9 research outputs found

    Die Bedeutung des Sports und des Erholungssports während und nach der Rehabilitation der behinderten Personen

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    This paper gives the survey of the contemporary approach to the application of sports-recreational and sport activities during and after the rehabilitation of the persons with a disability. Special attention is paid to the results of the scientific researches of the influence of sports-recreational programs on the improvement of psychological, functional and motor characteristics of persons with a disability. The suggested procedures are directed towards the application of the sports-recreational programs for the improvement of the psychosomatic characteristics during the clinical rehabilitation, immediately after such rehabilitation, as well as upon the arrival at home. The roles of the organization “Sport for all” and of the wider social environment are emphasized in this paper — the designing of organizational, professional and executive procedures necessary for engaging the persons with a disability into the programs which apart from their medical effects also have the goal to increase the quality of life, among other things by establishing the communication with other people and by raising the level of self-acceptance.Die Entwicklung des zeitgemäßen Zugangs zur Benutzung sowie des Sports als auch des Erholungssports während und nach der Rehabilitation der behinderten Personen wird in diesem Artikel besprochen. Die besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde den Ergebnissen der wissenschaftlichen Forschungen über den Einfluss des Erholungssportsprogramme auf die Verbesserung der psychischen, funktionellen und motorischen Eigenschaften der behinderten Personen geschenkt. Die vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen sind auf die Anwendung der sportrekreativen Inhalte zur Verbesserung der psychosomatischen Eigenschaften während der klinischen Rehabilitation, unmittelbar danach und nach dem Rückkehr nach Hause gerichtet. Betont wird die Rolle der Organisation "Sport für alle" sowie der Sozialgemeinschaft beim Ausarbeiten von den Organisations- und Durchführungsmaßnahmen sowie bei der Versicherung der materiellen und anderen Bedingungen, die für das Einschließen der behinderten Personen in die Programme notwendig sind. Neben der unmittelbaren heilenden Wirkung, zielen diese Progamme auch zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität, unter anderem durch das Anknüpfen neuer Gesellschasftverbindungen und das Starken des Selbstbewusstseins

    Ekonomičeskie i zdravoohranitel\u27nye cennosti sportivnoj rekreacii v turizme

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    Referat sumira znanstveno-istraživačke radove vezane uz problematiku uklapanje sportsko-rekreativnih sadržaja u turističku ponudu. Analizirana je ekonomska vrijednost takvih sadržaja, sadržaji i oblici rada, te organizacija rada u turističkim sportsko-rekreativnim centrima.The essay sums up the scientific studies related to the other problems of inclusion of sport and recreational contents as part of the tourist enterprise. It points out the direct and indirect economic value of such contents given certain preconditions in their exploitation. Furthermore, the essay points out the problems in application of contents and working models in tourism as well as the role, function and organization of work in tourist sport and recreational centers. personell profiles for there services as well as the programming criteria for creation of sport and recreation in tourism are separately studied. The second part of the essay contains some basic elements for programming of active vacations, their categorization and the results of studies on the effect of recreation to some indicators of the psychosomatic status of man

    Investigations of the influence of physical exercises introduced during a special break in the purification department of the textile industry "Vartex" - Varazdin

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    The investigations of the influence of physical department of the textile industry "Vartex" - Varaždin was carried out in a sample of 220 women-workers working in the sitting position. By the momentary perception method, the critical time period of work was proved to be between the fifth and the sixth hour when a special break lasting for seven minutes was introduced. The active rest was arranged in the form of corrective - compensatory exercises accompanied by music. The results obtained have confirmed the justification of the introduction of a special break at the critical time period of work. This break reduced the increase of spontaneous breaks, significantly increased the production level, and diminished subjective difficulties and the feeling of monotony in women-workers at work

    Organizacionno-kadrovaja, material\u27naja i programmnaja osnova razvitija sportivnoj rekreacii v celjah ulučenija zdorov\u27ja, proizvoditel\u27nosti gumannyh uslovij raboty na metallurgičeskom zavode "Sisak"

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    Predložena je projekcija razvoja sportske rekreacije u slijedećih pet godina, u koju su uključeni aktivni odmor u procesu rada, rekreativno vježbanje u dnevnom odmoru, te sportsko-rekreativni sadržaji tokom tjednih, prazničnih i godišnjih odmora. Za sve navedene oblike sportske rekreacije predložena je materijalna baza i način organizacije obzirom na već postojeće elemente u Kombinatu.The original study encompasses, on 3030 pages of text and 59 pages of contributions, the results of research on the problems of sport and recreation as a necessity and a work requirement in ferrous metallurgy and modern way of living. The work analyses the development of sport and recreation up to date on the basis of exact indicators of working conditions and their effect upon the organism as views and interests of the working people. It proposes a trend of development in sport and recreation in the next five years and its general direction for the period up to the year 2001 as part of the general development of the Complex with the aim to improve health and income relations and humanize life and work. The results of the research have made it possible for the authors to constreue the proposed trend of development in sport and recreation in taking into account active rest within the work process, recreational exercise during daily break periods as well as sport and recreational activities on weekends, holidays and vacations away from the place of residence. Moreover, this study has made possible a proposing of measures to be taken in health and prevention activities by the labour medical services and work safety. The study open further possibilities for cooperation between science and practies adapted to the needs of associated labour

