12 research outputs found
Palisade vessels as a reliable endoscopic marker of esophago – gastric junction
Catedra de chirurgie nr.1 „Nicolae Anestiadi”, Laboratorul de chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, Catedra Boli
interne nr.6, disciplina de Boli Ocupaţionale, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Joncţiunea esofago – gastrică (JEG) nu coincide întotdeauna cu joncţiunea scuamo – columnară
(JSC). Evaluarea corectă in vivo a acestora este importantă pentru aprecierea esofagului columnar metaplaziat
(ECM), inclusiv a esofagului Barrett (EB). Videoendoscopia face posibila vizualizarea pe lângă reperele clasice
a unui reper nou şi foarte precis, nivelul inferior al Vaselor Palisade (VP) care coincide cu JEG. Scopul studiului
a fost evaluarea vizibilităţii endoscopice a VP şi depistarea factorilor care o pot influenţa la pacienţii cu ECM.
Material şi metode. Lotul de studiu - 85 pacienţi cu vârste cuprinse între 39 – 68 ani (vârsta medie 53,5 ani), 44
femei, 41 bărbaţi. Explorarea endoscopică a fost performată cu trusa de endoscopie Olympus Exera 150.
Rezultate. Structura pacienţilor în funcţie de modificările patologice endoscopice a fost: 20 cazuri patologie
absentă, 23 cazuri cu esofagita de reflux endoscopic pozitivă, 16 cazuri cu esofagită de reflux endoscopic negativă,
26 cazuri cu ECM din care 12 cu EB. Din cazurile de ECM, 21 pacienți – segment circular absent (C0 M≥1) şi 5
pacienți – segment circular evident prezent (C≥1M). Evaluarea VP a fost posibilă în 89,41% cazuri, însă creşte
semnificativ după tratament antiacid în 28,24% cazuri. VP au fost decelabile în 81,9% cazuri cu ECM/EB segment
circular absent şi respectiv in toate cazurile de segment circular prezent. Procentul vizibilităţii endoscopice clare
a VP la pacienţii cu metaplazie gastrică în esofag a fost de 92,8% şi de 83,3% la cei cu metaplazie intestinală (EB).
Concluzii. Vasele Palisade esofagiene reprezintă un reper endoscopic cert al JEG, iar procentul lor de vizualizare
este satisfăcător. Inflamaţia diminuează rata de vizibilitate endoscopică a VP, însă repetarea evaluării endoscopice
la pacienţii care au primit tratament antiacid ameliorează notabil această rată. ECM nu afectează procentul de
vizibilitate endoscopica a VP esofagiene.Introduction. Gastro-esophageal junction (JEG) does not coincide with the squamous-columnar junction
(JSC), but their proper evaluation in vivo is especially important for assessing esophageal columnar metaplasia
(ECM), including Barrett's esophagus (BO). Video endoscopy enables the visualization in addition to the
classical marks a new and very accurate milestone, respectively the lower level of the Palisade Vessels (VP)
which coincides with JEG. The purpose of the study was the assessment of the VP endoscopic visibility and
detection of the factors that can it influence at patients with ECM and EB.
Material and Methods. The study group included 85 patients aged between 39-68 years (mean age 53,5 years),
44 females, 41 males. Endoscopic exploration was being performed with Olympus endoscopy kit Exera 150.
Results. The structure of the patients by endoscopic pathological changes was absent in 20 cases, 23 cases
with positive endoscopic reflux esophagitis, 16 cases with negative endoscopic reflux esophagitis, 26 cases of
ECM of which 12 with EB. In cases of ECM, 21 patients were with absent circular segment (C0 M≥1) and 5
patients - evident circular segment present (C≥1M). VP evaluation was possible in 89.41% cases, but it increases
significantly after antacid treatment in 28.24% cases. VP were detectable in 81.9% cases with ECM / EB absent
circular segment and in all cases with the circular segment present. The percentage of endoscopic clear visibility
of VP in patients with gastric metaplasia in the esophagus was 92.8% and 83.3% in patients with intestinal metaplasia (EB).
