57 research outputs found

    Trade with the People\u27s Republic of China: Current Status and Future Prospects

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    Since the normalization of diplomatic relations with the People\u27s Republic of China (PRC) in 1979, U.S. trade with China has developed rapidly. In particular, 1980 saw significant developments in the institutional framework of U.S.-China trade relations, with the signing of several new trade-related bilateral agreements and a number of high-level visits in both directions.2 At the same time, China has begun to update its domestic legal system as it plans to integrate more fully into the international economic order.3 The last year has also witnessed the cancellation of certain large development projects, and delay in the implementation of others, as the Chinese readjust their economic plans and priorities. This Perspective will first discuss the current status of U.S.-China trade relations, with an emphasis on the developments of 1980. It will then present our view of the Chinese economy and prospects for the future development of China\u27s foreign trade. Changes in the Chinese legal system will be mentioned only briefly, as those matters are treated in detail elsewhere in this issue

    Lo cotidiano en la vivienda popular de Quito

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    Access to housing is a problem that concern especially in Latin America, the deficit is not only quantitative, it also includes qualitative aspects, and the presence of informality in housing is increasing, this shows that housing programs should be concerned more for poor or less favored sectors, sectors that cannot access a home, and in the case that they obtain it, they do not cover the needs of their users. The house must be conceived as a complex whole that has multiple simultaneous dynamics according to the relationships of the individuals inside and outside, considering that individuals by nature must appropriate or personalize their space, to satisfy their needs, and the imposition of architectural models is an obstacle that must be overcome. In recent decades there have been paradigm changes that include new criteria, new philosophical thinking, the society is conceived as more diverse and less hierarchical, persons in the future are reconsidered within the criteria of sustainability. In this context, housing design cannot respond only to economic, political, technological, and aesthetic aspects; leaving aside the social aspects; the intention of this article is to make a methodological proposal that denotes the needs of individuals and reflects the particularities of the current reality.Al tratar el tema de la vivienda, una de las problemáticas de mayor preocupación en Latinoamérica es el déficit no solo cuantitativo, sino también cualitativo. Uno de los rasgos más evidentes es el aumento constante de la informalidad de la vivienda, esto evidencia que los programas de vivienda deben preocuparse más por sectores pobres o menos favorecidos, que no pueden acceder a una vivienda, y en el caso que la obtengan no cubren las necesidades de sus usuarios. La vivienda debe ser concebida como un todo complejo que tiene múltiples dinámicas simultáneas de acuerdo con las relaciones de los individuos en su interior y exterior, considerando que los individuos por naturaleza tienden a apropiarse o personalizar su espacio, para satisfacer sus necesidades. De esta manera, la imposición de modelos arquitectónicos es un obstáculo que se debe superar, teniendo en cuenta que en las últimas décadas se han producido cambios de paradigma que incluyen nuevos criterios y nuevos pensamientos; esto significa que a la sociedad se la concibe más diversa y menos jerárquica, se replantea el bienestar de los individuos a futuro dentro de los criterios de sostenibilidad. Dentro de este contexto, el diseño de la vivienda no puede responder únicamente a los aspectos económicos, políticos, tecnológicos y estéticos, dejando de lado los aspectos sociales. Por tanto, la intención de este artículo es plantear una propuesta metodológica que denote las necesidades de los individuos y refleje las particularidades de la realidad actual

    Factores de Obesidad en Adolescentes

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    El sobrepeso y la obesidad se deben a la acumulación excesiva de grasa en el cuerpo; el sobrepeso se presenta cuando las calorías ingeridas rebasan a las calorías que consumen. En los adolescentes es importante la evaluación del sobrepeso. En la investigación realizada al grupo de adolescentes, el 65,5% de su alimentación se basa en comida chatarra y bebidas endulzantes, adicional un 46,9% realiza solamente 30 minutos de ejercicio siendo así, un valor alto en la falta de actividad física. Casi todos los factores asociados a la obesidad a la adolescencia están relacionados con el estilo de vida. Por eso recomendable una buena educación temprana con respecto a los hábitos alimenticios, dietas balanceadas que se encarguen de ofrecerles las vitaminas y minerales necesarias para el cuerpo. La enseñanza de realizar alguna actividad física o la práctica de algún deporte que lo ayude a mantenerse sano y en buena forma, también la idealización y costumbre desde temprana edad para que en el futuro sea un hábito el deporte

    Arte terapia y la estimulación de la memoria en adultos mayores en países de habla hispana

