5 research outputs found

    The heart frequency and it\u27s variability in hypertensive patients considering A/B type of behaviour and eight basic emotions and levels of anger expression

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    U ovom radu istraživali smo autonomnu regulaciju rada srca putem frekvencije srca i njene varijabilnosti kod 100 bolesnika s esencijalnom hipertenzijom i usporedili sa 100 ispitanika zdrave kontrolne grupe. Bolesnici s esencijalnom hipertenzijom imali su značajno kraći prosječni RR interval, odnosno bržu frekvenciju srca nego kontrolna grupa. Prosječna varijabilnost frekvencije srca je statistički značajno niža u hipertenzivnoj, nego u zdravoj kontrolnoj grupi. Na frekvenciju srca i njenu varijabilnost ukupno značajno utječu, pri mirnom i dubokom disanju: sistolički tlak, dijastolički tlak, masa lijevog ventrikula, dijastolička disfunkcija lijevog ventrikula, veličina lijevog atrija, trajanje hipertenzije, visina kolesterola i triglicerida. Najznačajnija negativna povezanost nađena je između varijabilnosti frekvencije srca i trajanja hipertenzije. U hipertenzivnih bolesnika i u kontrolnoj skupini čeŔći je ā€œA tipā€ nego ā€œB tipā€ ponaÅ”anja. U hipertenzivnoj grupi statistički je značajan ukupan utjecaj svih nezavisnih varijabli po Bortneru na varijabilnost frekvencije srca pri mirnom disanju. Frekvencija srca i njena varijabilnost povezane su sa osam temeljnih emocija kodu hipertenzivnih ispitanika i kontrolne skupine. U grupi hipertenzivnih bolesnika varijabilnost frekvencije srca značajno je pozitivno povezana s emocionalnom dimenzijom ā€œInkorporacijaā€, a negativno s emocionalnim dimenzijama ā€œZaÅ”titaā€, ā€œOdbacivanjeā€ i ā€œReprodukcijaā€. NaÅ”i podaci pokazuju da bolesnici s dugotrajnom hipertenzijom imaju poviÅ”enu frekvenciju srca i reduciranu varijabilnost frekvencije srca, Å”to su poznati čimbenici rizika za poviÅ”eni kardijalni mortalitet.The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and it\u27s variability within 100 essential hypertensive patients and 100 examinees in healthy control group. Essential hypertensive patients had significantly shorter average RR interval, that is, faster heart frequency then the control group. Average variability of the heart frequency was statisticaly considerably lower in hypertensive than in the healthy control group. Sistolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, duration of hypertension, levels have considerate total influence on heart frequency and it\u27s variability during calm and during deep breathing. The most distinctive negative connection was found between variability of the heart frequency and duration of hypertension. The type A behaviour within hypertensive patients and the control group was more common then type B. In the hypertensive group, total influence of all independent Bortner\u27s variables on to variability of the heart frequency during calm breathing was statisticaly important. Within hypertensive patients and the control group, the heart frequency and it\u27s variability were connected with eight basic emotions. In the group of hypertensive patients variability of the heart frequency is significantly positively connected with emotional dimension "Incorporation", but negatively with emotional dimensions "Protection", "Rejection" and "Reproduction". Our data showes that patients with long-term hypertension have increased heart frequency and reduced variability of the heart frequency, which are well-known risk factors for increased cardial mortality

    The Heart Frequency and Its Variability in Hypertensive Patients Considering A/B Type of Behaviour and Eight Basic Emotions and Levels of Anger Expression

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    The aim of this paper was to comparation between autonomic regulation of the heart rate and itā€™s variability within 100 essential hypertensive patients and 100 examinees in healthy control group. Essential hypertensive patients had significantly shorter average RR interval, that is, faster heart frequency then the control group. Average variability of the heart frequency was statisticaly considerably lower in hypertensive than in the healthy control group. Sistolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, duration of hypertension, levels have considerate total influence on heart frequency and itā€™s variability during calm and during deep breathing. The most distinctive negative connection was found between variability of the heart frequency and duration of hypertension. The type A behaviour within hypertensive patients and the control group was more common then type B. In the hypertensive group, total influence of all independent Bortnerā€™s variables on to variability of the heart frequency during calm breathing was statisticaly important. Within hypertensive patients and the control group, the heart frequency and itā€™s variability were connected with eight basic emotions. In the group of hypertensive patients variability of the heart frequency is significantly positively connected with emotional dimension Ā»IncorporationĀ«, but negatively with emotional dimensions Ā»ProtectionĀ«, Ā»RejectionĀ« and Ā»ReproductionĀ«. Our data showes that patients with long-term hypertension have increased heart frequency and reduced variability of the heart frequency, which are well-known risk factors for increased cardial mortality

    Cataract Surgery and Postoperative Complications in Diabetic Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus influences the function and morphology of the eye lens. The cataract is the second most common complication of diabetes mellitus on the eye. A hundred patients with cataract were examined in the prospective study. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 50 patients with cataract who had not suffered from a system or local disease. The second group consisted of 50 patients with cataract and diabetes mellitus that had lasted for at least five years. In both groups the patients underwent identical cataract extra capsular extraction with intraocular PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) lens implantation in camera posterior. The objective of this study was to compare the two groups of patients in order to find out the most common intraoperative or postoperative complications in diabetics. The most common postoperative complications in patients suffering from diabetes were inflammatory reactions and bleeding: postoperative keratopathy, uveitis anterior serous and uveitis anterior fibrinous with posterior sinechia and opacity of the posterior lens capsule as results. Postoperative visual acuity was worse in the patients in group II on the seventh day and six months after operation. It was diabetic retinopathy and its progression that caused deterioration of visual acuity. Diabetic retinopathy and its progression, as well as maculopathy were found only in patients who were not treated with photocoagulation before the operation