204 research outputs found

    Mobile Phones and the Livelihoods of Indonesian Micro-Entrepreneurs: Evidence of Capability Expansion

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    Mobile phone is one of a few technologies in the world that have created immediate and widespread of an impact mobile phones. The impact of the mobile technology for development has been seen from many different perspectives, but few empirical studies have investigates the technology in relation to human development perspectives and in particular Capability Approach. The present study fills this important gap in the literature. Focusing on micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia including women and disabled micro-entrepreneurs, this paper investigates how the mobile phones create new and expand existing capabilities of micro-entrepreneurs in running business and improving their livelihoods

    Model of decision support system used for assessment of insurance risk

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    Za savremeno poslovanje u uslovima neizvesnosti, rezultati predviđanja poslovanja su od suštinskog značaja za evaluaciju buduće finansijske efikasnosti preduzeća. U radu je izložen primer predviđanja premija na osnovu ocena izvora rizika u osiguranju. Zbog neizvesnosti koja prati trenutak nastanka i iznosa štete neophodno je osigurati dovoljno sredstava za pokriće rizika. Za usklađivanje sredstava i obaveza potrebno je oceniti uticaj rizika na promenu premije po vrstama osiguranja, što čini osnovni koncept razvoja i poslovanja osiguravajućih društava. U radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno istraživanje rangiranja rizika na osnovu projektovanog modela u sistemu za podršku odlučivanju. Sistem za podršku odlučivanju korišćen je u cilju generisanja hijerarhije uticajnih kriterijuma i alternativa u modelu za ocenu rizika kod navedenih vrsta osiguranja. Predloženi model zagovara ideju da se za vrste osiguranja kod koje se utvrdi najviši stepen rizika i na osnovu toga donesu odluke o visini premije u narednom periodu. .In order to run a modern business in uncertain times, business forcasting is very important for evaluation of company.s future financial performance. This paper shows an example of premium forecast based on the assessment of risk sources in insurance system. Due to uncertainty that is one of the characteristics of loss occurrence and indemnity amount, it is important to hold sufficient assets to cover the risk. For asset-liability matching, one should first assess the impact of risk on premium movement per insurance lines. This is the main concept of development and performance of insurance companies. This paper shows an experimental research of risk ranking based on projected model of decision support system. Decision support system is used with the aim to generate hierarchy of influential criteria and alternatives of risk assessment model for stated insurance lines. Suggested model sup- ports the idea according to which one should first determine insurance lines with the highest risk and then, on that basis, make a decision on premium amount in the following period

    Model of decision support system used for assessment of insurance risk

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    Za savremeno poslovanje u uslovima neizvesnosti, rezultati predviđanja poslovanja su od suštinskog značaja za evaluaciju buduće finansijske efikasnosti preduzeća. U radu je izložen primer predviđanja premija na osnovu ocena izvora rizika u osiguranju. Zbog neizvesnosti koja prati trenutak nastanka i iznosa štete neophodno je osigurati dovoljno sredstava za pokriće rizika. Za usklađivanje sredstava i obaveza potrebno je oceniti uticaj rizika na promenu premije po vrstama osiguranja, što čini osnovni koncept razvoja i poslovanja osiguravajućih društava. U radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno istraživanje rangiranja rizika na osnovu projektovanog modela u sistemu za podršku odlučivanju. Sistem za podršku odlučivanju korišćen je u cilju generisanja hijerarhije uticajnih kriterijuma i alternativa u modelu za ocenu rizika kod navedenih vrsta osiguranja. Predloženi model zagovara ideju da se za vrste osiguranja kod koje se utvrdi najviši stepen rizika i na osnovu toga donesu odluke o visini premije u narednom periodu. .In order to run a modern business in uncertain times, business forcasting is very important for evaluation of company.s future financial performance. This paper shows an example of premium forecast based on the assessment of risk sources in insurance system. Due to uncertainty that is one of the characteristics of loss occurrence and indemnity amount, it is important to hold sufficient assets to cover the risk. For asset-liability matching, one should first assess the impact of risk on premium movement per insurance lines. This is the main concept of development and performance of insurance companies. This paper shows an experimental research of risk ranking based on projected model of decision support system. Decision support system is used with the aim to generate hierarchy of influential criteria and alternatives of risk assessment model for stated insurance lines. Suggested model sup- ports the idea according to which one should first determine insurance lines with the highest risk and then, on that basis, make a decision on premium amount in the following period

