15 research outputs found

    Razkrivanje razvoja lokalnih vdolbin v žlebičih na podlagi terenskih podatkov (Visoke Ture (Totes Gebirge), Avstrija) in simulacije različnega števila kanalskih stičišč

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    The development of emerging hollowing parts of the main channels of rinnenkarren systems at tributary channel junctions is interpreted in this study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. In the field, data from cross-sections of 505 local hollowings with one or more tributary channel junctions were investigated. The shift in the width–depth ratio of the local hollowings was studied as the number of junctions and the size of the hollowing changed. Flow was simulated through CFD in digital model channels, and the nature of the resulting vorticity was interpreted. Field data show that local hollowings emerging in the main channels of the channel systems at the junctions. In the main channels, when only a few tributary channels join in the vicinity of each other, local hollowings deepen during their growth and, most often, gradually become pits (depth is larger than width), as the morphometric analysis suggests. As the number of tributary channels increases, the local hollowing may develop into a kamenitza (width is larger than depth). The model experiment suggests the explanation that more tributary channel junctions result in more extensive vorticity, which contributes to the lateral extension (widening) of this channel section. The distance of the tributary junctions from each other also influences the downstream dimension of the local hollowing. In the field, the larger this distance, the more separated the local hollowings induced by individual tributaries. The model experiment suggests that this may occur because the intense vorticity generated by individual junctions becomes increasingly sectionalized as the tributary channel density decreases.Razvoj nastajajočih votlih delov glavnih kanalov v sistemih žlebičev na kanalskih stičiščih pritokov je v tej študiji razložen s simulacijo računalniške dinamike tekočin (CFD). Na terenu so bili proučeni podatki iz prečnih prerezov 505 lokalnih vdolbin z enim ali več stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Raziskana je bila sprememba razmerja med širino in globino lokalnih vdolbin glede na spremembe tako števila stičišč kot velikosti vdolbine. Pretok je bil s CFD simuliran v digitalnih modelnih kanalih, nato pa je bila pojasnjena narava nastalega vrtinčenja. Terenski podatki kažejo, da se v glavnih kanalih kanalnih sistemov na stičiščih pojavljajo lokalne vdolbine. V glavnih kanalih, kjer se v bližini drug drugega združi le nekaj pritočnih kanalov, se lokalne vdolbine sčasoma poglabljajo in najpogosteje postopno postanejo jame (globina je večja od širine), kot je razvidno iz morfometrične analize. S povečevanjem števila pritočnih kanalov se lahko lokalna vdolbina razvije v škavnico (širina je večja od globine). Na podlagi modelnega poskusa se predlaga razlaga, da več stičišč pritočnih kanalov povzroči obsežnejše vrtinčenje, ki prispeva k lateralni širitvi (razširitvi) zadevnega odseka kanala. Na velikost lokalne vdolbine v smeri toka vpliva tudi medsebojna oddaljenost stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Na terenu je opazno, da večja ko je ta razdalja, bolj so lokalne vdolbine, ki jih povzročajo posamezni pritoki,oddaljene druga od druge. Iz modelnega poskusa je razvidno, da se to lahko zgodi, ker se intenzivno vrtinčenje, ki nastane na posameznih stičiščih, z zmanjševanjem gostote pritočnih kanalov vedno bolj razdeli v segmente

    Vertikalno električno sondiranje epikrasa: študija primera pokritega krasa v regiji Bakony (Madžarska)

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    The epikarsts of five covered karst areas in the Bakony region are compared. The comparison is based on the specific resistances of the bedrock resistance averages measured by vertical electrical sounding (VES). The average largest specific resistance differences (per area) and the mean values (per profile) were calculated to investigate the characteristics of the epikarst. The mean values of specific resistance were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine whether the specific resistances of the areas showed significant differences. The studied karst areas can be categorised as high or low specific resistance areas, and the ANOVA method could be applied to three areas based on the available data. It can be concluded that the mean values of their specific resistances are significantly different. The mean values and standard deviation of the specific resistances of the different areas were analysed. It is described that the karst receives less water in the case of areas with lower specific resistance, while it receives more water in the case of areas with higher specific resistance. Areas with a high specific resistance are less karstified, while areas with a low specific resistance are more karstified. Low specific resistances and small mean values indicate a higher degree of cavity formation in the epikarst, while the decrease in mean values and standard deviation indicates increasing uniformity of the degree of cavity formation in the epikarst. The different degree of cavity formation is explained by the different karstification rates and the exposure of different time of certain areas.Avtorji so primerjali epikraške značilnosti petih območij pokritega krasa v regiji Bakony. Primerjava temelji na specifični upornosti z vidika povprečne upornosti matične podlage, izmerjene z vertikalnim električnim sondiranjem (VES). Za proučevanje značilnosti epikrasa so bile izračunane povprečne največje razlike specifične upornosti (za posamezno območje) in srednje vrednosti (za posamezni profil). Z analizo variance (ANOVA) je bila izvedena primerjava srednjih vrednosti specifične upornosti, da bi ugotovili, ali specifična upornost območij kaže pomembne razlike. Proučevana kraška območja je mogoče razvrstiti v območja z veliko ali majhno specifično upornostjo, metodo ANOVA pa je bilo mogoče na podlagi razpoložljivih podatkov uporabiti za tri območja. Ugotoviti je mogoče, da se srednje vrednosti njihove specifične upornosti pomembno razlikujejo. Avtorji so analizirali srednje vrednosti in standardni odklon specifične upornosti različnih območij. Iz opisa izhaja, da na območjih z manjšo specifično upornostjo kraško območje prejme manj vode, na območjih z večjo specifično upornostjo pa prejme več vode. Območja z veliko specifično upornostjo so manj zakrasela, območja z majhno specifično upornostjo pa so bolj zakrasela. Majhna specifična upornost in majhne srednje vrednosti kažejo na višjo stopnjo prevotljenosti epikrasa, zmanjševanje srednjih vrednosti in standardnega odklona pa kaže na bolj enakomerno prevotljenost epikrasa. Avtorji različne stopnje prevotljenosti posameznih območij razlagajo z različno hitrostjo zakrasevanja in različno časovno izpostavljenostjo zakrasevanju

