29 research outputs found

    Osobitosti HIV/AIDS-a u Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj županiji (The Characteristics of HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Zagreb and Zagreb County)

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    Cilj rada je prikazati osobitosti kretanja HIV/ AIDS-a u Zagrebu    i Zagrebačkoj županiji. Uz    bilježenje AIDS slučajeva, bilježe se i    HIV pozitivnih osobe (oboljeli od HIV-a) sa      ciljem    boljeg praćenja  kretanja infekcije u pojedinim skupinama pod povećanim rizikom (1). Dobiveni podaci se osim u statističke svrhe, koriste i za usmjeravanje preventivnih programa usmjerenih na osobe povećanog rizika koje su često teško dohvatljive    ( radnici migranti, muškarci koji održavaju seksualne odnose sa muškarcima, intravenski korisnici droga).U radu su korištene metode deskriptivne epidemiologije. Kao izvor podataka za HIV inficirane, AIDS slučajeve i osobe umrle od AIDS-a korišteni su podaci Registra za HIV/AIDS za Hrvatsku –službe za epidemiologiju zaraznih bolesti Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo. Prikazani su podaci za razdoblje od 1985-2005. godine.U periodu od 1985 godine do 2005 godine    ukupno je registrirano    192 HIV pozitivne osobe u Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj županiji (tablica 1)


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    Gotovo polovinu svih migranata čine radnici migranti; njih 105 milijuna. Populacija radnika migranata vrlo je raznolika i nisu dostupni jedinstveni podaci o njihovom broju, kao i vrsti posla koji obavljaju te dužini boravka izvan zemlje iz koje potječu. Migracija zbog posla nastaje između zemalja različitih ekonomskih standarada, stoga se radnici migranti u ekonomski niskorazvijene zemlje često susreću sa zaraznim bolestima. Infekcija različitim uzročnicima zaraznih bolesti ima dvojaki učinak: na zdravlje samog migranta, ali i na zdravlje zemlje iz koje potječe i u kojoj inače živi. Rizici pobola ovise o: samoj zemlji putovanja/rada/boravka, duljini boravka, načinu smještaja, vrsti posla kao i dosadašnjem zdravstvenom stanju samog migranta. Kako bi se smanjila mogućnost zaražavanja različitim uzročnicima zaraznih bolesti, svaki migrant/putnik bi se prije odlaska na rad ili putovanje trebao informirati o zdravstvenim rizicima i načinima kako ih izbjeći, i to savjetovanjem prije putovanja u liječnika specijaliziranih za prevenciju putničkih bolesti.Migrant workers (a total of 105 million) represent almost half of the total number of migrants. The migrant worker population is very diverse, so there is no available collect or summarized data on their number, the type of work they perform or the length of stay outside their country of origin. Work-related migration occurs between countries with different levels of economic standard and the workers migrating to an economically underdeveloped country often face the danger from infectious diseases. Infection by causative agents of infectious diseases affects not only the health of the migrant himself, but also overall health of the country of origin the migrant returns to. The risk of infection depends on the destination country, length of stay, accommodation, type of work and the health condition of the migrant. To reduce the possibility of infection, each migrant/traveler should be informed about health hazards and the ways of avoiding them before migrating or travelling, by consulting with physicians specialized in prevention of travel-related diseases

