1,437 research outputs found

    Inchoate Crimes

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    The Indian Penal Code punishes a person for criminal intimidation that “The thought of a man is not triable for the devil himself not the thought of a man.” But when this intent is expressed in words and can be inferred from his conduct, the person can be held criminally liable. It means the law only takes notice of an intention followed by some overt act.3, which is a mere expression of one’s intention to inflict punishment, loss or pain to another. Sometimes it amount to completed offence.4The third stage is the ‘stage of attempt.’ An attempt is an overt act towards the commission of an offence after the preparation is made. For example, if a man after having procured a loaded gun pursues his enemy, but fails to overtake him or is arrested before he is able to complete the offence or fires without effect; in all these cases the man is liable for an attempt to murder. But in another situation, if a person purchases and loads a gun with the evident intention of shooting his enemy, but makes no movement to use the weapon After the stage of contemplation the next stage is known as ‘the stage of preparation.’ It consists devising or arranging the means or measures necessary for the commission of the crime. Generally the preparation to commit an offence is not punishable. The one reason behind it is the difficulty in proving it and the other is to protect the suspected person from unnecessary harassment. But there are some exceptions to this general rule. In these exceptional cases the mere preparation to commit the offences are punished because they preclude the possibility of an innocent intention

    Financing Urban Infrastructure in India through Tax Increment Financing Instruments: A Case for Smart Cities Mission

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    The paper is aimed at exploring the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) model for financing planned urban development programmes and projects in Indian cities – smart cities, in particular. This is based on the premise that the TIF approach offers an excellent opportunity to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) for the creation, capture and recycling of values in cities support funding of core urban infrastructure in a sustained manner. The paper describes the key elements of the TIF model and explains why it is a theoretically elegant and practically desirable strategy for possible adoption by Indian cities at the present stage of urban evolution, when municipal finances are precarious and the municipalities are also not in a position to generate current revenue surplus. The paper is based on the principle of ‘theory follows practice and vice versa’, case studies on TIF as implemented internationally. Finally, the paper suggests directions as to how the TIF principles could be incorporated into the framework of financing innovative projects under the Smart Cities Mission, including accessing capital market funds through municipal bonds. The key findings of the paper suggests that the efficacy of tax increment financing tools in Indian cities will depend on several factors: the versatility of city development strategy and plan; reforms in municipal finance system; reforms in spatial planning; effective design of TIF projects and financing strategies, including mechanisms for value capture and recycling to catalyze economic growth-enhancing enterprises that create further values to land-owners and the city; and human resource capacity to plan, design, finance, implement and monitor projects. If designed well, TIF instruments can act as powerful tools to augment external economies of agglomeration and networking and create economic growth momentum, generating a self-financed or even surplus-generating process of planned urban expansion, development and renewal


