99 research outputs found

    Energy Cost of Creating Quantum Coherence

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    We consider the physical situations where the resource theories of coherence and thermodynamics play competing roles. In particular, we study the creation of quantum coherence using unitary operations with limited thermodynamic resources. We first find the maximal coherence that can be created under unitary operations starting from a thermal state and find explicitly the unitary transformation that creates the maximal coherence. Since coherence is created by unitary operations starting from a thermal state, it requires some amount of energy. This motivates us to explore the trade-off between the amount of coherence that can be created and the energy cost of the unitary process. We find the maximal achievable coherence under the constraint on the available energy. Additionally, we compare the maximal coherence and the maximal total correlation that can be created under unitary transformations with the same available energy at our disposal. We find that when maximal coherence is created with limited energy, the total correlation created in the process is upper bounded by the maximal coherence and vice versa. For two qubit systems we show that there does not exist any unitary transformation that creates maximal coherence and maximal total correlation simultaneously with a limited energy cost.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Carry Forward Modeling for High-Frequency Limit-Order Executions: An Emerging Market Perspective

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    In this study, we estimate the order execution probability of a limit-order book (LOB) and analyze its determinants using high-frequency LOB data from the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. For this purpose, we propose an algorithm that estimates the LOB execution time. Using a survival function with log-normal distribution, this study analyzes the significant determinants of the limit-order execution times. The average execution probability is found to be higher for stocks belonging to the information technology and telecom sectors. The limit-order execution probability increases with a larger bid–ask spread, lower limit-order size, and deeper opposite order book. On the other hand, multiple factors, including price aggressiveness, inferior price, limit-order size, and spread, have a direct impact on execution times. The findings could help traders understand various factors influencing the probability of execution and execution time of LOBs. This study is unique in that it models limit-order execution using high-frequency tick-by-tick trading data for emerging markets, such as the NSE of India

    Evaluation and Taxonomy of Penetration Testing

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    The dependence of organizations on networks/Internet for efficient operations and services to customers has made the network security issues a vital one. In the present paper penetration testing manners and technologies are first surveyed and then analyzed in the real world context. Penetration testing has been performed mid/large cooperate organization pointing to certain conflicts in the requirements of testing. The paper also discusses about the processes and methodologies of today’s trends that also undergo continuous changes due to rapid technological developments. Some complications in penetration testing have also been highlighted and requirements for adopting the technique in modified way have been discussed. The paper further describes different phases of penetration testing techniques and we have also purposed a new methodology that is able to resolve the shortcoming of existing one. Penetration testing has been performed mid/large cooperate organization pointing to certain conflicts in the requirements of testing. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15084

    Improving a Transhumance Livestock System of India with Modern Technologies

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    Traditional livestock rearing systems in grasslands evolved in response to social, climatic, vegetative and technological conditions that existed scores, hundreds, or in some cases up to a thousand of years ago. Many of these systems involve vertical transhumance where flocks and herds are moved up elevation gradients for summer pasturage or horizontal transhumance in which livestock migrate across greater distances in response to regional rainfall patterns and the resulting availability of forage. In spite of the relatively low earnings of individual herders, these pastoral systems can contribute substantially to the national economies, while providing sustenance and food security to significant portions of the population. Additionally, traditional livestock rearing often contributes a rich social culture in regions where it is practiced and many societies closely identify with traditional livestock herding lifestyles. In many parts of the world herders still use traditional transhumance systems but they are coming under increased pressure from a number of forces such as social, economic (globalization) and political both within and external to these societies. Yet, many rural people living at or near the subsistence level still rely heavily on small flocks or herds that migrate for their livelihoods. These traditional pastoral or agro pastoral systems and the people that use them have an opportunity to employ modern technologies to change and improve with developing technologies. We studied the Indian Raika (Dewasi/Rebari) horizontal transhumance system of sheep and cattle from their home villages in western Rajasthan to the regions of Haryana and Delhi. During this project we attempted to understand the constraints to production, techniques that could increase animal health and family income of herders. One of the main goals of the project was to also identify programmatic opportunities whereby information at the national or international level could be used to improve sustainability and efficiency of movement from one grazing location to another

