75 research outputs found

    Planning and Teaching Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice

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    Introduction to teaching strategies and models including direct instruction, discovery and inquiry, cooperative/collaborative learning, concept teaching in a developmental-constructivist context; attention to taxonomies for cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains; reflection of classroom practices; curriculum design and planning; classroom management; evaluation and assessment; use of technology across the curriculum.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/open/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Education, Society, and the K-12 Learner

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    An exploration of selected components of the education profession: purpose of education. American education system, education and the legal system, child and adolescent development, and diversity. Part 1: Educational History and Policy Part 2: Educational Psychologyhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/open/1001/thumbnail.jp