27 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic tree of Kuantan cattle by DNA barcoding

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    Kuantan cattle is one of local beef cattle breed of Riau Province which its origin was unknown. Kuantan cattle are commonly found in Indragiri Hulu and Kuantan Singingi Regency. Based on phenotype characterizations, kuantan cattles are similar with pesisir cattle (West Sumatera beef cattle). Historically, kuantan cattle were pesisir cattle brought by “minang” immigrants (Immigrant from West Sumatera) to this region. The purpose of this study was to analyze the origin of the kuantan cattle through genetic diversity analysis using DNA barcode. DNA barcode used was Cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene which was found in the mtDNA. DNA isolation was done on 25 kuantan’s blood samples and 18 pesisir blood samples. Amplification of COI gene segment used Polymerase Chain Reaction technique. The forward primer sequence used in this study was F’5 TTCTCAACCAACCATAAAGATATTGG-3’ and the reverse primer sequence used was reverse 5’-TAGACTTCGGGGTGTCCAAAGAATCA-3. It squeezed kuantan and pesisir sequence 5711 - 6420 base (GeneBank accession number NC_005971) with length by 710 bp. Analysis result of sequence using MEGA 5.2 Program showed that there were 6 polymorphic sites establishing 7 haplotypes on kuantan cattle and 9 polymorphic sites establishing 12 haplotypes on pesisir cattle. Based on genetic distance and phylogeney tree, kuantan and pesisir cattle were in same group with Bos indicus. Mutation in the COI gene segment in this study was too small and was not able to distinguish the difference of those breeds. The result of neighbor joining analyze indicated that kuantan cattle origin was from Bos indicus just like pesisir cattle.Key Words: COI Gene, Polymorphic, Kuantan Cattle, Genetic Distance, Phylogenetic Tre

    Polymorphism Identification of Pit1 Gene in Indonesian Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and Holstein-Friesian Cows

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    Pit-1 gene has been identified as the pituitary specific transcription factor that regulates the expression of the growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) genes in the anterior pituitary. The use of polymorphic markers in breeding programmes could make selection more accurate and efficient. A total  of 320 Indonesian buffaloes from four populations and 45 FH cows from nine populations were genotyped for polymorphism of Pit1|Hinf1 gene by the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. The gene polymorphism was detected only in FH cattle. The frequency of AA, AB, and BB genotype was 2%, 44%, and 53% respectively. The frequency of A allel was 25% and B allel was 75%, but no polymorphism was detected in 320 Indonesia buffaloes

    Genetic Polymorphism of the Lactoferrin Gene in Dairy and Beef Cattles at National Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Stations

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    Lactoferrin (LTF) adalah gen pengontrol komponen protein susu dan memiliki karakteristik sebagai antimikrobial.  LTF pada susu berfungsi untuk mencegah diare, sedangkan pada sapi laktasi untuk mencegah mastitis pada ambing. Mempertimbangkan peran penting dari gen LTF, maka perlu dilakukan peningkatan kadar LTF dalam susu melalui seleksi pada taraf DNA. Polymorfisme genetik dari gen LTF diidentifikasi pada sapi perah dan potong dengan metoda Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restricsion Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), dengan enzim restriksi EcoRI. Genotyping dilakukan pada sapi perah Friesian Holstein (FH) total sejumlah 89 ekor, meliputi dari Balai Inseminasi Buatan Lembang (BIB Lembang) untuk 17 pejantan, Balai Besar IB Singosari (BBIB Singosari) untuk 32 pejantan, dan Balai embrio Transfer Cipelang (BET  Cipelang) pada 40 dara. Genotyping dilakukan pula pada sapi potong dara berasal dari empat bangsa, meliputi Limousin (14 ekor), Angus (5 ekor), Simmental (13 ekor) dan Brahman (5 ekor) dari BET Cipelang. Gen LTF|EcoRI pada sapi perah dan potong pengamatan menghasilkan dua tipe alel, yaitu alel A dan B. Kedua jenis sapi tersebut menghasilkan hanya dua genotipe, yaitu  genotipe AA dan AB, tanpa genotipe BB. Ini dapat menjadi hal yang baik karena genotipe AA dan AB dipertimbangkan berasosiasi dengan ketahan pada mastitis. Nilai-nilai dari heterozygositas observasi (Ho) dari gen ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan heterozigositas ekspektasi (He). Disimpulkan bahwa gen LTF|EcoRI memiliki variasi yang baik pada sapi perah dan sapi potong dari ketiga balai bibit nasional tersebut. Kata Kunci: Polymorfisme genetik, Friesian Holstein, gen Lactoferrin, PCR-RFL

    Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism and Its Association with Partial Cumulative Milk Yields of Holstein Friesian Dairy Cattle

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    Growth hormone gene (GH gene) plays an important role in regulating body growth and in developing mammary gland, similar with its interaction to specific receptors. The GH gene has been considered as one of candidate gene associated with selection on lactation trait and milk production. This study was aimed to determine genetic polymorphism of the GH-AluI gene and to associate its genotype variants on various 15-d partial cumulative milk yields in Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy cows. A number of 370 blood samples were collected from six HF populations, respectively from small dairy farmer under the supervision of the North Bandung Milk Cooperation (NBMC) in Cilumber (98) and Pasir Kemis village (96), Dairy Cattle Breeding and Improvement Station (Cikole DCBIS) Cikole (88), Lembang Artificial Insemination Center (Lembang AIC) (17), Singosari Artificial Insemination Center (Singosari AIC (32), and Cipelang Livestock Embryo Center (Cipelang LEC) (40). A polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used to identify variant genotypes of the GH gene using AluI restriction enzyme. Genotyping results produced only two genotypes, i.e. LL and LV genotypes, without VV genotype. Frequency of the former was dominant, whilst that was low for the latter (89% vs. 11%); leading to the frequency of L allele was very high (94%) compared to that of V allele (6%). No significant association between variant genotypes (LL and LV) and various 15-d partial cumulative milk yields

