4 research outputs found

    Upotreba biofizičkih metoda radi poboljŔanja prinosa i kvaliteta poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    Until as recently as a century ago, the exposure of biological systems to radiation was limited only to the natural sources. Today, however, a broad range of radiation types and doses have found a wide variety of uses and applications, so much so that it would be difficult to make a list of all the areas of human activity in which radiation is used for one purpose or another. The study of radiation effects on individuals and populations as a whole has become important only with the development of methods and sources of man-made radiation. Given that what is present in this case are physical effects on biological systems (living organisms), all these methods can be placed under the heading of biophysical influences. In the last 50 years, the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) have been studied with great diligence. These fields are the ones most commonly found in the human environment and they have been used in our studies in this field. The present paper provides a brief review of the literature data and our findings on the effects of ELF-EMF on various crop species using the RIES (Resonant Impulse Electromagnetic Stimulation) method, developed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad.Izloženost bioloÅ”kih sistema u prirodi različitim vrstama zračenja, do pre samo jednog veka bila je ograničena isključivo na prirodne izvore. Danas, međutim, oblast primene najrazličitijih vrsta i doza zračenja je veoma raznovrsna, i teÅ”ko je navesti sve oblike ljudske delatnosti u kojima se ona koristi. Proučavanje njihovih efekata na jedinke ili populacije u celini, dobilo je na značaju tek razvojem metoda i izvora zračenja koje je čovek stvorio. Obzirom da se radi o fizičkim dejstvima na bioloÅ”ke sisteme, tj. žive organizme, sve ove metode mogu se svrstati u domen biofizičkih delovanja. U poslednjih pedesetak godina se sa posebnom pažnjom ispituje uticaj EMF- a (Electromagnetic Field) ekstremno niskih frekvencija (ELF - Extemely Low Frequency), koja se najčeŔće nalaze u čovekovom okruženju, a koja se primenjuju i u naÅ”im ispitivanjima. U radu će biti dat kratak pregled dosadaÅ”njih rezultata istraživanja autora i literaturnih podataka o dejstvu elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija na gajene biljne vrste, primenom metode Rezonantno-Impulsne Elektromagnetne Stimulacije (RIES), razrađene na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Novom Sadu

    Meteorological and synoptic interpretation at the representative stations from Western Romania during the summer of 2014

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    In Romania, droughts occur on the background of specific synoptic configurations. It is, mainly, about the persistence of an anti-cyclone field due to the coverage of our country by some backward cyclones (of the east-European Anti-cyclone, the Azores Anti-cyclone, the Scandinavian Anti-cyclone, or the North-African Anti-cyclone), i.e. on the existence of a high pressure field because of an anti-cyclone belt made by the union of the Azores Anti-cyclone with the East-European Anti-cyclone

    Physico-chemical characterization for different types of food oils

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    Lipids are indispensable food components, which in large measure determine the energy value as well the nutritional, biological and sensory qualities. The aim of this paper was to evaluate some of the physicochemical characteristics (total soluble solids (TSS), relative density, viscosity and acidity index) in case of three alimentary oils. The analyzed oil assortments, in these works are soybean, rape and corn oil purchased from the commercial market having different origins. Oils density varies from species to species and at the same oil with the conservation conditions (conservation period, climatic conditions in which the plant has developed). Viscosity gives relevant indication of the degree of oil fluidity. The experimental results showed that the highest value for viscosity was registered in rapeseed oil (38,7088cP) and the smallest in soybean oil (34,0174cP). Rape oil from improved varieties is very good cooking oil for human consumption while soybean oil has a neutral taste and is recommended for the preparation of various types of salad