29 research outputs found

    Computer-Guided Surgery for Gastric Carcinoma

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    Lymphadenectomy offers the only hope for cure when lymph nodes are involved. In gastric cancer, three approaches have been pursued to preoperatively predict node status in individual patients, modern radiological imaging techniques, sentinel node and technique that uses a computerized database of information to convert a large amount of information and experience to a treatment decision for an individual patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate accuracy in preoperative prediction of lymph node status in selected patients with the help of computer analysis for stage-appropriate surgery. With the help of computer programs Win Estimate and Microsoft Access, we constructed an artificial neural network that calculated a statistical prediction of nodal status in an observed patient with preoperatively gathered data. In 110 patients who have undergone R0 resection with D2 lymphadenectomy, the differences between the individual results generated by artificial neural network calculation and the actual data were compared. The accuracy of computerized predictions of N0 stage for study group is 91%, sensitivity 94% and specificity 87%. The results of accuracy of computerized preoperative prediction of N2 stage are 88%, with sensitivity 94% and specificity 88%. Preoperative analyses of patient data and tumour characteristics offers a rational approach to individualizing tumour therapy where the extent of lymph node dissection is tailored to the type, site, and stage of the tumour, thereby minimizing the disadvantages associated with the extensive operative procedure

    Surgical treatment of colon cancer

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    Obseg resekcije debelega črevesa zaradi raka je odvisen od mesta tumorja in vaskularne anatomije. Limfna drenaža poteka ob žilah v eni, dveh ali treh smereh, kamor rak lahko zaseva. Pri operaciji moramo doseči zadosten varnostni rob proksimalno in distalno od tumorja ter odstraniti potencialno prizadete področne bezgavke. Cilj kirurškega zdravljenja je radikalna resekcija (R0), ki edina nudi možnost ozdravitve.The extent of resection for colon cancer depends on the tumour site and vascular anatomy. Lymphatic drainage is applied along the veins in one, two or three directions, where cancer might metastasise. In surgery, it is necessary to maintain a safety margin proximally and distally to the tumour and to remove the potentially affected locoregional lymph nodes. The aim of surgical treatment is radical resection (R0), which is the only potentially curative treatment for this disease

    Kirurško zdravljenje raka debelega črevesa

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    The extent of resection for colon cancer depends on the tumour site and vascular anatomy. Lymphatic drainage is applied along the veins in one, two or three directions, where cancer might metastasise. In surgery, it is necessary to maintain a safety margin proximally and distally to the tumour and to remove the potentially affected locoregional lymph nodes. The aim of surgical treatment is radical resection (R0), which is the only potentially curative treatment for this disease.Obseg resekcije debelega črevesa zaradi raka je odvisen od mesta tumorja in vaskularne anatomije. Limfna drenaža poteka ob žilah v eni, dveh ali treh smereh, kamor rak lahko zaseva. Pri operaciji moramo doseči zadosten varnostni rob proksimalno in distalno od tumorja ter odstraniti potencialno prizadete področne bezgavke. Cilj kirurškega zdravljenja je radikalna resekcija (R0), ki edina nudi možnost ozdravitve

    Kirurgija raka želodca

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    Although the incidence of gastric cancer has been decreasing in the world and in Slovenia, it is still a major cause of cancer mortality. The prognosis is poor, since the disease is often detected at an advanced stage. Treatment results can be improved only by early detection. A multidisciplinary approach is a very important part of treatment, but the main role is still played by surgery. We describe the current principles of surgical treatment: the extent of resection in all three dimensions (on the organ itself, on neighbouring structures and organs or their parts), the extent of lymphadenectomy and the reconstruction methods.Čeprav incidenca raka želodca po svetu in pri nas upada, je še vedno pomemben vzrok umrljivosti zaradi raka. Prognoza je slaba, ker je bolezen odkrita pogosto v napredovalem stadiju. Rezultate zdravljenja je mogoče izboljšati le z zgodnejšim odkrivanjem. V zdravljenju je pomemben multidisciplinarni pristop. Glavno vlogo v zdravljenju ima še vedno kirurgija. Opisana so današnja načela kirurškega zdravljenja: obseg resekcije v vseh treh dimenzijah (na organu samem, sosednjih strukturah oziroma sosednjih organih ali njihovih delih), obseg limfadenektomije in načini rekonstrukcije

    A comparison study of the efficacy of tacker mesh fixation, glue mesh fixation and no mesh fixation in transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair

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    The minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques include transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) and total extraperitoneal hernioplasty (TEP). Our study is to compare outcomes including hernia recurrences rate and chronic inguinal pain, following mesh fixation using histoacryl glue versus tacker versus no mesh fixation in TAPP. The intensity of postoperative pain was assessed with the Carolinas Comfort scale (CCS). In the study, Proceed Surgical mesh was exclusively used