    Produksi Bahan Kering dan Kadar Nutrien Indigofera zollingeriana di Lahan Gambut Berdasarkan Umur Panen Berbeda Setelah Pemangkasan

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    This study aimed to determine the increase of dry matter production and Nutrient changes of Indigofera zollingeriana cultivated in Sapric peat soils with harvest age of 2, 3 and 4 months after pruning. Indigofera foliage was obtained from the existing plot of approximately 3 years old that grown in the experimental field of the UARDS Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Sciences of UIN Suska Riau. The research design of randomized block design (RBD) was apllied consisting of 3 age treatments with 4 group. Each treatment, consisted of indigofera biomass harvested at 2 months old (2M), 3 months old (3M) and 4 months old (4M). The results showed that postponing harvest from 2 months to 4 months significantly (p<0.05) increased dry matter production of 71.97 g to 437.62 g and significantly (p<0.05) decreased crude protein (CP) content from 27.45% to 21.23%. Meanwhile, crude fibre (CF), extract ether (EE), ash and nitrogen free extract (NFE) contents were not influence by postponing harvest from 2 to 4 months. The respective ranges of CF, EE, ash and NFE content of I. zollingeriana were CF: 15.50%-16.50%, EE: 2.11%-2.85%, ash: 7.55%-8.31% and NFE: 46.39%-51.15%. It can be concluded that the dry matter production of I. zollingeriana that grown on Sapric peat soils were significantly influenced by harvest age. Key words: legume, maturity, nutritive value, peatlan


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    Bagasse is a sugar factory waste that is found and can pollute the environment if it is not utilized. At present there are not many farmers using the bagasse for animal feed ingredients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ensilase and the addition of indigofera biomass on the fibre fraction of bagasse silage flour. The study was conducted experimentally using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of P1 (100% bagasse + 0% indigofera biomass + 1,95 mL probiotics (control)); P2 (0% bagasse + 100% indigofera biomass + 1,95 mL probiotic (control 2)); P3 (100% bagasse + 15 % indigofera biomass + 2.24 mL probiotics); P4 (100% bagasse + 30% indigofera biomass + 2.54 mL probiotics); P5 (100% bagasse + 45% indigofera biomass + 2.83 mL probiotics). Results of the study showed that the NDF, ADF and ADL content of bagasse silage flour was significant (P<0.05) higher than that of indigofera silage flour. Addition of 15%, 30% and 45% indigofera biomass was not significant (P<0.05) decreased NDF, NDF and ADL content of bagasse silage flour. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the addition of indigofera biomass has not been able to reduce the content of NDF, ADF and ADL content of bagasse silage flour, but reduced hemicellulose and increased the cellulose content of bagasse silage flour. Keywords : Bagasse, indigofera biomass, fibre fractio


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    This research aimed to know the diversity of qualitative trait in kuantan cattle, and compare of quantitative trait in kuantan male and female. A number of 88 heads of kuantan cattle consists of 71 head female and 17 head male were used for qualitative trait, and for quantitative trait, consist of age levels 0-6 month, >6-12 months, >12-18 months and >18-24 month. The observed parameters in qualitative trait were hair colour, horns shape and leg colour, quantitative trait were body length, chest circumference, shoulder height, chest depth and hip height. The results showed that the qualitative trait of the kuantan females include the dominant of hair colour were brown white, horns curved upward and short small horns, and the dominant leg color is white. In Kuantan male the dominant hair colour were brown white, no horns, and the dominant leg color is white. The average of body length, chest circumference, shoulder height, chest depth and hip height kuantan cattle (male and female) in every age level is not different except in chest depth age level >12-18 month. Keywords : Kuantan cattle, qualitative and quantitative traits, Kuantan Singing


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi segar biomasa Indigofera zolli- ngeriana yang tumbuh di lahan gambut bertipe saprik pada umur 2, 3 dan 4 bulan setelah pemangkasan. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Perlakuan adalah biomasa indigofera yang dipanen pada umur 2 bulan (2B), 3 bulan (3B) dan umur 4 bulan (4B). Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tua umur pemang- kasan maka panjang ranting, jumlah daun, rasio daun/ranting, produksi segar dan kandungan bahan kering indigofera semakin meningkat. Panjang ranting indigofera pada 2B, 3B dan 4B berturut-turut adalah 52,23 cm, 99.01 cm dan 132,12 cm. Jumlah daun indigofera pada 2B yaitu 1.648,1 helai, kemudian meningkat pada 3B yaitu 4.424,8 helai dan pada 4B yaitu 11.310,1 helai. Persentase daun meningkat dari 31,7% (2B) menjadi 44% (4B), sedangkan persentase ranting menurun dari 68,3% (2B) menjadi 56% (4B). Rataan pro- duksi segar tanaman indigofera per pohon pada 2B, 3B, dan 4B berturut-turut yaitu 542,7 g/pohon, 1.173,9 g/pohon, dan 2.858,8 g/pohon. Kandungan bahan kering indigofera pada 2B yaitu sebesar 13,25%, pada 3B yaitu 14,76%, dan pada 4B yaitu 15,76%. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Indi- gofera zollingeriana dapat tumbuh dengan baik pada tanah gambut tipe saprik. Produksi tertinggi biomasa Indigofera zollingeriana berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini adalah pada umur 4 bulan setelah pemangkasan. Kata kunci: Indigofera zollingeriana, gambut, umur pertumbuhan kembal