5 research outputs found

    The prevalence and risk factors for visceral hemangiomas in children with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas

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    One of the most frequent benign tumor pathology in children is represented by infantile hemangiomas (IHs). Although they are mostly cutaneous, sometimes they can develop at visceral level, the liver being the most common localization. Objectives. Estimating visceral hemangiomas (VHs) prevalence, and identification of risk factors for VHs in patients with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs). Materials and methods. 6 years cross-sectional study (2012-2017) including children diagnosed with ICHs, admitted in I.N.S.M.C “Alfred-Rusescu“. All patients underwent an ultrasound screening for the detection of VHs. In order to identify possible risk factors, we collected demographic and perinatal data. Outcomes. 138 patients diagnosed with infantile cutaneous hemangiomas (ICHs) were included, with a slight predominance of girls (58%). The prevalence of the VHs in our study was 7,24% (10 patients). The liver was the most common visceral localization (7 patients). Conclusions. Female gender, preterm birth, low birth weight, and multiple gestations were described as potential risk factors for IHs. In our study, only multiple gestations tend to be associated with visceral hemangiomas, but without a significant statistical correlation


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    Obiective. Hemoragiile peri-intraventriculare (HPIV) pot determina la sugarii născuţi prematur diferite grade de re tard neuropsihomotor. Un studiu prospectiv efectuat în IOMC pe o perioadă de 4 ani (2009-2012), pe un lot de 160 prematuri, a urmărit prevalenţa gradelor de HPIV diagnosticate prin ecografi e transfontanelară (ETF), identifi carea factorilor de risc asociaţi şi a severităţii afectării neurologice la aceşti pacienţi prin urmărirea lor pe o perioadă de 12 luni. Material şi metodă. Pe perioada studiului, prematurii internaţi în IOMC au fost examinaţi sistematic prin ETF, printr-un protocol standardizat; aprecierea gradelor HPIV s-a efectuat conform clasifi cării Papile. Evaluarea neurologică a fost efectuată sistematic până la vârsta de 1 an. Rezultate. Cel mai frecvent înregistrate au fost HPIV I şi II – 45%, respectiv 37,5% din numărul total de pacienţi. HPIV gradul IV au reprezentat 4,4%. În HPIV grad I şi II afectarea neurologică a fost uşoară, această corelaţie având semnifi caţie statistică (p < 0,01) pentru ambele forme. Hemoragiile gradul III şi IV au fost asociate cu o evoluţie neurologică nefavorabilă, corelaţia între HPIV grad IV şi sechelele neurologice majore având semnifi caţie statistică (p < 0,01). Concluzii. ETF efectuată de rutină tuturor prematurilor permite diagnosticul precoce şi stadializarea HPIV, aprecierea evoluţiei neurologice cu instituirea precoce a tratamentului şi asigurarea consilierii adecvate


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    Objectives. In preterm babies, peri-intraventricular hemorrahges (PIVH) might cause various degrees of neuropsycho-motor impairment. A 4-year prospective study (2009-2012) performed in the IOMC, was aimed to determine the prevalence of different degrees of PIVH diagnosed by head ultrasound (HUS) among 160 admitted preterm babies, the associated risk factors, along with the neuro-developmental effects on a 12-month follow-up period. Material and methods. In the above-mentioned period all admitted preterms were examined by transfontanelar ultrasound according to a standardized protocol based on Papile’s PIVH classifi cation. For those preterms included in the study a 12-month systematic neurologic follow-up was performed. Results. PIVH grade I (45%) and II (37,5%) were the most prevalent types. Grade IV PIVH represented 4,4% from all PIVH cases. The good neurological outcome of grade I and II PIVH, was found to be statistically signifi cant (p < 0.01) for both types. Severe neurological sequelae were associated with grade III and IV and a statistically signifi cant correlation (p<0.01) was found only for grade IV hemorrhages. Conclusion. Systematic HUS screenings for all preterm babies is useful for early diagnosis and PIVH staging, for neurologic outcome prediction, providing the appropriate management strategy and a well-suited parental counseling

    Chronotherapy Advances in the Management of Chronic Neurological and Cardiovascular Diseases: Complex Interactions of Circadian Rhythm Environmental Inputs, Nutrition and Drug Administration and Their Impact on Human Health

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    New scientific evidence raises awareness concerning the human-specific interplay among primary environmental conditions, such as the light–dark cycle, activity–rest alternation, nutritional patterns, and their reflection on the physiological and pathological characteristics that are displayed uniquely by every individual. One of the critical aspects in the clinic is to understand the role of circadian rhythms as remarkable modulators of the biological effects of drugs and to aim for an optimal overlapping of the time of administration of medicines with the physiologic release of certain hormones, the time-dependent expression of genes, or the key-regulatory protein synthesis, which are all circadian-driven processes. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics profiles, as well as the possible drug interactions of neurotropic and cardiovascular agents, are intensely subjected to endogenous circadian rhythms, being essential to identify as much as possible the patients’ multiple risk factors, from age and gender to lifestyle elements imprinted by dietary features, sleep patterns, psychological stress, all the way to various other associated pathological conditions and their own genetic and epigenetic background. This review chapter will highlight the involvement of biological rhythms in physiologic processes and their impact on various pathological mechanisms, and will focus on the nutritional impact on the circadian homeostasis of the organism and neurologic and cardiovascular chronotherapy

    Current and Future Therapeutic Approaches of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Children with Cystic Fibrosis in the Era of Personalized Medicine

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    This review presents current updates of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in children with cystic fibrosis based on literature published in the last decade and some special considerations regarding pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in the era of new therapies, such as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator modulator therapies. Few articles evaluate the efficacy of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in the pediatric population, and most studies also included children and adults with cystic fibrosis. Approximately 85% of cystic fibrosis patients have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and need pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. Fecal elastase is the most commonly used diagnostic test for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, although this value can fluctuate over time. While it is used as a diagnostic test, it cannot be used for monitoring the effectiveness of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy and for adjusting doses. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, the actual treatment for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, is essential in children with cystic fibrosis to prevent malabsorption and malnutrition and needs to be urgently initiated. This therapy presents many considerations for physicians, patients, and their families, including types and timing of administration, dose monitoring, and therapy failures. Based on clinical trials, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is considered effective and well-tolerated in children with cystic fibrosis. An important key point in cystic fibrosis treatment is the recent hypothesis that cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator modulators could improve pancreatic function, further studies being essential. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is addressed a complication of the disease (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency), while modulators target the defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis remains an active area of research in this era of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator modulator therapies. This new therapy could represent an example of personalized medicine in cystic fibrosis patients, with each class of modulators being addressed to patients with specific genetic mutations