    Risk Behaviour and Risk for HIV infection in Population of injecting Drug Users

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    Uvod: Intravenski korisnici droga (IKD) čine 10% populacije osoba zaraženih virusom humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) registriranih u Hrvatskoj. Visoka prevalencija infekcija virusima hepatitisa B (HBV) i hepatitisa C (HCV) upućuje na postojanje rizičnih spolnih ponašanja kao i ponašanja pri uzimanju droge. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u obrasce i načine rizičnog ponašanja IKD u Hrvatskoj i posljedični rizik zaražavanja HIV-om. Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim upitnikom tijekom 50 dana u Centru za prevenciju ovisnosti (Zavod za javno zdravstvo »Dr. Andrija Štampar«) kao i ispostavama Hrvatskog Crvenog križa i nevladinoj udruzi HELP koje rade s IKD. Upitnik je kreiran na temelju predloška Family Health International Questionarre-a namijenjen IKD. Rezultati: Sudjelovalo je 324 IKD, od čega 74,7% ispitanika muškog spola. 25% ispitanika navelo je korištenje igle i/ili šprice unutar godinu dana. Većina ispitanika (80%) može nabaviti nove i neupotrijebljene igle i šprice kada im to zatreba. 22% ispitanika nikada nije koristilo prezervativ pri spolnim odnosima. 36% svih ispitanika nikada ne koristi prezervativ u stalnoj vezi odnosno 29% nekonzistentno (nikad, rijetko i ponekad) koristi prezervativ pri usputnom spolnom odnosu. 23% ispitanika se nikada nije testiralo na HIV/AIDS. Od onih koji su se testirali na HIV/AIDS, 5,7% nikada nije saznalo vlastiti rezultat testiranja. Zaključak: Unatoč tome što je postojanjem Centara za prevenciju ovisnosti i drugih ustanova koje provode programe smanjenja štete povećana dostupnost skrbi IKD, četvrtina ispitanika se izlaže krvlju prenosivim bolestima (HBV, HCV, HIV) kroz rizično ponašanje i ne smatraju se u riziku zaražavanja HIV-om te kao takvi predstavljaju potencijalni rezervoar infekcije ovim virusima. Epidemiološko istraživanje i praćenje ponašanja populacije IKD neophodno je zbog uočavanja obrazaca rizičnih ponašanja kao i pojave novih u svrhu uspostavljanja i usmjeravanja različitih preventivnih programa.Introduction: Injecting drug users (IDUs) account for nearly 10% of Croatian population of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). High prevalence of hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) infection among IDU population suggests the presence of sexual and drug injecting risk behaviours. These findings require an insight into ways and patterns of behaviour of IDUs. Methods: The research was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire during 50 days on several locations – the Centre for prevention of addiction (Institute for Public Health »Dr. Andrija Stampar« and Croatian Red Cross and NGO HELP, which work with IDUs. The questionnaire was based on the Family Health International Questionnaire for IDUs. Results: A total of 324 IDUs were interviewed, out of which 74,7% are men. Twenty-five percent of the respondents reported sharing a needle and a syringe within the last year, regardless of gender. The majority of above mentioned respondents (80%) can obtain new and unused needles and syringes when they need them. 22% of all respondents have never used a condom. 36 % of all re spondents have never used condom with a regular sexual partner respectively 29 % reported inconsistent condom usage with a non regular (casual) sexual partner. 23 % of respondents have never undergone HIV testing. From those who performed the HIV test, 5,7% never found out their result. Discussion: Despite the fact that several governmental and nongovernmental institutions are dealing with injecting drug users (education, substitution therapy, needle exchange therapy, psychosocial support etc.) a quarter of the respondents in our study engages in risky behaviours and do not perceive their risk about getting HIV infection. As such they make a potential reservoir of hepatitis B and C and HIV infection. The epidemiological investigation and monitoring of patterns of behaviour is essential to perceive trends in changing of risky behaviour. The data collected can be used for launching different preventive programs and activities

    Epidemiološke karakteristike osoba testiranih na hepatitis C u okviru akcije «Hepatitis C –otkrij, spriječi, izliječi » u Zavodu za javno zdravstvo grada Zagreba (Epidemiological Characteristics of Individuals Tested for Hepatitis C at Zagreb Institute of

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati neke karakteristike osoba testiranih na hepatitis C u okviru akcije «Hepatitis C – otkrij, spriječi, izliječi » u periodu od 20. svibnja do 01. rujna 2006. Ukupno se testiralo 823 osobe, nešto više žena (54%) od muškaraca (46%). 67% testiranih pripada radno aktivnoj populaciji. 77% testiranih navodi neko rizično izlaganje u prošlosti. Među testiranima otkriveno je 22 osobe sa protutijelima na hepatitis C ( anti HCV pozitivne osobe), od čega je 18 novootkrivenih, 72% muškaraca, 28% žena. Sve novootkrivene antiHCV pozitivne osobe navode neko rizično izlaganje u prošlosti. Akcija je postigla nekoliko ciljeva: kroz savjetovanje (koju je provela epidemiološka služba uz snažnu potporu medija) senzibilizirala je javnost o odlikama hepatitisa C, načinima prijenosa hepatitisa C te omogućila testiranje osobama svima, a poglavito onima koje imaju/su imale neko od rizičnih ponašanja

    Characteristics of Clients Tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection at the Voluntary Counselling and Testing Center in Zagreb, Croatia

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    The objective of this study was to present some epidemiological characteristics of persons tested for HIV/AIDS at the Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre (VCT) Zagreb that was founded in November 2004. The majority of clients tested were between 25 and 29 years old and had a secondary level education. 78% of the clients tested reported one risky behaviour in the past, the majority of which was attributed to risky heterosexual behaviour (having unprotected sexual intercourse). 35% of the clients reported having never or only occasionally used condom with a non-regular partner. 30% of the clients with a history of injecting drug use reported that they never »shared« injecting equipment. The results presented in this paper could be a useful tool for public health officers when targeting interventions for HIV prevention

    Attitudes of students of the University of Applied Health Sciences towards vaccination

