39,487 research outputs found

    Two-channel Kondo physics in odd impurity chains

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    We study odd-membered chains of spin-(1/2) impurities, with each end connected to its own metallic lead. For antiferromagnetic exchange coupling, universal two-channel Kondo (2CK) physics is shown to arise at low energies. Two overscreening mechanisms are found to occur depending on coupling strength, with distinct signatures in physical properties. For strong inter-impurity coupling, a residual chain spin-(1/2) moment experiences a renormalized effective coupling to the leads; while in the weak-coupling regime, Kondo coupling is mediated via incipient single-channel Kondo singlet formation. We also investigate models where the leads are tunnel-coupled to the impurity chain, permitting variable dot filling under applied gate voltages. Effective low-energy models for each regime of filling are derived, and for even-fillings where the chain ground state is a spin singlet, an orbital 2CK effect is found to be operative. Provided mirror symmetry is preserved, 2CK physics is shown to be wholly robust to variable dot filling; in particular the single-particle spectrum at the Fermi level, and hence the low-temperature zero-bias conductance, is always pinned to half-unitarity. We derive a Friedel-Luttinger sum rule and from it show that, in contrast to a Fermi liquid, the Luttinger integral is non-zero and determined solely by the `excess' dot charge as controlled by gate voltage. The relevance of the work to real quantum dot devices, where inter-lead charge-transfer processes fatal to 2CK physics are present, is also discussed. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group techniques are used to obtain a detailed understanding of these problems.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Self-degradation of heat shock proteins

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    The 70-kDa heat shock protein of Drosophila decays in vivo at a much faster rate than other abundantly labeled proteins. Degradation also occurs in vitro, even during electrophoresis. It appears that this degradation is not mediated by a general protease and that the 70-kDa heat shock protein has a slow proteolytic action upon itself. Heat-induced proteins in CHO cells and a mouse cell line also degrade spontaneously in vitro, as do certain non-heat shock proteins from Drosophila tissues as well as the cell lines

    The use of isotopic carbon in a study of the metabolism of anthanilic acid in Neurospora

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    The finding by Tatum, Banner, and Beadle (l), that the tryptophanless Neurospora mutant strain 10575 accumulates anthranilic acid, which in turn can be utilized for growth of strain 40008, has provided evidence that anthranilic acid is a biochemical precursor of tryptophan in this organism. It has been further established that indole is an intermediate in this conversion (2-5). More recent work with a number of mutants of Neurospora (6-8) has established that tryptophan is a biochemical precursor to niacin with kynurenine and hydroxyanthranilic acid as intermediates. The accumulated evidence has indicated the existence in the mold of the following series of reactions: → Anthranilic acid → indole → tryptophan → kynurenine → 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid → nicotinic acid In the light of this evidence the present work was undertaken to trace the carbon in the carboxyl group of anthranilic acid in order to estimate its contribution as a structural unit in the formation of niacin and tryptophan. The organism chosen for this investigation was a biochemical mutant strain of Neurospora designated as strain 40008. This mutant utilizes anthranilic acid, indole, or tryptophan for growth. The mutant was grown in the presence of anthranilic acid containing Cl4 in the carboxyl group. Niacin and tryptophan were isolated from the mold mycelium and tested for radioactivity

    When States Crack Down on Human Rights Defenders

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    Research suggests that civil society mobilization together with the ratification of human rights treaties put pressure on governments to improve their human rights practices. An unexplored theoretical implication is that pressure provokes counterpressure. Instead of improving treaty compliance, some governments will have an interest in demobilizing civil society to silence their critics. Yet we do not know how and to what extent this incentive shapes governments’ policies and practices regarding civil society organizations. In this article we argue and show—using a new global database of government-sponsored restrictions on civil society organizations—that when governments have committed to human rights treaties and, at the same time, continue to commit severe human rights abuses, they impose restrictions on civil society groups to avoid monitoring and mitigate the international costs of abuses

    Public geographies II: being organic

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    This second report on ‘public geographies' considers the diverse, emergent and shifting spaces of engaging with and in public/s. Taking as its focus the more ‘organic’ rather than ‘traditional’ approach to doing public geography, as discussed in the first report, it explores the multiple and unorthodox ways in which engagements across academic-public spheres play out, and what such engagements may mean for geography/ers. The report first explores the role of the internet in ‘enabling conversations', generating a range of opportunities for public geography through websites, wikis, blogs, file-sharing sites, discussion forums and more, thinking critically about how technologies may enable/disable certain kinds of publically engaged activities. It then considers issues of process and praxis: how collaborations with groups/communities/organizations beyond academia are often unplanned, serendipitous encounters that evolve organically into research/learning/teaching endeavours; but also that personal politics/positionality bring an agency to bear upon whether we, as academics, follow the leads we may stumble upon. The report concludes with a provocative question – given that many non-academics appear to be doing some amazing and inspiring projects and activities, thoughtful, critical and (arguably) examples of organic public geographies, what then is academia’s role