12 research outputs found

    Aspects of Chemical Composition and Somatic Cell count of Cow Milk Marketed at Dispensers

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    Milk quality is influenced by many factors: lactation, fat, protein, lactose, number of somatic cells. In order to process raw milk and compare with criteria of quality and food safety the Regulation of European Parliament and the council no. 853/2004. Analysing the total number of somatic cells (SCC) in the period July-August 2017 it is noted that in case of samples collected from first automatic milk dispenser exceed 2 times the maximum admissible values and the samples collected from second automatic milk dispenser are up to the maximum allowable values which show that milking hygiene and animal health are at the European standards required. Analysis of fat content for both cases indicates that it is within the standard values for cow's milk and fat variations for DM1 samples are very low at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius which shows that high temperatures do not influence these parameters. The biological material study was represented analysed by 30 samples of milk from only two cow milk dispensers functional located in this period in Cluj-Napoca city. These samples were collected at the same time period during July-August months. The aim of present study is to determine whether milk marketed through dispensers under the high temperature conditions specific to this period is affected in terms of qualitative parameter analysis

    Biochemical and Haematological Blood Parameters at Different Stages of Lactation in Cows

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    The health status of cows is evaluated and depending on haematological and biochemical profile of blood. Nutrition is the main technological factor that can produce profound changes in the metabolic profile in animals (Dhiman et al., 1991; Khaled et al., 1999; Ingvartsen, 2006). Blood parameters analyze can lead to identify if there are errors in nutrition of lactating cows (Payne et al., 1970). The aim of this study was the evaluation of metabolic and biochemical changes that occur during colostrum period and in terms of number of lactations in cows. The biological material was represented by a total of 60 heads of dairy cows from a family farm from Sălaj County, Romania. The cows are all from Holstein breed and presented no clinical signs of any specific pathology. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of each cow and analyzed. 10 individuals from each of the six lactations have been randomly selected. Haematological and biochemical parameters showed variations depending on factors analyzed here. In lactation 1 Hb was 7.55±3.05 (g/dl), while in lactation 6 the value was 12.5±2.10 (g/dl). RBC ranged as follows: in lactation 1 - 28.50±2.05 and in lactation 6 - 30.02±2.05. Lymphocytes varied within very wide limits under the influence of lactation: in lactation 1 - 2.8±1.56 and in lactation 6 - 7.55±1.80. The number of lactations and lactation rank have influenced blood biochemical and hematological parameters in dairy cows. Biochemical parameters are influenced by post-partum day, showing the lowest values in the early days of colostral period and the highest in the last few days of the same period

    Creating the Cartographic Database and Informatization of the Systematic Cadastre Works Process

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    The main objective of this paper is to correlate the current cartographic database with the old one, in the systematic cadastral works. Implementing a GIS and a geodatabase containing the cartographic database is necessary for identifying the buildings in the systematic cadastral works. In order to obtain the actual mappingdatabase, a Phantom 4 PRO drone was used, with a 20 mp resolution camera. For determining the ground reference points there were used two South S82V GPS receivers with double frequency L1, L2, in base-rover radio mode. The existing cartographic database has been taken over from the Cadastre and Land Registration Office and integratedinto the newly created geodatabase. With a unique GIS database, the process of identifying new buildings with old land data is done in a fast and efficient way. The accuracy of the new cartographic database provides greater security identifications, which can be affected even in the office, especially for those owners who have not submittedthe stage of identifying the land. The exploitation of UAV photogrammetric measurements come in support of specialists carrying out systematic cadastre works, especially in the context of the low price per building imposed by the National Agency of Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising

    Development of Gis and Web Maps in Order to Extend Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure in Lechința Village, Iernut Town, Mureș County

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    In Romania’s most rural parts, the urban networks are not sufficiently developed. In order to improve the living standards of the inhabitants of Lechinta village, Iernut city, Mures county, it is necessary to extend water supply and sewerage infrastructure. For a better visualization and understanding of the interest area, a database was created in which the constructions, buildings, electrical and optical fiber networks, infrastructure and access ways were digitized. Considering the created database and the digital elevation model of the terrain, it was possible to easily design the water supply and sewerage infrastructure that allowed a better management of the field measurements. In order to ensure a higher degree of details, but also to complete and verify the measurements made with GPS receivers, photogrammetric and LiDAR data were obtained using a UAS equipped with the TopoDrone LiDAR 100 Lite sensor and the Zenmuse X4S DJI camera. The field data were imported into the ArcGIS application and analyzed in order to achieve the water supply and sewerage infrastructure. In order to visualize the digitization of the elements in the field, web maps were made using ArcGIS online application. The first map allows a 3D view of the area of interest and the second map includes 5 applications: database visualization, selection of desired layers, determination of distances and surfaces, use of different basemaps as well as sharing information through email, Facebook, etc. Database and webmaps that were created contribute to an easier design of urban networks and the visualization of the land in real time

    Occurrence of <i>Eimeria</i> spp. and Intestinal Helminths in Free-Range Chickens from Northwest and Central Romania

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    Chickens raised in backyard free-range systems are confronted with a significant threat of parasitic infections. Among the parasitic agents, protozoa belonging to the genus Eimeria and helminths, including Ascaridia galli, Capillaria spp., Heterakis gallinarum, and Strongyloides avium, stand out as the most prevalent. The sampling protocol included sixteen localities in four counties within the Transylvania region of Romania. Fecal samples were collected from chickens reared in a backyard system. Fecal samples were screened for oocysts (O) and eggs (E) by flotation method, and their number per gram of feces (OPG/EPG) was calculated after counting them by McMaster method. Positive samples for Eimeria spp. were further analyzed by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method to identify the Eimeria species. A total of 145 flocks were tested and the overall prevalence of infection was 53.1%. The most prevalent infections were with A. galli/H. gallinarum (25.5%), and Eimeria spp. (24.8%), followed by Capillaria spp. and strongyles. The mean OPG/EPG values were as follows: 63,577 for Eimeria spp., 157 for Ascaridia/Heterakis, 362 for Capillaria spp., and 1671 for Strongyle eggs. Identified Eimeria species were E. acervulina (41.7%), E. tenella (27.8%), E. praecox (16.7%), E. brunetti (16.7%), OTUy (operational taxonomic unit y) (8.3%), OTUz (operational taxonomic unit z) (8.3%) and E. mitis (5.6%). Intestinal parasites exhibit a high prevalence among chickens in backyard poultry flocks, and the presence of significant parasite burdens can adversely affect both productive and economic aspects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study that aimed to analyze the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in chickens raised in a backyard free-range system in Romania, and the first report of OTUy species in Europe