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    Objetivo. Poder examinar las investigaciones sobre la arterapia y la estimulación de la memoria en adultos mayores en países de habla hispana en los últimos cinco años. Material y métodos. Para el desarrollo del presente artículo sobre la arterapia y la estimulación de la memoria en adultos mayores, se realizaron ciertos criterios de búsqueda, todo esto con el fin de poder seleccionar 15 investigaciones que resultan muy favorecedoras y oportunas para la realización de esta revisión de artículos, teniendo en cuenta que sean de los últimos cinco años. Resultados. Dentro de la investigación un 80 % utilizaron una muestra menor a 60 participantes y un 20 % utilizaron una población mayor a la de 60 adultos mayores. Al referirnos al tipo de arte que utilizaron con mayor frecuencia, fue la musicoterapia que tuvo un 73 %, mientras que el 27 % utilizaron la arteterapia como medio terapéutico. Respecto a las variables de arteterapia y la estimulación de la memoria, un 87 % presentaba correlación en los resultados en los pacientes, mientras que en un 13 % de los artículos no existe algún tipo de correlación. Dentro de los tipos de investigación, el 47 % son de tipo cuantitativo; el 33 %, de tipo experimental; el 13 % de ellos, de tipo cualitativo; el 6 %, de tipo mixto. Con respecto a las pruebas para medir la memoria, cada investigación usó diferentes instrumentos, por tanto, cada prueba tuvo un porcentaje de 7 %, y en el caso del Test de fluidez verbal, un 13 %. Y, por último, la diferencia de los adultos mayores con demencia y Alzheimer es un 67 %, mientras que el 33 % se trata de adultos sanos sin ninguna enfermedad cognitiva. Conclusiones. Revisando los 15 artículos podemos afirmar que sí existe correlación entre las variables de arte terapia y estimulación de la memoria, por lo que se encontró un gran porcentaje de autores que mencionan que existe relación entre las variables; pero también hay una escasa diferencia entre los autores que avalan que no existe correlación alguna

    Effects of a novel estrogen-free, progesterone receptor modulator contraceptive vaginal ring on inhibition of ovulation, bleeding patterns and endometrium in normal women

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    BACKGROUND: Progesterone receptor modulators (PRMs) delivered by contraceptive vaginal rings provide an opportunity for development of an estrogen-free contraceptive that does not require daily oral intake of steroids. The objective of this proof-of-concept study was to determine whether continuous delivery of 600–800 mcg of ulipristal acetate (UPA) from a contraceptive vaginal ring could achieve 80% to 90% inhibition of ovulation. STUDY DESIGN: This was a prospective, controlled, open-labeled, multicenter international trial to examine the effectiveness and safety of this prototype vaginal ring. Thirty-nine healthy women, 21–40 years old and not at risk of pregnancy, were enrolled at three clinic sites. Volunteers participated in a control cycle, a 12-week treatment period and a post-treatment cycle. Pharmacodynamic effects on follicular function and inhibition of ovulation, effects on endometrium, bleeding patterns and serum UPA levels were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean UPA levels during treatment were nearly constant, approximately 5.1 ng/mL throughout the study. Ovulation was documented in 32% of 111 “4-week treatment cycles.” A correlation was observed between serum UPA and degree of inhibition of ovarian activity. There was no evidence of hyperplasia of endometrium, but PRM-associated endometrial changes were frequently observed (41%). CONCLUSION: In this study, the minimum effective contraceptive dose was not established. Further studies are required testing higher doses of UPA to attain ovulation suppression in a higher percentage of subjects

    Prepregnancy cardiovascular risk factors as predictors for hypertensive pregnancy disorders

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    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are a group of conditions characterized by abnormally elevated blood pressure during pregnancy. HDP are one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. There is growing evidence that prepregnancy cardiovascular risk factors significantly increase the risk of HDP. Along these lines, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, heart failure and hypercholesterolemia appear to be related to HDP. All of these can increase, to a lesser or greater degree, the risk of HDP. Although some of these variables are intertwined, they can also act as independent predictors. A preconceptional predictive tool could improve therapeutic decisions and pregnancy control in high-risk patients. This review aims to analyze the degree of correlation between HDP’s incidence and prepregnancy cardiovascular risk factors

    Early in vitro response of macrophages and T lymphocytes to nanocrystalline hydroxyapatites

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    Hypothesis: Synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) and Si substituted hydroxyapatite (SiHA) are calcium phosphate ceramics currently used in the field of dentistry and orthopaedic surgery. The preparation of both biomaterials as polycrystalline solid pieces or grains formed by nanocrystallites has awakened a great interest to enhance the bioactive behavior due to the microstructural defects and the higher surface area. The study of the macrophage and lymphocyte behavior in contact with nanocrystalline HA and SiHA will allow to elucidate the immune response which conditions the success or rejection of these biomaterials. Experiments: HA and SiHA granules (with sizes of tens of microns) have been prepared by controlled aqueous precipitation avoiding subsequent high temperature sintering. HA and SiHA granules were constituted by crystallites smaller than 50 nm. The effects of both nanocrystalline materials on immune system have been evaluated with macrophages (main components of innate immune system) and T lymphocytes (specific cells of adaptive response) after short-term culture as in vitro models of the early immune response. Findings: Significant decreases of macrophage proliferation and phagocytic activity, increased production of inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-a) and T lymphocyte apoptosis, were induced by these nanocrystalline ceramics suggesting that, after in vivo implantation, they induce significant effects on immune responses, including an early activation of the innate immune system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy