17,416 research outputs found

    Disorder-induced critical exponents near a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in Mn1−xCrxSi

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    We report the observation of critical behavior in Mn1−xCrxSi (0≤x≤1) close to a T = 0 K quantum critical point, consistent with the Belitz-Kirkpatrick-Vojta (BKV) theory of disordered metallic ferromagnets. The critical exponents are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of the BKV theory in the preasymptotic limit. A non-Fermi liquid-like behavior is seen down to 200 mK in the transport and thermodynamic properties around the critical concentration xC = 0.2. Quantum criticality and self-consistency of the exponents is further confirmed using a scaling analysis of the magnetization and heat capacity data. A recovery to Fermi liquid-like behavior is displayed on moving away from the critical composition, as well as with the application of a magnetic field

    Photoemission studies of the near Fermi level spectral weight shifts in FeSe1-xTex superconductor

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    Our valence band photoelectron spectroscopic studies show a temperature dependent spectral weight transfer near the Fermi level in the Fe-based superconductor FeSe1-xTex. Using theoretical band structure calculations we have shown that the weight transfer is due to the temperature induced changes in the Fe(Se,Te)4 tetrahedra. These structural changes lead to shifts in the electron occupancy from the xz/yz and x2-y2 orbitals to the 3z2-r2 orbitals indicating a temperature induced crossover from a metallic state to an Orbital Selective Mott (OSM) Phase. Our study presents the observation of a temperature induced crossover to a low temperature OSM phase in the family of Fe chalcogenides.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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