    Organizational and management change in industry 4.0

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    Key elements of Industry 4.0 are collaborative innovation, comprehensive integration, IoT, data driven and organizational change. This paper focus is analysis organizational change in new business environment. Management system in industry 4.0 can be viewed through three cycles: strategy, element and management cycle. Strategy cycle addresses on developing sustainable competitiveness or new capability. Element cycle is based on data driven-technology, business process and organizational structure. Management cycle is based on leadership role. Element cycle is analyzed, concrete organizational structure transformation to minimum viable organization (MVO) and management support for this process. Steps, phases and concepts for achieving MVO are discussed in this paper

    Organizational and management change in industry 4.0

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    Key elements of Industry 4.0 are collaborative innovation, comprehensive integration, IoT, data driven and organizational change. This paper focus is analysis organizational change in new business environment. Management system in industry 4.0 can be viewed through three cycles: strategy, element and management cycle. Strategy cycle addresses on developing sustainable competitiveness or new capability. Element cycle is based on data driven-technology, business process and organizational structure. Management cycle is based on leadership role. Element cycle is analyzed, concrete organizational structure transformation to minimum viable organization (MVO) and management support for this process. Steps, phases and concepts for achieving MVO are discussed in this paper

    The evaluation of risky investment projects

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja su rizični investicioni projekti, za koje nije dovoljno primeniti samo neki od metoda ocene projekata (NPV, AE, IRR itd), jer je rizik donošenja pogrešne odluke znatan. Zbog toga se u ovakvim slučajevima moraju primeniti neki drugi metodi koji uzimaju u obzir rizik projekta. U praksi se najčešće za ocenu projekata koriste metode NPV i IRR. Međutim, za ocenu rizičnih projekata ove metode ne mogu da daju pouzdanu ocenu o isplativosti projekta. Zbog toga se u ovom radu predlaže jedna druga kombinacija metoda, koja bi dala pouzdaniju sliku o projektu. Na konkretnom primeru urađena je NPV analiza, senzitivna analiza i Monte Karlo simulacija. Na taj način se došlo do određenih rezultata koji omogućuju pouzdanije ocenjivanje inženjerskog investicionog projekta, što predstavlja doprinos ovog rada.The subject of this investigation are risky investment projects that some project evaluation methods (NPV, AE, IRR etc) are insufficient to be applied to, because the risk of wrong decision-making is considerable. That is the reason why in such cases some other methods taking into account project risk must be implemented. In practice, the NPV and IRR methods are most often used for project evaluation. However, these methods cannot provide reliable evaluation of project cost-effectiveness for the case of risky projects. Therefore, in this paper another combination of methods is proposed that would give a more reliable picture of the project. Using a concrete example, NPV analysis, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation were done. In this way, certain results were arrived at providing a more reliable evaluation of an engineering investment project, which represents the contribution of this paper

    Understanding ICT strategy of women small business owners in developing countries: Linking social media use, business strategy and well-being

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    Micro and small businesses (1-20 employees) comprises more than 70-95% of all business globally, provide important contributions to social and economic development and have been at the forefront of job creation (OECD, 2017). The use of mobile internet technology such as social media by small businesses has been receiving much attention, particularly for its potential in reaching wider customer base. The research aims to explore the use of social media by women small business owners in relation to business strategies and objectives from human development perspective. In doing so, we are guided by the interrelating concept of personal value, business strategy and well-being perceptions. This paper reports a preliminary result of the study based on three interviews with women small business owners. The findings show social media strategy are directed towards fulfilling business objective and at the same time achieving valued goals around family commitments and other social well-being

    Desing of multi-dimensional model of production scheduling and monitoring in metal industry

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    U radu je prikazano projektovanje višedimenzionalnog modela za terminiranje i praćenje proizvodnje u metalopreradjivačkoj industriji. Model u osnovi polazi od dokazane postavke Moderne teorije organizacije da je preduzeće višedimezionalni sistem i da su njegovi elementi vezani stohastičkim vezama pa je logično da za proces planiranja treba dovesti u vezu sve relevantne elemente i to znači da he višedimenzionalni model operativnog planiranja dati bolja rešenja od planiranja samo u jednoj dimenziji. Među-uslovljenost i isprepletenost elemenata proizvodite zahtevaju model koji će dati mnogo više veza koje he unapred biti planirane.Paper present multi-dimensional model of production scheduling and monitoring in metal industry. The model basically starts from the accepted assumption of the Modern Organization Theory that the company is a multi-dimensional system and that its elements are connected by stochastic links, therefore it is logical that for the planning process all relevant elements should be considered, meaning that the multidimensional model of operating planning shall provide better solutions than planning only into one dimension. The interaction and overlapping of production elements require the model which shall offer more connections to be previously planned

    The design of hybrid system for servicing process support in small businesses

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    U radu je dat prikaz hibridnog sistema u kojem Ekspertni sistem (ES) predstavlja komponentu Sistema za podršku odlučivanju. Hibridni sistem je razvijen za potrebe dijagnostike kvara, što obavlja ekspertni sistem, a izlaz odnosno dijagnostifikovana neispravna komponenta predstavlja ulaz u sistem za podršku odlučivanju u kojem se na osnovu višekriterijumske analize vrši izbor dobavljača za zamenu neispravne komponente. Hibridni sistem razvijen je za dijagnostifikovanje kvara kod motokultivatora, motorne testere i kosilice za travu, a primenjen je u malom preduzeću koje je uvoznik, distributer i obavlja servisiranje navedenih proizvoda. Konkretni rezultati primene hibridnog sistema ogledaju se kroz skraćeno vreme dijagnoze kvara, brzu nabavku i zamenu neispravnih komponenti, olakšan servis i kvalitet usluge kupcima.The paper gives a survey of a hybrid system, where Expert System (ES) output represents Decision Support System (DSS) input. The hybrid system has been developed for the needs of fault diagnosis performed by ES, while the output i.e. a diagnosed faulty component is DSS input, where supplier selection for faulty component replacement is made, using a multicriteria analysis. The hybrid system has been developed for motocultivator, motor saw and grass mower fault diagnosis. The system was applied in a small company which is an importer and a distributor and performs servicing of the mentioned products. Concrete results mirror themselves in a shortened period of time for fault diagnosis and fast supply and replacement of faulty components, facilitated and better quality services for customers

    Investigating Cloud ERP Adoption in Australian Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study

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    Background: Some higher education institutions (HEIs) are constantly under pressure to deliver superior quality education services at low costs through deploying traditional on-premise systems. Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (Cloud ERP) presents an ideal opportunity to lower HEI costs in terms of scalability and pay-per-use features. Adoption of Cloud ERP is, however, still low for the context of HEIs. The successful adoption of Cloud ERP depends not only on the support of system providers but also on understanding Cloud ERP adoption from the client organization perspective. This study explores Cloud ERP adoption in the context of Australian HEIs. Method: This study adopted a case study methodology involving the in-depth semi structured interviews of several key stakeholders. Thematic analysis was used to analyze and interpret interview data. Results: Based on the case study, our findings suggest that this particular Australian HEI was subject to strategic, operational, technological, and financial motives originating from either internal or external locus. Most of the expected motives were realized, except the full flexibility of Cloud ERP. Four major challenges of Cloud ERP implementation were found. Conclusion: This study empirically investigates Cloud ERP adoption in HEIs by identifying the motives, realized benefits and challenges of Cloud ERP adoption, which bridges the research gap of this topic. This study could assist Cloud ERP providers to adjust their marketing strategies to promote the adoption rate of Cloud ERP in HEIs. Understanding the motives, challenges and benefits of IT adoption in HEIs facilitates judicious decision-making prior to selection and minimizes the possibility of the failure of Cloud ERP adoption