    Revealing the development of local hollowings in rinnenkarren using field data (Totes Gebirge, Austria) and simulation of different numbers of channel junction

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    The development of emerging hollowing parts of the main channels of rinnenkarren systems at tributary channel junctions is interpreted in this study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. In the field, data from cross-sections of 505 local hollowings with one or more tributary channel junctions were investigated. The shift in the width–depth ratio of the local hollowings was studied as the number of junctions and the size of the hollowing changed. Flow was simulated through CFD in digital model channels, and the nature of the resulting vorticity was interpreted. Field data show that local hollowings emerging in the main channels of the channel systems at the junctions. In the main channels, when only a few tributary channels join in the vicinity of each other, local hollowings deepen during their growth and, most often, gradually become pits (depth is larger than width), as the morphometric analysis suggests. As the number of tributary channels increases, the local hollowing may develop into a kamenitza (width is larger than depth). The model experiment suggests the explanation that more tributary channel junctions result in more extensive vorticity, which contributes to the lateral extension (widening) of this channel section. The distance of the tributary junctions from each other also influences the downstream dimension of the local hollowing. In the field, the larger this distance, the more separated the local hollowings induced by individual tributaries. The model experiment suggests that this may occur because the intense vorticity generated by individual junctions becomes increasingly sectionalized as the tributary channel density decreases

    The Impact of Earthquakes on Dropout Doline (Cover Collapse Sinkhole) Development: A Case Study from the Environs of Mečenčani and Borojevići (Croatia)

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    In this study, the effect of earthquakes, beginning on 28 December 2020, on dropout doline development in the environs of Mečenčani and Borojevići was investigated. For that purpose, the shape of the doline, the inclination of the bearing surface and the rate of doline development were determined. A further analysis involved the characteristics of groundwater in the environs of the dolines and a functional relationship between the depth and the diameter of the dolines was sought. A model is proposed for the failure of the ceiling of cover cavities without support. The intensity of doline development is explained by favourable environment (dual cavity system, low inclination of the bearing surface, the presence and fluctuation of groundwater, etc.), the direct effect of earthquakes (material failure induced by earthquakes) and by their indirect effect (the partial solifluction of the ceiling material, lowered groundwater level)

    A hegységképződéstől a karsztokig: Beszélgetés Veress Mártonnal = From Mountain Formation to Karsts Conversation with Márton Veress

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    Veress Márton 1946. február 7-én született Szombathelyen. A József Attila Tudományegyetem biológia–földrajz szakán középiskolai tanári diplomát szerzett. 1997-ben kandidált (JATE), 2001-ben habilitált a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen, majd 2004-ben megszerezte az akadémiai doktori címet. A hetvenes évek közepétől foglalkozik karsztkutatással. Fő kutatási területe a karsztmorfológia, ezen belül a fedett karsztok és a karrok vizsgálata. Munkáját Kiváló Munkáért díjjal, Témavezető Mester díjjal, Pro Geographia díjjal, a Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend Lovagkeresztjével, Megyei Prima díjjal (Vas megye) ismerték el. 2016-ban Professor Emeritus címet kapott. Az itt olvasható, strukturált interjú 2023 februárjában az ELTE Savaria Egyetemi Központban készült. A jelen beszélgetés célja, hogy az olvasókkal megismertesse a professzor életének fontos mozzanatait, azt a miliőt, amely szerepet játszott a szakmai életútjának alakulásában. Célunk továbbá, hogy ezen keresztül érzékeltessük a hazai természetföldrajz erényeit, kihívásait és feladatait. | Márton Veress was born on February 7, 1946 in Szombathely, Hungary. He graduated from the József Attila University as a teacher of Biology and Geography. He became the doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2004. He has been active in karst research since the mid-1970s, where his main research area was karst morphology, including the study of covered karsts and karren. He received various awards and prizes, including the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary in 2009, and the title of Professor Emeritus in 2016. The semi-structured interview was conducted in February 2023 at the ELTE Savaria University Centre. The purpose of this conversation is to gain a better understanding of the important moments in the professor’s life, and of the milieu that played a role in shaping his professional career. The interview also aims to present the virtues, challenges and tasks of Hungarian geography through the experiences of this article