252 research outputs found

    The Cell Biology of Genomes: Bringing the Double Helix to Life

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    The recent ability to routinely probe genome function at a global scale has revolutionized our view of genomes. One of the most important realizations from these approaches is that the functional output of genomes is affected by the nuclear environment in which they exist. Integration of sequence information with molecular and cellular features of the genome promises a fuller understanding of genome function

    Physiological importance of RNA and protein mobility in the cell nucleus

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    Trafficking of proteins and RNAs is essential for cellular function and homeostasis. While it has long been appreciated that proteins and RNAs move within cells, only recently has it become possible to visualize trafficking events in vivo. Analysis of protein and RNA motion within the cell nucleus have been particularly intriguing as they have revealed an unanticipated degree of dynamics within the organelle. These methods have revealed that the intranuclear trafficking occurs largely by energy-independent mechanisms and is driven by diffusion. RNA molecules and non-DNA binding proteins undergo constrained diffusion, largely limited by the spatial constraint imposed by chromatin, and chromatin binding proteins move by a stop-and-go mechanism where their free diffusion is interrupted by random association with the chromatin fiber. The ability and mode of motion of proteins and RNAs has implications for how they find nuclear targets on chromatin and in nuclear subcompartments and how macromolecular complexes are assembled in vivo. Most importantly, the dynamic nature of proteins and RNAs is emerging as a means to control physiological cellular responses and pathways

    The concept of self-organization in cellular architecture

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    In vivo microscopy has recently revealed the dynamic nature of many cellular organelles. The dynamic properties of several cellular structures are consistent with a role for self-organization in their formation, maintenance, and function; therefore, self-organization might be a general principle in cellular organization

    JCB meeting: Cell Biology of Disease

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    Computational cell biology

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    The lamin protein family

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    Locus-specific and activity-independent gene repositioning during early tumorigenesis

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    The mammalian genome is highly organized within the cell nucleus. The nuclear position of many genes and genomic regions changes during physiological processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and disease. It is unclear whether disease-associated positioning changes occur specifically or are part of more global genome reorganization events. Here, we have analyzed the spatial position of a defined set of cancer-associated genes in an established mammary epithelial three-dimensional cell culture model of the early stages of breast cancer. We find that the genome is globally reorganized during normal and tumorigenic epithelial differentiation. Systematic mapping of changes in spatial positioning of cancer-associated genes reveals gene-specific positioning behavior and we identify several genes that are specifically repositioned during tumorigenesis. Alterations of spatial positioning patterns during differentiation and tumorigenesis were unrelated to gene activity. Our results demonstrate the existence of activity-independent genome repositioning events in the early stages of tumor formation