2,251 research outputs found

    Study on structural, mechanical, electronic, vibrational, optical and thermo-dynamical behaviour of ZB Structured BeZ (Z=S, Se and Te) using ATK-DFT

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    The present research is a systematic computational study focused on structural, mechanical, electronic, vibrational, optical and thermo-dynamical properties of zinc-blende (B3) structured beryllium chalcogenides BeZ (Z=S, Se, Te) compounds using ATK-DFT method using PZ and PBEsol exchange and correlation potentials within the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) respectively and their comparison. The k-point and energy cut-off values were tested and provided convergence in self-consistent calculations. The structural parameters such as lattice constant, bulk modulus, second order elastic constants (C11, C12, C44) and material properties (B, G, Y and ĂŹĆ’) for these crystals are computed and discussed. To explain the electronic properties, electronic energy band structure, complex band structures, phonon band structure, phonon density of state and electron density distribution are plotted. The effect of pressure on elastic constant, material properties and phase transitions are also studied, including phase transition from ZB structure to NiAs appearing at 53 GPa, 49 GPa and 33 GPa for BeS, BeSe, and BeTe respectively

    Active Brownian particles can mimic the pattern of the substrate

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs) are termed out to be a successful way of modeling the moving microorganism on the substrate. In recent studies, it is shown that such organisms can sense the characteristics of the substrate. Motivated by such work, we studied the dynamics and the steady state of ABP moving on a substrate with space-dependent activity. On the substrate, some regions are marked as high in activity, and other regions are such that particles behave as passive Brownian particles. The system is studied in two dimensions with step, sigmoid, Gaussian and cone shape distribution of activity profile on the substrate. The whole interface of the activity profile is symmetrically divided into two regions. This lead to the flow of particles from the active region to the passive region. The final steady state of particle density profile, polarisation and flux very much follows the structure of the inhomogeneous activity and the density in high activity region is lower, maximum at the interface and nearly constant with mean density in the passive region. Further, the steady state density profile for various shapes and designs on two-dimensional substrates. Hence the collection of ABPs on an inhomogeneous substrate can mimic the inhomogeneity of the substrate

    Location Error Minimization with the Help of Run Time Coordinates Estimation Method

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    The energy is the limited resource of communication in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The nodes proper functions in WSN are depend on the battery power. The each node in network are mobile and having different mobility speed. The topology in WSN is forming completely dynamic and change according to time instance. The signal strength of node/s is varying according to power capacity of nodes. The less energy of sensor nodes is shows weak signal strength that means having weak Received Signal Strength (RSS). If the signal strength of nodes are reduced that means the nodes have insufficient energy. In this research we proposed the Location based RSS scheme to improve energy utilization.  In this research we compare the performance of protocols like existing AIES-RSS and proposed Location based RSS. The performance of proposed scheme is better than AIES-RSS and the performance of proposed scheme is provides better routing performance in WSN as compare to AIES-RSS. If the RSS of any node in network is weak that means the nodes energy level is down. If the node/s having sufficient amount of energy then their signal strength is high. The Location records of sensor nodes are provides the information of location that’s why routing efficiency is improves and also the energy consumption is reduced. The proposed method is improves the energy utilization and also the residual energy cost is maximum after complete simulation. The proposed scheme is provides the strong connection by that the packet dropping and overhead is minimized. Keywords:- RSS, Routing, Location, AIES-RSS, Energy, proposed RSS, WSN


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    Disease is the outcome of combination of vitiated Dosha and Dooshya which happens when Vyadhikshamatwa (immunity) is decreased. Because of the lifestyle and changing environment, the immunity of people is decreasing day by day making them prone for getting afflicted with infectious diseases. The present day infectious diseases like Dengue, H1N1, AIDS, TB etc. are only due to lowered immunity. Rasayana is believed to promote the process of Dhatuposhana and enrich Ojas leading to Vyadhikshamatva. The concept of Rasayana therapy is a comprehensive and specialized regimen capable of producing healthful longevity and improved mental faculties by acting at the level of Rasa, Agni and the Srotas, thus enabling the organism to procure the best qualities of different Dhatus. Guduchi is considered one of the best Rasayanas and is unusual in its potent versatility. The significant actions of Guduchi include promoting Bala (cellular and humoral immunity), Agnideepana, cures fever, eliminates Ama (metabolic wastes and toxins), skin diseases, Upper respiratory tract infections, gout etc. It can be used as Swarasa, Kashaya, Satwa for internal use or as paste for external application in skin diseases to get the desirable effect. Guduchi is known to be a rich source of trace elements which act as antioxidants. It is apt to get the name Amrita because it itself can regenerate and can bring back the diseased cells to normalcy. So this article aims at making a public awareness of the use of Guduchi as a Rasayana in maintaining health and in the treatment of infectious diseases


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    Stroke is undoubtedly a medical emergency, which even if properly managed can leave a person either physically or mentally crippled. Ischemic stroke is the most common form, where etiology of atherosclerosis had proven its link. The clinical features of stroke stands close to the disease Pakshaghata in Ayurveda and all Acaryas had given a detailed description regarding the Nidana (cause) Samprapti (pathogenesis) Bheda (types) & Chikitsa (treatment). Ischemic stroke may be related to Vata-kaphaja type of Pakshaghata as there is involvement of Srotorodha (obstruction). Hence the treatment aims include Vata-kapha samana (pacifying) measures, removing Srotorodha (obstruction), selecting drug having Katu rasa (pungent), Usna virya (hot potency) etc. Without provocation Pitta, Rasonadi kashaya explained for Vatavikaras (musculoskeletal, nervous disorders etc) contains Rasona (Allium sativum Linn), Pippali (Piper longum Linn.), Karavi (Carum carvi Linn.) and Sthira (Desmodium gangeticum) that satisfies the above properties. The drugs also possess Rasayana (nourishing /immunity /prevents recurrence) which is a good choice here as there is Dhatukshaya (catabolism of basic elements). Ayurvedic as well as modern analysis of the pharmacological properties of the drugs stands together with properties like anti-inflammatory, anti lipidemic, antiglycemic, antioxidant, anti microbial actions, thus proving beneficiary in both therapeutic and preventive aspects of ischemic stroke

    Corporate finance & investments: corporate finance issues prevailing in India at present

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    The subject of corporate finance has assumed tremendous significance in light of the ongoing economic uncertainty across the world. Apart from the three most important decisions of fundraising, fund deployment, and generation of returns, greater emphasis has been laid down upon creating a long-term value through Economic value addition (EVA). The role of assets in the generation of cash flows has become even more pronounced in modern-day changing dynamics. More than the external factors, India has certain homegrown structural problems which seriously needs to be addressed at this juncture; the prominent ones being ensuring a high ICOR and addressing the supply side bottlenecks in the economy. Indian companies will have to address the financial problems in the light of the current macroeconomic turmoil of high inflation and revised growth projection of 5%. This has to be done despite having a sound corporate financial framework. This paper attempts to address these problems and tries to suggest some solution to overcome the period of uncertainty


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    Objective: In this work, we collected the three-dimensional structure of Enterotoxin from Bacillus cereus which plays an important role in the pathway. Methods: The protein structure was collected from PDB data bank. From the 3D structures of the proteins, the targeted derivatives were designed. Docking studies were performed with designed compounds. Results: The compounds docked to the protein by hydrogen bonding interactions and these interactions play an important role in the binding studies. Docking results showed the best compounds among the derivatives. Conclusion: The docking results agreed well with the observed in vitro data, in which the anti-microbial activity of the analogs was higher than other drugs and formed hydrogen bonds

    On-farm agrobiodiversity measurement and conservation

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    Total agrobiodiversity of any area is necessary to plan the implementation of agricultural and environmental projects and activities. Diversity is most for advancing agriculture development, however, modern agriculture has accelerated the replacement of old age crop diversity. Agrobiodiversity index and measures are commonly used and estimated for crop and animal species, landraces and sites. These are useful for locating sites, crops and custodians of agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity includes crop and plant; livestock and fish, insect and microbial genetic resources that are cultivated, semi domesticated or wild. Diversity are ated properly that leads to choose the conservation approaches effectively

    Longitudinal trial of smart-phone based social media applications for remote monitoring of cancer patients in the context of a LMIC: compliance, satisfaction, and cost-benefit analysis

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    The cancer burden is expected to reach 20 million new cases annually in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) by 2025. Few estimates suggest that thyroid cancer could become the third most common cancer diagnosed in women by 2019. Health care services need to gear up to provide close clinical follow-up care for patients especially in LMICs where there is already a shortage of healthcare personnel. We conducted this study to assess the effect of remote monitoring using tele-follow up on compliance, satisfaction and economic benefit. Participants were recruited to traditional hospital follow-up (consultation, clinical examination, and investigations as per hospital policy) or tele-follow up based on social media. Outcomes included information needs, participants’ compliance, and satisfaction, post-op complications, clinical investigations ordered. A total of 64 patients with thyroid cancer were recruited- 24 in hospital follow up group and 40 in the remote monitoring group. There were no significant differences between groups regarding satisfaction with information received. Responses were significantly more positive in the social media group, with a higher percentage reporting “very satisfied”. Wound evaluation through tele-follow up was on par with OPD follow up. If all of these 40 patients would have come to our OPD follow-up, they would have travelled on an average of 930 kms per patient. This study shows that social media is a practical tool in follow-up of cancer patients in LMICs where traditional telemedicine tools are restricted and conventional follow-up is economically challenging to patients. It also ensures compliance which is a major issue with conventional follow-up due to poor infrastructure
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