13 research outputs found

    Phagotypes of staphylococcus in the children\u27s ward of the hospital

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    Fagotipizirano je 59 sojeva Staphylococcus aureusa izoliranih od osoblja, predmeta i hospitalizirane djece. Dominirali su fagotipovi 85, 29 i 3A. Uspoređujući naÅ”e rezultate sa ranijim ispitivanjima iz 1967. i 1973. godine, utvrdili smo da proÅ”irenost pojedinih fagotipova varira. Neki fagotipovi su se izgubili (79 ā€” 0%; 2,68%; 0Ā°/o i 75 ā€” 2,63%; 5,10%; 0Ā°/o), drugi su izbili u prvi plan (85 ā€” 0%; 1,6%; 10,16%), a 29,3C i 71 nalazimo kroz sva tri perioda (naročito 29! ā€”7,89%; 4,56%; 10,16%).Fifty-nine strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from the staff, things and hospitalized children were phagotyped. Phagotypes 85, 29 and 3A were predominant. Having compared our results with those obtained in previous research (in 1967 and 1973), we have found that the distribution of particular phagotypes varies in the same environment. Some phagotypes have disappeared (79- 0%; 2.68%; OVo and 75- 2.63%; 5.10%; 0%), others have developed (85- 0%; 1.6%; 10.16%), whereas phagotypes 29, 3C and 71 have been present in all three periods (especially 29- 7.89%; 4.56%; 10.16%)

    Bacteremia in pregnancy

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    Svrha je ovog istraživanja utvrditi učestalost asimptomatskih bakterijemija u trudnica, te njihovu povezanost sa svojstvima novorođenčadi i njihovog razvoja. Trudnicama (njih 156), koje su zatražile kontrolu tijeka trudnoće u Dispanzeru za trudnice Porodiljnog odjela Bolnice u Slavonskom Brodu, uzeta je tijekom obvezatnog uzimanja krvi za seroloÅ”ke, citoloÅ”ke i biokemijske pretrage i krv za hemokulturu (5 ml). Statistička obrada podataka obavljena je u Zavodu za statistiku Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Analizirani su rezultati hemokultura u svezi tijeka porođaja i razvoja dojenčadi. U trudnica čija je hemokultura sterilna, većina je novorođenčadi bila bez poremećaja. U trudnica s bakterijemijom, novorođenčad je imala rane infekcije, Å”to je utvrđeno kao statistički značajna pojava. Raspravlja se o povezanosti izoliranih bakterija s posebnostima novorođenčadi.The purpose of this investigation was to explore the frequency of asymptomatic bacteremia in pregnant women and their impact on the newborns and their development. A total of 156 blood cultures (5 ml of blood) were obtained from pregnant women undergoing obligatory serological, cytological and biochemical laboratory testing at the General Hospital in Slavonski Brod. All data were analysed by the Department of Statistics of the Medical Faculty in Zagreb. The blood culture results were correlated with the delivery time and the early development of the newborns. In pregnant women with sterile blood cultures most of the newborns were without disorders. The incidence of early infections in newborns delivered by mothers with asymptomatic bacteremia was statistically significant. The statistical analysis was performed to compare the bacterial isolates and manifestations in newborns

    The analysis of a higher frequency of kidney tuberculosis in Slavonski Brod.