Conclusions. Palisade esophageal vessels represent a certain endoscopic marker of the JEG, and their visualization
percentage is satisfactory. Inflammation reduces the rate of endoscopic visibility of VP, but repetition of the
endoscopic evaluation in patients who received antacid improves this rate notably. ECM does not affect the
endoscopic visibility percentage of the esophageal VP
The influence of solid state information and descriptor selection on statistical models of temperature dependent aqueous solubility.
Predicting the equilibrium solubility of organic, crystalline materials at all relevant temperatures is crucial to the digital design of manufacturing unit operations in the chemical industries. The work reported in our current publication builds upon the limited number of recently published quantitative structure-property relationship studies which modelled the temperature dependence of aqueous solubility. One set of models was built to directly predict temperature dependent solubility, including for materials with no solubility data at any temperature. We propose that a modified cross-validation protocol is required to evaluate these models. Another set of models was built to predict the related enthalpy of solution term, which can be used to estimate solubility at one temperature based upon solubility data for the same material at another temperature. We investigated whether various kinds of solid state descriptors improved the models obtained with a variety of molecular descriptor combinations: lattice energies or 3D descriptors calculated from crystal structures or melting point data. We found that none of these greatly improved the best direct predictions of temperature dependent solubility or the related enthalpy of solution endpoint. This finding is surprising because the importance of the solid state contribution to both endpoints is clear. We suggest our findings may, in part, reflect limitations in the descriptors calculated from crystal structures and, more generally, the limited availability of polymorph specific data. We present curated temperature dependent solubility and enthalpy of solution datasets, integrated with molecular and crystal structures, for future investigations
Magnetospheric and solar physics observations with the PAMELA experiment
PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment designed to make long duration measurements of the cosmic radiation in Low Earth Orbit. It is devoted to the detection of the cosmic-ray spectra in the 100 MeV-300 GeV range with primary scientific goal the measurement of antiproton and positron spectra over the largest energy range ever achieved. Other tasks include the search for antinuclei with unprecedented sensitivity and the measurement of the light nuclear component of cosmic rays. In addition, PAMELA can investigate phenomena connected with solar and Earth physics. The apparatus consists of: a Time of Flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, an electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, a shower tail catcher scintillator, a neutron detector and an anticoincidence system. In this work we present some measurements of galactic, secondary and trapped particles performed in the first months of operation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Magnetospheric and solar physics observations with the PAMELA experiment
PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment designed to make long duration measurements of the cosmic radiation in Low Earth Orbit. It is devoted to the detection of the cosmic-ray spectra in the 100 MeV-300 GeV range with primary scientific goal the measurement of antiproton and positron spectra over the largest energy range ever achieved. Other tasks include the search for antinuclei with unprecedented sensitivity and the measurement of the light nuclear component of cosmic rays. In addition, PAMELA can investigate phenomena connected with solar and Earth physics. The apparatus consists of: a Time of Flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, an electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, a shower tail catcher scintillator, a neutron detector and an anticoincidence system. In this work we present some measurements of galactic, secondary and trapped particles performed in the first months of operation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
In-flight performances of the PAMELA satellite experiment
PAMELA is a satcllite-borne experiment designed to study with great accuracy charged particles in the cosmic radiation with a particular focus on antiparticles. The experiment, housed on board the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite, was launched on June 15, 2006 in a 350 x 600 km orbit with an inclination of 70 degrees. The apparatus comprises a time-of-flight system, a silicon-microstrip magnetic spectrometer, a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter, an anticoincidence system, a shower tail catcher scintillator and a neutron detector. The combination of these devices allows charged particle identification over a wide energy range. In this work, the detector design is reviewed and the in-orbit performances in the first months after the launch are presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved