571 research outputs found

    A rapid culture independent methodology to quantitatively detect and identify common human bacterial pathogens associated with contaminated high purity water

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    Background: Water and High Purity Water (HPW) distribution systems can be contaminated with human pathogenic microorganisms. This biocontamination may pose a risk to human health as HPW is commonly used in the industrial, pharmaceutical and clinical sectors. Currently, routine microbiological testing of HPW is performed using slow and labour intensive traditional microbiological based techniques. There is a need to develop a rapid culture independent methodology to quantitatively detect and identify biocontamination associated with HPW. Results: A novel internally controlled 5-plex real-time PCR Nucleic Acid Diagnostics assay (NAD), was designed and optimised in accordance with Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments guidelines, to rapidly detect, identify and quantify the human pathogenic bacteriaStenotrophomonas maltophilia, Burkholderia species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescenswhich are commonly associated with the biocontamination of water and water distribution systems. The specificity of the 5-plex assay was tested against genomic DNA isolated from a panel of 95 microorganisms with no cross reactivity observed. The analytical sensitivities of the S. maltophilia, B. cepacia, P. aeruginosa and the S. marcescens assays are 8.5, 5.7, 3.2 and 7.4 genome equivalents respectively. Subsequently, an analysis of HPW supplied by a Millipore Elix 35 water purification unit performed using standard microbiological methods revealed high levels of naturally occurring microbiological contamination. Five litre water samples from this HPW delivery system were also filtered and genomic DNA was purified directly from these filters. These DNA samples were then tested using the developed multiplex real-time PCR NAD assay and despite the high background microbiological contamination observed, both S. maltophilia andBurkholderia species were quantitatively detected and identified. At both sampling points the levels of both S. maltophilia and Burkholderia species present was above the threshold of 10 cfu/100 ml recommended by both EU and US guidelines. Conclusions: The novel culture independent methodology described in this study allows for rapid (<5 h), quantitative detection and identification of these four human pathogens from biocontaminated water and HPW distribution systems. We propose that the described NAD assay and associated methodology could be applied to routine testing of water and HPW distribution systems to assure microbiological safety and high water quality standards

    Interactome comparison of human embryonic stem cell lines with the inner cell mass and trophectoderm

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    Networks of interacting co-regulated genes distinguish the inner cell mass (ICM) from the differentiated trophectoderm (TE) in the preimplantation blastocyst, in a species specific manner. In mouse the ground state pluripotency of the ICM appears to be maintained in murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from the ICM. This is not the case for human ESCs. In order to gain insight into this phenomenon, we have used quantitative network analysis to identify how similar human (h)ESCs are to the human ICM. Using the hESC lines MAN1, HUES3 and HUES7 we have shown that all have only a limited overlap with ICM specific gene expression, but that this overlap is enriched for network properties that correspond to key aspects of function including transcription factor activity and the hierarchy of network modules. These analyses provide an important framework which highlights the developmental origins of hESCs

    Long‐term outcomes after paediatric sepsis (LOTUS)–A protocol for an Australian cohort study

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    Background: Globally, sepsis has been identified as one of the leading causes of preventable childhood mortality and morbidity. Previous studies on intensive care patients estimated that approximately 30% of children with sepsis experience some form of disability at discharge. Development of care has seen growing numbers of children treated for sepsis not requiring a PICU admission; however, outcomes in this population are yet to be understood. Further focus is required to understand sepsis survivorship across the wider population to address knowledge gaps and morbidity burden in the broader surviving population. Aims: To assess the cognitive, physical, emotional and social health of children surviving sepsis 2 years after hospital discharge. Study design: A prospective, observational cohort study. Results: Two hundred and thirty-two children will be screened, 2 years after their hospital admission, and approached for participation in this study. Children who are <18 years of age at follow-up, treated for sepsis-related organ dysfunction or septic shock in Queensland between October 2018 and December 2019, will be included. Children who are deceased at follow-up, under care of the state, or require English interpreters will be excluded from participation. Data will be collected through an online follow-up survey comprising validated caregiver-reported questionnaires covering the four Post Intensive Care Syndrome-paediatrics (PICS-p) domains (cognitive, physical, emotional and social health; Manning et al. Pediatr Crit Care Med, 2018, 19, 298-300). The primary outcome is an adaptive behaviour of the participants assessed using the Vinelands-3 tool. Secondary outcomes will include neurodevelopment, quality of life, child distress, overall function, executive function, caregiver's distress and caregiver's stress. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's exact test/chi-squared tests will be used for statistical analyses. No adjustments will be made for multiple comparisons but it is acknowledged that comparisons made in this study are exploratory. Relevance to clinical practice: With more children surviving sepsis, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of patient and family outcomes to allow support structures for families leaving the hospital after sepsis. This study is expected to inform clinicians and stakeholders of patient and family well-being after sepsis survivorship

    CDP-diacylglycerol phospholipid synthesis in detergent-soluble, non-raft, membrane microdomains of the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Phosphatidylinositol (PI) is essential for numerous cell functions and is generated by consecutive reactions catalyzed by CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (CDS) and PI synthase. In this study, we investigated the membrane organization of CDP-diacylglycerol synthesis. Separation of mildly disrupted A431 cell membranes on sucrose density gradients revealed cofractionation of CDS and PI synthase activities with cholesterol-poor, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes and partial overlap with plasma membrane caveolae. Cofractionation of CDS activity with caveolae was also observed when low-buoyant density caveolin-enriched membranes were prepared using a carbonate-based method. However, immunoisolation studies determined that CDS activity localized to ER membrane fragments containing calnexin and type III inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptors but not to caveolae. Membrane fragmentation in neutral pH buffer established that CDP-diacylglycerol and PI syntheses were restricted to a subfraction of the calnexin-positive ER. In contrast to lipid rafts enriched for caveolin, cholesterol, and GM1 glycosphingolipids, the CDS-containing ER membranes were detergent soluble. In cell imaging studies, CDS and calnexin colocalized in microdomain-sized patches of the ER and also unexpectedly at the plasma membrane. These results demonstrate that key components of the PI pathway localize to nonraft, phospholipid-synthesizing microdomains of the ER that are also enriched for calnexin. Copyright © 2011 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Reversible, Irreversible and Mixed Regimes for Periodically Driven Disks in Random Obstacle Arrays

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    We examine an assembly of repulsive disks interacting with a random obstacle array under a periodic drive, and find a transition from reversible to irreversible dynamics as a function of drive amplitude or disk density. At low densities and drives, the system rapidly forms a reversible state where the disks return to their exact positions at the end of each cycle. In contrast, at high amplitudes or high densities, the system enters an irreversible state where the disks exhibit normal diffusion. Between these two regimes, there can be a glassy irreversible state where most of the system is reversible, but localized irreversible regions are present that are prevented from spreading through the system due to a screening effect from the obstacles. We also find states that we term combinatorial reversible states in which the disks return to their original positions after multiple driving cycles. In these states, individual disks exchange positions but form the same configurations during the subcycles of the larger reversible cycle.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Activated vortex lattice transition in a superconductor with combined sixfold and twelvefold anisotropic interactions

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    Numerical simulations are used to examine the transition dynamics between metastable and ground state vortex lattice phases in a system with combined sixfold and twelvefold contributions to the vortex-vortex interactions. The system is initially annealed using a twelvefold anisotropy, yielding domains of two different orientations and separated by grain boundaries. The vortex-vortex interaction is then suddenly changed to a sixfold anisotropy, rendering the twelvefold state metastable. Applying a drive that mimics an oscillating magnetic field causes the metastable state to decay, indicated by the structure factor that evolves from twelve to six peaks. The results fit the behavior seen in recent small-angle neutron scattering studies of the vortex lattice in MgB2. At higher drive amplitudes, the decay exhibits a two step process in which the initial fast decrease is followed by a slower regime where avalanches or bursts are correlated with dislocation annihilation events. The results are compared to other types of metastable systems with quenched disorder that decay under a periodic external drive.Comment: Accepted for publication, New J. Phy

    Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIβ negatively regulates invadopodia formation and suppresses an invasive cellular phenotype

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    The type II PI 4-kinases enzymes synthesise the lipid phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI(4)P) which has been detected at the Golgi complex and endosomal compartments, and which recruits clathrin adaptors. Despite common mechanistic similarities between the isoforms, the extent of their redundancy is unclear.We found that depletion of PI4KIIα and PI4KIIβ using siRNA led to actin remodelling. Depletion of PI4KIIβ also induced the formation of invadopodia containing membrane type I matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP).Depletion of PI4KII isoforms also differentially affected TGN pools of PI(4)P and post-TGN traffic. PI4KIIβ depletion caused increased MT1-MMP trafficking to invasive structures at the plasma membrane and was accompanied by reduced colocalisation of MT1-MMP with membranes containing the endosomal markers Rab5 and Rab7, but increased localisation with the exocytic Rab8. Depletion of PI4KIIβ was sufficient to confer an aggressive invasive phenotype on minimally invasive HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines. Mining oncogenomic databases revealed that loss of the PI4K2B allele and underexpression of PI4KIIβ mRNA is associated with human cancers. This finding supports the cell data and suggests that PI4KIIβ may be a clinically significant suppressor of invasion. We propose that PI4KIIβ synthesises a pool of PI(4)P that maintains MT1-MMP traffic in the degradative pathway and suppresses the formation of invadopodia

    Bottlenose Dolphins Mom-Calf Interactions over the First and Second Year of Life

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    As both wild and captive dolphin calves develop, they spend less time with their mothers and more time engaged in independent activities. In this study, the social development of six captive dolphin calves (Tursiops truncatus) were examined over the first and second year of life. Focal animal behavioral ethogram data were collected using a 30 second scan sampling technique. The predominant swim position and individual behaviors were recorded. There were a number of general developmental patterns: (1) an increase in the percentage of time that the calves engaged in solo swimming, (2) a decrease in infant position, and (3) a decrease in echelon position. The shift in primary swim position and increase in independent (solitary) behaviors exhibited over the study is consistent with past research on calf development. The basis for the difference each calf’s behavior could be a result of the experience or type of mother, the unique personalities in the calves, or a combination of both

    Beluga Whales Socio-Sexual Interactions and Behaviors (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    Cetaceans are known for developing social relationships with each other by displaying various social and contact behaviors. Few studies have investigated the social interactions and types of contact behavior between belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). The present study focused on the frequencies of many social behaviors observed among four belugas (three males and one female) in the care of humans and the changes in behavior over an extended period of time. Continuous data were collection via video recordings over a four year period and were coded for social interactions. Preliminary analysis revealed that Male C was the most likely to initiate social interactions in this social group. It appears that the social interactions among the individuals may be somewhat stable over time. The findings of this study have implications for better understanding beluga social interactions of whales that are living under managed care