    Enhancing Forage Production through Silvipastoral System in Arid Regions

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    Livestock based farming system makes significant contribution for livelihood security of farmers in arid zone of India. However, availability of fodder for livestock is not sufficient due to water scarcity and land degradation leading to low productivity of grazing land. The arid zones are less suitable for crop production due to inherent soil constraints like low water retentivity, sandy texture, shallow depth, occurrence of rocks and stones, however some grasses and tree species of forage value and economic importance can grow well and help in augmenting forage production. Silvipasture offers a sustainable land use system which increases overall productivity of land and makes efficient utilization of natural resources. Silvipastoral system has special significance in arid and semi-arid region (Tiwari et al., 1999)

    In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Flowers and Fruits of Alstonia scholaris

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    The ethnobotanical and pharmacological evaluation of plant based chemicals have shown rapid strides in the last few decades. Plants have been a rich source of important therapeutic agents and form the basis of herbal systems of medicine, like ayurveda, resulting in the revival of ancient traditions of medicine. The present study was carried out to investigate the anti oxidant potential of the inflorescence and fruits of Alstonia scholaris using an in vitro model system like DPPH assay and Beta carotene Assay. The methanol extract of the flower showed powerful antioxidant activity by DPPH and Beta-carotene assays in comparison with the standard butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), l- ascorbic acid. For DPPH assay the IC-50 value was also calculated and was found to have a significant correlation between benzene extract of flower and methanol extract of fruits. Overall, the methanol extracts of flower showed higher anti oxidant activity than the fruit. Keywords: Alstonia scholaris ,anti oxidant potential, DPPH, Beta Carotene.

    In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Flowers and Fruits of Alstonia scholaris

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    The ethnobotanical and pharmacological evaluation of plant based chemicals have shown rapid strides in the last few decades. Plants have been a rich source of important therapeutic agents and form the basis of herbal systems of medicine, like ayurveda, resulting in the revival of ancient traditions of medicine. The present study was carried out to investigate the anti oxidant potential of the inflorescence and fruits of Alstonia scholaris using an in vitro model system like DPPH assay and Beta carotene Assay. The methanol extract of the flower showed powerful antioxidant activity by DPPH and Beta-carotene assays in comparison with the standard butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), l- ascorbic acid. For DPPH assay the IC-50 value was also calculated and was found to have a significant correlation between benzene extract of flower and methanol extract of fruits. Overall, the methanol extracts of flower showed higher anti oxidant activity than the fruit. Keywords: Alstonia scholaris ,anti oxidant potential, DPPH, Beta Carotene.

    Participatory Pasture Development in Hot Arid Region of India

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    Livestock production is one of the main occupations of resource-poor and resource-rich people living in India’s arid regions, and common grazing lands have always played a major role in livestock based livelihood systems, as around 50% of animals depend on grazing (Misra et al, 2015). According to the National Sample Survey Organization, common property land resources constitute about 15% of the total geographical area of India, of which 23% is community pasture and grazing lands and 16% have been classified as village forests and woodlots (NSSO, 1999). At another level, India has the largest livestock population in the world, with 512 million head of livestock, many of them raised by small and marginal farmers who depend on grazing land to meet the fodder requirements of their animals (Anonymous, 2012). Traditionally, close link exists between livestock and common property resources (CPRs), as grazing is predominate feeding practice among the livestock keepers in hot arid region of India. This complex inter-relationship between CPRs, livestock and crops in arid and semi-arid production systems has contributed to the sustainability of dryland agriculture for generations (Misra et al., 2009). However, the typical scenario of community grazing lands has been one of gradually declining productivity due to overexploitation, and declining area due to privatization. Keeping this in view, Livestock Production Systems & Range Management Division and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of Central arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur identified pasture development as a major thrust area for the hot arid zone of India. The interventions related to pasture development was carried out on a total of 88 ha common/private land in ten gram panchayat in two districts (Jodhpur and Nagur) of western Rajasthan during 2010-14 in collaboration with local farming communities, NGOs and Goushala
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