    Anliz rezul\u27tativ otdyha rabotnic turističkih predprijatij v zavisnosti ot prodolžitel\u27nosti otdyha

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    Trotjedni aktivni odmor radionica ugostiteljsko-turističke djelatnosti doveo je do značajnog poboljšanja funkcionalnih sposobnosti, koordinacije, gibljivosti, preciznosti, brzine i snage. Osim toga, primijenjene sadržaje su radionice ocijenile izuzetno pozitivno, obzirom na stručnost voditelja, doživljaje ugode tokom tretmana i osjećaj doprinosa unapređenju zdravlja.71 female employees of the hotel and tourist company HTP "Riviera" in Porec, Yugoslavia were chosen to participate in daily programme of active recreation over a period of three weeks. The programme was carried out in a health center outside their place of residence and participants returned home every afternoon. A further 71 female employees acted as the control group. The results designed to measure the effect of this treatment suggest the following conclusions: 1. The threw week experimental treatment contributed significantly to the improvement of the following functional abilities: - muscular strength of the hand, torso and leg - functional capacity of the respiratory system - aerobic energetic capacity, the most significant indicator of capacity for physical labour. 2. No significant changes were noticed after one week of treatment. After two weeks positive changes were seen only in aerobic capacity and partially in respiratory capacity. 3. Estimation of motoric aspects of the psychosomatic status showed that three weeks of treatment resulted in significant changes in all motoric abilities tested, i. e. coordination of movements, flexibility in joints, precision, speed and power. After one week positive changes were noted only in coordination in speed of frequency of movements, while after two weeks there were also positive changes in measures of flexibility, precision of hitting a target and in some of measures of explosive power (indicating, strengthening of leg muscles). 4. Evaluation of some conative characteristics showed no significant changes to have occured as a result of the treatment. This may be explained by the relatively low intensity of neurotism in the subjects before the start of the investigation. 5. The subjects in the experimental group gave clearly positive subjective evaluations regarding the organization, location and contents of the programme, professionalism of the programme leader, their own feelings of pleasure during the treatment and the contribution of the programme to improving their health

    Material conditions of sport recreational activities in tourism

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    The investigations were carried out in a sample of 1171 subjects in sport recreational centers (hotels) along the Adriatic cost in 1968/69 to investigate: - the interest and attitudes of tourists for different sport-recreational activities - kind, number and place of sport activities according to the number and structure pf guests at the tourist centers - organisation and method of work of recreation for tourists - economic value of sport recreation in tourism. The data obtained allow the following conclusion: Sport-recreational activities should be included in tourist services according to the interest and attitudes of guests. There also exists a direct or indirect economic justification for investments for the building of recreational facilities in hotel and catering establishments in summer tourist resorts

    Vlijanie aktivnogo otdyha v special\u27noj peremene na rabočnoj proizvoditel\u27nost\u27 i sub\u27ekivnoe ispitanie rabočih v mehaničeskoj masterskoj Matallurgičeskogo zavoda v Siske

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    Nakon završenog ispitivanja utjecaja aktivnog odmora u posebnoj radnoj pauzi u mehaničkoj radioni Željezare Sisak može se na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključiti sljedeće: 1. Kritično vrijeme rada javlja se u šestom satu radnog tjedna, tj. nakon redovne polsatne pauze. 2. U periodu primjene eksperimenta uvođenje posebne pauze za aktivan odmor i smanjenje radnog dana za 10 minuta, nije dovelo do pada radnog učnika. 3. Ispitivanjem psihičkih doživljavanja aktivnog odmora doprinijeli zadovoljstvu radnika, podizanju emocionalnog stanja i smanjenu monotonije, te da su stavovi radnika potvrdili potrebu zadržavanja dvije radne pauze - jedne za jelo, a druge za aktivan odmor.The investigation is based on the establishment of the critical work time by the subjective estimation method on the graphic scale and the introduction of a special break of active rest in mechanical workshop of the Steelworkers Sisak. The new break lasted for 20 minutes, and instead of corrective-compensatory exercises accompanied by music, the recreational games chosen by workers themselves were applied. This resulted in the reduction of the meal time break to 200 minutes as well as its switching to one hour later. The data obtained indicate that the introduction of the enlarged rest time and of two breaks does not reduce effects in work. On the contrary, they offer a satisfaction to workers and reduce monothony and the difficulties caused by the fulfillment of work tasks at the criterial work time period - between the fifth and the sixth work-hour - when they manifest themselves most

    Valorizacija medicinski programiranih aktivnihodmora u funkciji unapređenja zdravlja i humaniziranja života i rada : Valorizacija ekonomskih efekata sportske rekreacije u funkciji razvoja turizma

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    Makroprojekt: valorizacija programiranih kinezioloških aktivnosti u funkciji zdravlja, humaniziranja rada i života te dohodovnih odnosa. Studija 1: valorizacija medicinski programiranih aktivnih odmora u funkciji unapređenja zdravlja i humaniziranja života i rada. Voditelj rada: prof. dr. Mirko Relac, Predstojnik Odjela za kineziološku rekreaciju Fakulteta za fizičku kulturu u Zagrebu