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    Imunoprofilaksa je umjetno stvaranje imunosti. Provođenje imunoprofilakse vrši se na dva načina, a to su cijepljenje (aktivna imunizacija) i unošenje imunoglobulina (pasivna imunizacija). Aktivna imunizacija ili cijepljenje jest postupak unošenja specifičnog antigena u organizam koji stimulira razvoj specifične obrane prema određenom uzročniku zarazne bolesti. Cijepljenje je dokazano najuspješnija intervencija suvremene medicine i temeljno je ljudsko pravo. Provođenjem cijepljenja u svijetu se znatno smanjio morbiditet i mortalitet u populaciji. U Hrvatskoj se cijepljenje djece i odraslih vrši prema Programu obveznog cijepljenja. Cjepiva se od rođenja primaju u određenim razdobljima života te se neka primaju u jednoj, a neka u više doza. Procijepljenost je u Hrvatskoj na zadovoljavajućoj razini unatoč opadanju postotka procijepljenosti u zadnjih nekoliko godina. Cilj i svrha ovog istraživanja bili su uvidjeti stavove studenata Zdravstvenog veleučilišta (ZVU) o cijepljenju. Uzorak je sadržavao 281 ispitanika. Ispitanici su bili studenti svih smjerova, sve tri godine Zdravstvenog veleučilišta (sanitarno inženjerstvo, sestrinstvo, medicinsko-laboratorijska dijagnostika, radiologija, radna terapija). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da svi studenti imaju pozitivan stav o cijepljenju, što je dobar rezultat s obzirom na to da su svi smjerovi zdravstvenog tipa te da im je edukacija o cijepljenju na visokom nivou.Immunoprophylaxis is the artificial creation of immunity. Immunoprophylaxis is performed in two ways, namely vaccination (active immunization) and immunoglobulin intake (passive immunization). Active immunization, or vaccination, is a procedure of introducing a specific antigen into the body that stimulates the development of a specific defense against a specific cause of an infectious disease. Vaccination has proven to be the most successful intervention of modern medicine and is a fundamental human right. Vaccination has significantly reduced morbidity and mortality in the population worldwide. In Croatia, vaccination of children and adults is carried out according to the Compulsory Vaccination Program. Starting from birth, vaccines are given at certain periods of life, and some are given in single and some in multiple doses. Vaccination in Croatia is at a satisfactory level despite the declining vaccination rate in the last few years. The aim and purpose of this research was to see the attitudes of students of the University of Applied Health Sciences towards vaccination. The sample contained 281 respondents. Respondents were students of all study programmes, on all three years of studies at the University of Applied Health Sciences (Environmental Health Engineering, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Radiological Technology, Occupational Therapy). The results of the research showed that all students have a positive attitude towards vaccination, which is a good result considering that all study programs educate health professionals and that their education about vaccination is at a high level


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    Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased reports of scabies within a couple of years in Zagreb, we decided to present epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with scabies in Zagreb. Subjects and methods: A retrospective survey was carried out in county Public Health Institute “Dr. Andrija Stampar” in Zagreb and analysis was performed for the period of 2010-2013 upon individual notifications on scabies cases. The patients are presented by sociodemographic data, diagnosis and treatment. Results: In a 4 year period there were 246 scabies cases recorded in Zagreb. Cases have been registered in all quarters of the City. The highest incidence (50/100 000) was recorded in every child age group following by incidence of over 30/100 000 in elderly institutionalized in nursing homes. In almost two thirds of patients management of scabies has not been conducted in accordance to current guidelines. 10% of scabies cases were found in medical health personnel predominantly in those working in nursing homes and psychiatric wards. A small amount of cases 19 (8%) were infected outside Croatia; the majority of these cases 15 (78%) are registered within last two years. Conclusion: High percentage of scabies cases registered in nursing homes and psychiatric wards suggests that there is a need of raising awareness on scabies epidemiology and management by public health officers. Due to a higher incidence of scabies in children age, the obligation of medical practitioners is also to emphasize the importance of following treatment guidelines. In order to control scabies cases as well to prevent outbreaks within hospital wards or nursing homes there is an obligation of implementation of strict guidelines regarding treatment of scabies and a public health service referra


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    Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased reports of scabies within a couple of years in Zagreb, we decided to present epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with scabies in Zagreb. Subjects and methods: A retrospective survey was carried out in county Public Health Institute “Dr. Andrija Stampar” in Zagreb and analysis was performed for the period of 2010-2013 upon individual notifications on scabies cases. The patients are presented by sociodemographic data, diagnosis and treatment. Results: In a 4 year period there were 246 scabies cases recorded in Zagreb. Cases have been registered in all quarters of the City. The highest incidence (50/100 000) was recorded in every child age group following by incidence of over 30/100 000 in elderly institutionalized in nursing homes. In almost two thirds of patients management of scabies has not been conducted in accordance to current guidelines. 10% of scabies cases were found in medical health personnel predominantly in those working in nursing homes and psychiatric wards. A small amount of cases 19 (8%) were infected outside Croatia; the majority of these cases 15 (78%) are registered within last two years. Conclusion: High percentage of scabies cases registered in nursing homes and psychiatric wards suggests that there is a need of raising awareness on scabies epidemiology and management by public health officers. Due to a higher incidence of scabies in children age, the obligation of medical practitioners is also to emphasize the importance of following treatment guidelines. In order to control scabies cases as well to prevent outbreaks within hospital wards or nursing homes there is an obligation of implementation of strict guidelines regarding treatment of scabies and a public health service referra