5 research outputs found

    Improving Verbal Communication from the Perspective of the Use of Organizational Voice and Silence

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    Communication leads to attaining the objectives of any organization, regardless of its size and activity. By an efficient communication, one can obtain the motivation of the employees, their loyalty, the increase of their degree of trust, the improvement of the image of the company on the market, conflicts are eliminated, risks are diminished, and the relations with the stakeholders are improved. In this article, we shall show that an organization must develop an efficient communication plan, based on knowing the fact when it needs to communicate (the organizational voice) and when it must not communicate (organizational silence), in order to improve the collaboration relations and to obtain performance in the long run. At the same time, we shall implement the method of decision substantiation under risk conditions, going through the steps needed for the development of a decisional tree, choosing between two possible variants of communication with its employees

    Entrepreneurial Coordinator Management of Individual Career Planning of the Organizations in Romania

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    As a topical theme, career management is a permanent component of society, being closelyrelated to factors of everyday existence. This is because most of the population is interested andresponsible for their own living, development and wellbeing of his life and his family,opportunities, and about shortcomings which are influencing entire mechanism careermanagement.In the present research, we aim to offer a clear and pragmatic vision on the processof development and career management as a prevailing factor of modern entrepreneurship, both atindividual and social level. In the context of current reality, the career management is the mostimportant dimension of working with direct and immediate consequences in all areas of socialdevelopment

    Entrepreneurial Resilience, Factor of Influence on the Function of Entrepreneur

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    The entrepreneurial spirit and its capacity of adapting is a current subject and it is still, quite simple, as the entrepreneurial resilience live to tell their story. It becomes difficult to believe, even tough, but reflecting on this subject, the whole world becomes a workplace. It is less known, though, what leads the entrepreneurs to make decisions in difficult periods. Our research, through this article, showed us that specific personal factors count a lot in doing the job of entrepreneur. It must be highlighted, that, after the analysis, we have to grow ecosystems for entrepreneurs, not to build them. We believe that there should be more gardeners than workers in constructions. All the actors involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Romania should have as common elements the development of hubs of entrepreneurship, a civil society better shaped, partnerships based on sharing experience and resources in education. The recent economic evolutions claim the possibility of the apparition of a new science, anthropology, which judges the entrepreneurial motivations and attitudes in the new entrepreneurial ecosystem. Therefore, we analysed, in this article, a tool of measuring the entrepreneurial resilience under the form of an index. Based on this index, there can be taken certain early measures or interventions to help the sustainability of the business of the entrepreneurs. Maybe the results of this study will support the agencies, the directions to see measures for supporting not only the foundation but also the evolution of start-ups (performances, profits, business number, sales), at the level of the cognitive strong points but also social networking skills

    Perspectives for the Development of Sustainable Cultural Tourism

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    The study involves a comparative analysis of cultural tourism in Bucharest and Paris to identify the main aspects of sustainable cultural tourism. A set of six characteristics (civil monuments and architectural assemblies, religious monuments and architectural assemblies, festivals, personalities, digitization of tourism, and cultural and educational institutions) was analyzed for both cities. For this purpose, the Benchmarking analysis, the SWOT analysis, and the Pareto analysis were used. The research results highlight the importance of a careful analysis of the categories and sub-categories identified for cultural tourism in the two cities, focusing on the situation in Bucharest to identify ways to improve the promotion and capitalization of cultural tourism and increase sustainability. The obtained results showed that cultural tourism in Bucharest is deficient in aspects such as Monuments and civil architecture and religious, and architectural monuments

    Perspectives for the Development of Sustainable Cultural Tourism

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    The study involves a comparative analysis of cultural tourism in Bucharest and Paris to identify the main aspects of sustainable cultural tourism. A set of six characteristics (civil monuments and architectural assemblies, religious monuments and architectural assemblies, festivals, personalities, digitization of tourism, and cultural and educational institutions) was analyzed for both cities. For this purpose, the Benchmarking analysis, the SWOT analysis, and the Pareto analysis were used. The research results highlight the importance of a careful analysis of the categories and sub-categories identified for cultural tourism in the two cities, focusing on the situation in Bucharest to identify ways to improve the promotion and capitalization of cultural tourism and increase sustainability. The obtained results showed that cultural tourism in Bucharest is deficient in aspects such as Monuments and civil architecture and religious, and architectural monuments