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    The global lifestyle of this modern world has become more dependent on petroleum-based products, whose applications are involved almost everywhere. Since a large quantity of oil is being used on a daily basis, the spilling of oil by various means during its storage and transportation has become inevitable. This work focuses on the spilling of oil in a marine environment, generally referred to as an offshore oil spill, in contrast to an onshore oil spill associated with a terrestrial environment. These oil spills not only devastate the natural resources and unsettle the economy, they also jeopardize marine life, as well as human health. The remediation of an oil spill remains very challenging, when the disaster is associated with a large aerial extent. In this context, a sound understanding is required on the origin, seeping, composition and properties of the spilled oil in order to better monitor the spreading of the oil spill. In this manuscript, a detailed list of fundamental queries, which will be required to be addressed at the instance of an oil spill has been deduced, which will be extremely useful for the oil spill respondents as there are no previous studies that exclusively provide the type and nature of data required to be collected, immediately following an oil spill. Furthermore, this manuscript has deduced a list of sensitive and essential plots that will be required in order to analyse and forecast the spreading of an oil spill. An essence of weathering and its associated movement of oil spill has been included.Globalni stil života modernoga svijeta postao je sve ovisniji o proizvodima na osnovi nafte, koji se gotovo svugdje primjenjuju. Budući da je u svakodnevnoj upotrebi velika količina nafte, izljevi nafte u okoliš tijekom njezina transporta i skladištenja neizbježni su. Ovaj rad usmjeren je na izljeve nafte u morski okoliš, koji se razlikuju od izljeva nafte u terestrički okoliš. Izljevi nafte u morski okoliš devastiraju prirodne resurse i utječu na gospodarstvo, ali i ugrožavaju morske ekosustave, kao i zdravlje ljudi. Kod velikih onečišćenih područja sanacija izljeva nafte dodatan je izazov. U tome kontekstu, a kako bi se bolje pratilo širenje nafte u okolišu, potrebno je dobro razumijevanje izljeva nafte, njegova izvora te sastava i svojstava izlivene nafte. S obzirom na nedostatak sustavno prikazanih podataka u literaturi, u ovome je radu izrađen detaljan popis temeljnih pitanja na koja je potrebno odgovoriti u slučaju izljeva nafte, kao pomoć odgovornim osobama u definiranju tipa i prirode podataka koje moraju prikupiti odmah nakon što se izljev nafte dogodi. Nadalje, izveden je popis temeljnih grafičkih dijagrama koji su nužni za analizu i predviđanje širenja izlivene nafte. Uzeto je u obzir i djelovanje vremenskih prilika i s njima povezano kretanje izlivene nafte

    Facility Planning and Associated Problems: A Survey

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    In this study, we have classified and reviewed different types of problems which are related to facility planning and layout design for different types of manufacturing processes. The main problems which are related to location of  facilities which also affects the system performance  such as distribution of man, material and machine in a plant or a factory and their optimization technique while using of mathematical models, their solutions and application related to whole problems is presented. For solving this type of problems, intelligent techniques such as expert systems, fuzzy logic and neutral networks have been used. In this paper the recent analysis on facility layout is incorporated and facility layout problem is surveyed. Many intelligent techniques and conventional algorithms for solving FLP are presented. In our discussion different research direction, general remarks and tendencies have been mentioned Keywords—Facility Planning, Material handling Optimization metho

    Observation of multiple attractors and diffusive transport in a periodically driven Klein-Gordon chain

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    We consider a Klein-Gordon chain that is periodically driven at one end and has dissipation at one or both boundaries. An interesting numerical observation in a recent study~[arXiv:2209.03977] was that for driving frequency in the phonon band, there is a range of values of the driving amplitude Fd(F1,F2)F_d\in (F_1, F_2) over which the energy current remains constant. In this range, the system exhibits a "resonant nonlinear wave" (RNW) mode of energy transmission which is a time and space periodic solution. It was noted that the range (F1,F2)(F_1,F_2), for which the RNW mode occurs, shrinks with increasing system size NN and disappears eventually. Remarkably, we find that the RNW mode is in fact a stable solution even for FdF_d much larger than F2F_2 and quite large NN (1000\approx 1000). For Fd>F2F_d>F_{2}, there exists a second attractor which is chaotic. Both attractors have finite basins of attraction and can be reached by appropriate choice of initial conditions. Corresponding to the two attractors for large FdF_d, the system can now be in two nonequilibrium steady states. We improve the perturbative treatment of [arXiv:2209.03977] for the RNW mode by including the contributions of the third harmonics. We also consider the effect of thermal noise at the boundaries and find that the RNW mode is stable for small temperatures. Finally, we present results for a different driving protocol studied in [arXiv:2205.03839] where FdF_d is taken to scale with system size as N1/2N^{-1/2} and there is dissipation only at the non-driven end. We find that the steady state can be characterized by Fourier's law as in [arXiv:2205.03839] for a stochastic model. We point out interesting differences that occur since our dynamics is nonlinear and Hamiltonian. Our results suggest the intriguing possibility of observing the high current carrying RNW phase in experiments by careful preparation of initial conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure