, procenat smanjenja deponovanja 137Cs u mesu je bio 16%, u jetri 5% a u bubcu 12%

    Radioactivity in environment of Stara Planina mountain, in area of summer school for mountain animal breeding

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the activity concentration of natural radionuclides K-40, U-238, Ra-226, Th-232 and the anthropogenic radionuclide Cs-137 in the samples of soil, moss, hey, corn, yarrow, houseleek, milk and cheese. Samples were collected on Stara Planina Mountain, near the summer school for mountain animal breeding, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, during July 2014 and June 2015. The activity concentration of natural radionuclides in soil ranged from 393-543 Bq/kg (K-40), 29-57 Bq/kg (U-238), 25-51 Bq/kg (Ra-226), and 28-69 Bq/kg (Th-232). The highest activity concentration of Cs-137 in the environment of Stara Planina Mountain was measured in soil (22 Bq/kg) from the area of Smilovci and moss (26 Bq/kg) from the area of Kamenica. Radiocesium was also detected in houseleek (5.7 Bq/kg), while in animal feed and dairy products the activity concentration was below the detection limit

    Radioactivity of phosphate mineral products

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals

    Rendgenska dijagnostika najčeŔćih oboljenja periodoncijuma pasa i mačaka

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    Dental diseases in dogs and cats are of increasing importance in veterinary practice. If not diagnosed and treated on time, they can significantly affect the quality of life and pet health as well. Roentgenography of orofacial system, as a part of veterinary dentistry, is an important diagnostic tool that provides insight into diseases and irregularities of the teeth, shows macrostructure of bone parts, and also may indicate the etiology and genesis of various pathological conditions of the teeth. The objective of this paper is to point out to most common pathologies which small animal veterinary dentistry daily meets, as well as to foster the systematic development in this area in order to find more quality to both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.Proučavanje dentalnih oboljenja pasa i mačaka ima sve veći značaj u veterinarskoj praksi. Ukoliko se ne dijagnostikuju i ne leče na vreme, mogu značajno da utiču na kvalitet života i zdravlje kućnih ljubimaca. Rendgenografija orofacijalnog sistema, kao deo veterinarske stomatologije, je važan dijagnostički metod koji pruža uvid u oboljenja i nepravilnosti zuba, omogućava prikaz makrostrukture koÅ”tanih delova, a može ukazati i na etiologiju i genezu različitih patoloÅ”kih stanja zubala. Svrha ovog rada je da ukaže na najčeŔće patoloÅ”ke pojave sa kojima se veterinarska stomatologija malih životinja svakodnevno suočava, kao i da podstakne sistematski razvoj ove oblasti u cilju nalaženja Å”to kvalitetnijih kako dijagnostičkih tako i terapijskih postupaka

    Radionuclides and heavy metals in soil, vegetables, and medicinal plants in suburban areas of the cities of Belgrade and Pancevo, Serbia

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    The content of radionuclides (K-40 , U-238 , Ra-226 , Th-232, and Cs-137) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, and Pb) was determined in samples of soil, vegetables and medicinal plants collected in the period 2007-2017, from two suburban areas of Belgrade - the municipalities of Palilula and Surcin, and Pancevo - the Dr Josif Pancic Institute for the Study of Medicinal Herbs. During the research period, activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil decreased from 16 Bqkg(-1) to 3.9 Bqkg(-1) (Palilula, Belgrade) and from 18 Bqkg(-1) to 12 Bqkg(-1) (Surcin, Belgrade). Mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil were higher than the global average. lkend for heavy metal levels, according to the average concentrations found in the soil, were as follows: Cu >Pb >As >Cd for Palilula, Pb >Cu >As >Cd for Surcin and Dr Josif Pancic Institute, Pancevo. The obtained results indicate that the industrial pollution has no impact on food production in the study area and that the main anthropogenic source of radionuclides and heavy metals in soil are mineral phosphorous fertilizers, often used in agricultural fields

    Radijaciono higijenska kontrola mineralnih dodataka i smeŔa za ishranu svinja

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    Radiometric control of products involved in the food chain is an important part of ongoing quality control of products related to food and feed. Content of primordial and anthropogenic radionuclides in some products directly determines their quality and further methods of usage. The most common way of intake of radionuclides in the human body is ingestion (80 %) through contaminated food and water. The foods of animal origin are largely represented in the human diet. Therefore radiation control of animal feeds and animal products will contribute to producing food for human nutrition without or with low risk for health. This paper presents the results obtained by gamma spectrometric analysis of mineral additives and mixtures for pig nutrition, from imported and domestic production. In most samples examined, activity levels of natural and radionuclides made during production were in accordance with the regulations. A certain number of tested mineral supplement samples had increased levels of activity of 238U (640- 2100 Bq/kg), which was not in accordance with applicable regulations.Radiometrijska kontrola proizvoda uključenih u lanac ishrane je važan segment stalne provere kvaliteta proizvoda vezanih za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Sadržaj primordijalnih i antropogenih radionuklida u nekim proizvodima direktno određuje njegov kvalitet i dalji način upotrebe. NajčeŔći put unoÅ”enja radionuklida u ljudski organizam je ingestija (80%), putem kontaminirane hrane i vode. Kako su namirnice životinjskog porekla zastupljene u velikoj količini u ishrani ljudi, kontrola hrane za životinje i proizvoda animalnog porekla omogućila bi ishranu ljudima bez rizika. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni gamaspektrometrijskom analizom mineralnih dodataka, pred smeÅ”a i gotovih smeÅ”a za ishranu svinja iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje. U većini ispitivanih uzoraka nivo aktivnosti prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida je bio u skladu sa propisima. Jedan broj ispitanih uzoraka mineralnih dodataka iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje imao je povećan nivo aktivnost 238U (640 - 2100 Bq/kg), Å”to nije u skladu sa važećim propisima
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