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    U MikrobioloÅ”kom laboratoriju u Slavonskom Brodu uočena je u posljednje tri godine učestala izolacija Mycobacterium tuberculosis iz mokraće. Od 1.1.1994. do 10.10.1994. bilo je 3,7% pozitivnih kultivacija, Å”to je statistički značajno viÅ”e (X2 = 7,25; P<0,01) nego u svim prethodnim godinama u Slavonskom Brodu, te u odnosu na 1993. godinu u Republici Hrvatskoj (X2=20,90; P<0,01) Od 1.3.1993. g. do 10.10.1994. g. dokazana je bubrežna tuberkuloza kod 22 bolesnika prosječne životne dobi od 45 godina (18-78). Bilo je 12 ženskog spola i 10 muÅ”kog spola. Kod 12-toro su sumnju na tuberkulozu postavili liječnici u ambulanti opće prakse ili Å”kolskom dispanzeru, a kod 10-toro većinom liječnici Odjela za unutarnje bolesti. Prosječno je mokraća poslana 4 puta, a primoizolacija je uslijedila nakon 4-6 tjedana inkubacije na 37Ā°C (77%). Izbjeglica je bilo 5(23%). Jedan je bolesnik umro, a dva bolesnika su imala rezistentne sojeve M. tuberculosis. Većina (59%) oboljelih je ispod 50 godina starosti s nefrolitijazom i najčeŔćim simptomima dizurije, hematurije i lumbalgije. Uz alkoholizam i Å”ećernu bolest, zapažena je balkanska endemska nefropatija čiji odnos prema tuberkulozi bubrega zahtijeva dodatna istraživanja.In the last three years in the Microbiological Laboratory in Slavonski Brod, we noticed a more frequent isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from urine. There were 3.7% of positive cultivations in the period from 1st January, 1994 to 10th October, 1994, which is a statistically significant increase (X2 = 7.25; pcO.Ol) compared to all previous years in Slavonski Brod as well as compared to the year of 1993 in the Republic of Croatia (X2=20.90; pcO.Ol) In the period March, 1993 - October, 1994 kidney tuberculosis was proven in 22 patients, 12 females and 10 males, at the average age of 45 (18-78) years. Twelve cases suspect to have kidney tuberculosis were discovered by general practitioners or in a school dispensary, whereas 10 were discovered at the Department of Internal Diseases. Urine was sent to analysis 4 times on average and the primoisolation occurred after 4-6 weeks of incubation at 37Ā°C (77%). Among the patients there were 5 (23%) refugees. One patient died, whereas two had resistant types of M. tuberculosis. Most of the affected (59%) were under 50, suffering from nephrolithiasis and most frequen symptoms of dysuria, haematuria and lumbalgia. Along with alcoholism and diabetes mellitus, we noticed Balcan endemic nephropathy, whose relation to kidney tuberculosis requires additional investigation

    The analysis of beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from the throath swabs

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    Analiziran je 261 streptokok izoliran iz brisa ždrijela osoba pod zdravstvenim nadzorom epidemioloÅ”Ā­ke službe (154) i bolesnika preostalih službi Medicinskog centra Slavonski Brod (107). Svi sojevi testirani su na porast u glukoznom bujonu, hidrolizu eskulina i osjetljivost na bacitracin, a zatim grupirani Slidex Strepto-Kit metodom, tom metodom u 218 (83,5 %) izoliranih streptokoka nije nađen grupno- specifični polisaharidni antigen (tzv. Ā»viridansĀ« grupa streptokoka), a u 43(16,5 %) beta-hemolitičkih streptokoka (BHS) dokazana je seroloÅ”ki jedna od grupa A,B,C,D,F, ili G. Grupa A BHS identificirana je samo u jednom slučaju (2,3 %). Prevalirala je non grupa A BHS 42 (97,6 %), od čega relativno najviÅ”e grupa C 32 (74,4 %), a zatim grupa F 6 (14,0 %), grupa G 2 (4,7 %), grupa D 1 (2,3 %) i grupa B 1 (2,3 %). Nije nađena signifikantna razlika između I (154) i II. (107) grupe ispitanika ni za non-grupu A 12,9 % (20/154) i 20,5 % (22/107) X2 = 2,93 P > 0,01, niti za grupu C BHS 11,6 (18/54) i 13,1 % (14/107) X2 = 0,14 P > 0,01. Uočena je neophodnost grupiranja BHS jer bi od ukupno 261 streptokoka njih 67 (25,7 %), odnosno 32 streptokoka grupe C njh čak 17 (53,1 %), umjesto jednog (2,3 %), bilo identificirano bacitracinskim testom kao Streptococcus pyogenus (BHS A), Å”to ima značaj za tretman i jedne i druge grupe ispitanika.The authors analyzed 261 streptococci isolated from the throat swabs of 154 individuals under the health care of the Department of Epidemiology and 107 patients treated at other units of the Medical Centre of Slavonski Brod. All isolated genera were tested for the increase in glucose broth, for esculin hydrolysis and sensitivity to bacitracin and then grouped by the Slidex Strepto-Kit method. By this method, in 218 streptococci (83.5 %) the group-specific polysaccharide antigen was not identified (Ā»viridansĀ« streptococci), whereas in 43 beta-hemolytic streptococci (BHS) (16.5 %) the groups A, B , C , D , F or G were identified, respectively. The group A BHS was identified in one case only (2.3 %). The non-group A BHS prevailed with 42 cases (97.6 %), classified as follows: 32 cases in group C (74.4 %), 6 cases in group F (14 %), 2 cases in group G (4.7 %) and one case (2.3 %) in groups B and D, respectively. No significant difference was found between the two groups of probands, i.e. 12.9 % of the probands from the one (20/154) and 20.5 % from the other group (22/107) had non-group A BHS (X2 = 2.93, P > 0.01), whereas group C BHS were found in 11.6 % (18/154) and 13.1 % (14/107) of the probands, respectively (X2 = 0.14, P > 0.01). It was found that the grouping of beta-hemolytic streptococci is a necessity, since out of the total number of 261 streptococci, 67 (25.7 %) were identified as Streptococcus Pyogenes (A BHS) as well as 17 (53.1 %) out of 32 group C streptococci, which is significant for the treatment of both groups of patients

    Significance of nasopharingeal flora at meai with children

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    U Medicinskom centru Slavonski Brod ispitana su kroz jednu kalendarsku godinu 393 djeteta, u dobi do 36 mjeseci života, s ciljem utvrđivanja učestalosti akutnih upala srednjeg uha (AUSU) i recidiva upale, te značenja nazofaringealne flore kod AUSU. Ispitanicima su uzimani brisevi nazofarinksa, a u djece sa spontanom perforacijom bubnjića uzet je istovremeno i bris sekreta srednjeg uha u svrhu utvrđivanja i korelacije uzročnika. Od 393 djeteta, njih 175 (44,52 %) je imalo AUSU, a 40 (22,85 %) recidiv upale. Nije utvrđena signifikantna povezanost dobi i spola djece sa AUSU, dok je učestalost recidiva bila značajno viÅ”a u prvoj godini života. Prateće infekcije gornjih respiratornih putova, kao i sezonski faktori, znaĀ­Äajno su utjecali na učestalost AUSU, Å”to se nije moglo uočiti kod infekcija donjih respiratornih putova. Od svih bakterija koje su izolirane iz nazofarinksa djece s akutnom respiratornom infekcijom i AUSU, statistički signifikantna razlika utvrđena je samo kod infekcija uzrokovanih Streptococcusom pneumoniae (X2 = 9,60; PP>0,01), za razliku od respiratornih infekcija bez AUSU. Zaključeno je da nalaz tih bakterija u nazofarinksu ima značenje za nastanak AUSU u djece.During one calendar year 393 children aged up to 36 months were tested in Medical Centre in Slavonski Brod to determine the frequency of middle ear acute inflamation (MEAI), inflamation relapse and the significance of nasopharingeal flora at MEAI. The smears of nasopharynx were taken from tested children and at the same time the secrete smear of middle ear were taken from the children with spontaneous tympanum perforation to determine the cause and its correlation. Out of 393 children 175 (44.52 %) had MEAI and 40 (22.85 %) had inflamation relapse. There was no significant connection between childrenā€™s age and sex regarding MEAI while the relapse frequency was significantly higher in the first year of life. The infections that originate in the upper respiratory system, as well as seasonal factors, significantly affected the frequency of MEAI which could not be noticed with the infection of lower respiratory system. Regarding all bacterias isolated from nasopharinx of children with acute respiratory infection and MEAI, the statistically significant difference was only determined with the infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (X2 = 9.60; PcO.Ol) and by Haemophilus influenzae (X2 = 5.65; 0.05 >P>0.01), which differs regarding the respiratory infections without MEAI. In conclusion, the report of these bacterias in nasopharynx is of significance in developing MEAI