27 research outputs found

    Uloga mentora u procesu izlaska mladih iz alternativne skrbi

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    Cilj ovog rada je istražiti i opisati doživljaj uloge mentora za mlade koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi te opisati izazove u radu s kojima se mentori susreću iz njihove perspektive. Stoga su provedena tri grupna intervjua s devet mentora. Podaci su analizirani metodom tematske analize i izolirane su tri teme. To su: Višestruke mentorske funkcije i različiti pristupi u radu, Kvalitete mentora i Izazovi mentoriranja. Rezultati pokazuju da je uloga mentora zahtjevna, kompleksna i važna za mlade iz skrbi, no povremeno i zbunjujuća i nejasna za same mentore. Doprinos rada ogleda se u produbljivanju razumijevanja uloge mentora i izazova u njihovom radu, ponuđene su smjernice za rad budućim mentorima i voditeljima mentorskih programa, te formalnom sustavu s ciljem što kvalitetnije podrške mladima koji izlaze iz skrbi

    Using visual elicitation research methods: An introduction to the use of images and artefacts in elicitation-based research (Korištenje komplementarnih vizualnih metoda: Uvod u korištenje i slika i artefakata u istraživanjima)

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    Riječ je o prikazu radionice koja se održala u Zagrebu u listopadu, 2016.godine na temu korištenja vizualnih metoda i tehnika u kvalitativnim društvenim istraživanjima


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    Relatively few studies have addressed the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on IPV shelters and their staff. In this study, we conducted interviews with IPV shelter staff to examine 1) how shelters changed their work during the pandemic; 2) how staff described the occurrence of and response to vicarious trauma; and 3) what staff learned from their experience with the pandemic crisis. Three main themes emerged from the data. They include the following: 1) changes in organisational working conditions during the pandemic; 2) emotional challenges; and 3) positive effects of the pandemic. As in other countries, the pandemic in Croatia brought numerous challenges but also opportunities. Shelter staff demonstrated their strengths and commitment to supporting IPV victims during the pandemic. Their experiences should be used to develop an effective response to future crises.Relativno se malo studija bavilo utjecajem pandemije COVID-19 na skloništa za žrtve intimnog partnerskog nasilja (IPN) i njihovo osoblje. U ovoj smo studiji proveli intervjue sa stručnjacima IPN skloništa kako bismo ispitali: 1.) kako su skloništa promijenila svoj rad tijekom pandemije; 2.) kako je osoblje opisalo pojavu i odgovor na posrednu traumu i 3.) što je osoblje naučilo iz svog iskustva s pandemijskom krizom? Iz podataka su proizašle tri glavne teme. To su: 1.) promjene organizacijskih uvjeta rada tijekom pandemije; 2.) emocionalni izazovi i 3.) pozitivni učinci pandemije. Kao i u drugim zemljama, pandemija je u Hrvatskoj donijela brojne izazove, ali i prilike. Osoblje skloništa pokazalo je svoje snage i predanost pružanju potpore žrtvama IPN-a tijekom pandemije. Njihova iskustva treba iskoristiti za razvoj učinkovitog odgovora na buduće krize

    Resilience of families with complex needs whose children manifest behavioural and emotional problems

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    Although there is extensive literature on the risks faced by families dealing with cumulative challenges, including the emotional and behavioural problems of the child, limited research exists on the potential resilience of these families. Additionally, there are a lot of ambiguities in family resilience research with respect to indicators of good outcomes while facing risks. Therefore, this study aimed to answer the following research questions: 1) What risks do family members recognise that they are facing?; and 2) How do family members perceive good outcomes in the context of the risks that they are facing? To answer these research questions, we conducted group interviews with 8 families whose children, aged 12 to 18 years, manifest emotional and/or behavioural problems. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. For the first question, the results highlight one theme - Families with complex needs: multiple risks at different levels. Four themes contribute to answering the second research question: Survival, Not giving up and asking for help, Positive change, and Wish for togetherness and good communication. The families reported three indicators of good family outcomes, while striving for the fourth (Wish for togetherness and good communication), suggesting that outcome indicators can be distributed on a “continuum”. However, family members also reported that as they cope with and resolve the challenges they face, new risks emerge that may take the family back to an earlier stage, emphasising the circular rather than linear nature of this continuum. All participating families stressed that togetherness can be achieved with more professional help and time. The findings of this study address the importance of strength-based approaches in practice that will provide a space for fostering resilience in families facing chronic and cumulative risks

    Family of Youth with Behaviour Problems Resilience and Interventions that Promote It − Perspective of Professionals from Social Welfare System

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    Otpornost obitelji višedimenzionalan je koncept čije razumijevanje predstavlja trajni istraživački i profesionalni izazov. Stoga je cilj ovog rada steći uvid u obilježja otpornosti obitelji u riziku čije dijete manifestira probleme u ponašanju i intervencija koje ju potiču iz perspektive stručnjaka koji svakodnevno rade s takvim obiteljima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 11 stručnjakinja koje rade u centru za socijalnu skrb ili nevladinim organizacijama u području socijalne skrbi. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom fokusne grupe, a analizirani primjenom tematske analize. Rezultati pokazuju da stručnjakinje prepoznaju višestruku rizičnost i složenost rada s ovim obiteljima. Otpornost obitelji vide kao relacijski konstrukt i nemaju jedinstveno stajalište kako ga konceptualizirati. Kao ključna obilježja intervencija koje potiču otpornost obitelji ističu usmjerenost na pozitivne snage te sustavni, pravovremeni, umreženi i sveobuhvatni intervencijski pristup. Naglašavaju kako postojeći sustav ima određene ranjive točke koje rezultiraju time da je sustav ponekad obiteljima dodatni čimbenik rizika. Doprinos rada očituje se u razmatranju obilježja intervencija za obitelji u riziku i konstrukta otpornosti obitelji čije dijete manifestira probleme u ponašanju.Family resilience is a multidimensional concept whose understanding is an ongoing challenge for research and practice. The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the resilience characteristics of families at risk in which a child manifests behaviour problems, and into interventions that promote family resilience, from the perspective of professionals who work with such families on a daily basis. The research involved 11 professionals working in the Centre for Social Welfare or in non-governmental organizations in the field of social welfare. Data were collected using the focus group method and analysed using thematic analysis. Results show that the professionals recognize the complexity of risks and challenges of working with these families. They see family resilience as a relational construct and do not have a common understanding of how to conceptualize it. According to them, key features of interventions that promote family resilience are focus on family\u27s strengths and a systemic, timely, connected, and comprehensive approach in interventions. They emphasize that the existing system has certain vulnerabilities the result of which is that the system is sometimes an additional risk factor for families. The contribution of the research lies in the consideration of key features of interventions for families at risk and the construct of family resilience for families in which a child manifests behaviour problems