4 research outputs found
Managing financial crises in emerging market economies - experience with the involvement of private sector creditors
Ensuring the involvement of private sector creditors in the resolution of sovereign debt crises is crucial to ensure an effective management and orderly resolution of those crises. A review of experience gained in past financial crises suggests that crisis management practices have been largely following a case-by-case approach. This has led to some uncertainty about how the official sector addresses different types of crises, which in turn might partially account for the very mixed results achieved so far. From a global welfare perspective, the resolution of international financial crises is too costly and takes too long. Efforts to improve predictability of crisis resolution processes â through guiding debtor, creditor and official sector behaviour â could lower overall costs of such crises and bring about a better distribution of these costs. Past experience with such private sector involvement shows that, in certain cases, existing instruments have successfully contributed to minimising the economic disruptions caused by crises. However, the effective use of these instruments requires predictable and strong commitment of all parties involved. Key variables in that regard are the countryâs economic fundamentals and its track record prior to the crisis, underscoring the importance of effective surveillance and crisis prevention. Success also hinges on the countryâs resolve to implement necessary domestic adjustment measures. A transparent process providing for early dialogue between a debtor and its creditors also facilitates private sector involvement. Finally, the IMF plays a key role in crisis situations, as accurate and timely diagnosis by the IMF helps identify at an early stage the need for private sector involvement.Sovereign default, bond restructuring, emerging markets, financial crises, moral hazard, international financial architecture.
Managing financial crises in emerging market economies - experience with the involvement of private sector creditors
Ensuring the involvement of private sector creditors in the resolution of sovereign debt crises is crucial to ensure an effective management and orderly resolution of those crises. A review of experience gained in past financial crises suggests that crisis management practices have been largely following a case-by-case approach. This has led to some uncertainty about how the official sector addresses different types of crises, which in turn might partially account for the very mixed results achieved so far. From a global welfare perspective, the resolution of international financial crises is too costly and takes too long. Efforts to improve predictability of crisis resolution processes â through guiding debtor, creditor and official sector behaviour â could lower overall costs of such crises and bring about a better distribution of these costs. Past experience with such private sector involvement shows that, in certain cases, existing instruments have successfully contributed to minimising the economic disruptions caused by crises. However, the effective use of these instruments requires predictable and strong commitment of all parties involved. Key variables in that regard are the countryâs economic fundamentals and its track record prior to the crisis, underscoring the importance of effective surveillance and crisis prevention. Success also hinges on the countryâs resolve to implement necessary domestic adjustment measures. A transparent process providing for early dialogue between a debtor and its creditors also facilitates private sector involvement. Finally, the IMF plays a key role in crisis situations, as accurate and timely diagnosis by the IMF helps identify at an early stage the need for private sector involvement
Liikenteen ja viestinnĂ€n digitaaliset palvelut esteettömiksi â toimenpideohjelma 2017â2021 : Loppuraportti
Ministeriö julkaisi toukokuussa 2017 hallinnonalalleen toimenpideohjelman "Liikenteen ja viestinnĂ€n digitaaliset palvelut esteettömiksi. Toimenpideohjelma 2017â2021". Ohjelmaa ovat toteuttaneet ministeriön lisĂ€ksi Liikenne- ja viestintĂ€virasto, VĂ€ylĂ€virasto ja Ilmatieteen laitos. Toimenpideohjelma oli suunnattu pÀÀasiassa liikenne- ja viestintĂ€ministeriön hallinnonalalle, mutta se toimi ohjenuorana ja mallina myös muille tahoille. Ohjelman avulla lisĂ€ttiin liikenteen ja viestinnĂ€n palvelujen kĂ€ytettĂ€vyyttĂ€, ja parannettiin tietoisuutta esteettömyyden merkityksestĂ€.
Toimenpideohjelma jakautui viiteen tarkempaan osakokonaisuuteen sisÀltÀen yhteensÀ 20 erilaista toimenpidettÀ. YhtenÀ keskeisenÀ toimenpiteenÀ oli lainsÀÀdÀnnön selkeyttÀminen ja ohjeistuksien pÀivittÀminen. Esteettömyystietojen mÀÀrittelyÀ, saatavuutta ja liikkumispalvelujen tuottajien tietoisuutta parannettiin. Liikenteen ja viestinnÀn hallinnonalan virastojen tulee lisÀksi jatkossa tarjota tietoa vaihtoehtoisista palveluista niille, jotka eivÀt pysty kÀyttÀmÀÀn sÀhköisiÀ palveluja ja ovat nÀin vaarassa syrjÀytyÀ.
Toimenpideohjelman aikana virastot ovat panostaneet tietoisuuden lisÀÀmiseen esteettömyydestÀ sekÀ digitaalisten palvelujen tutkimus- ja kehittÀmistoimintaan. Traficomin julkaisemissa tutkimuksissa on selvitetty keinoja, joilla esimerkiksi automaattisten ajoneuvojen ja ÀlykkÀiden liikennepalveluiden avulla voidaan parantaa iÀkkÀiden ja toimintarajoitteisten henkilöiden edellytyksiÀ kÀyttÀÀ digitaalisia liikenteen palveluja.
Toimenpideohjelmasta tehtiin vuonna 2020 vÀliraportti, joka sisÀlsi katsauksen siihen, miten toimenpideohjelman toteuttaminen oli edennyt vuosien 2017 ja 2019 vÀlillÀ. LisÀksi vÀliraportissa arvioitiin, mitÀ mahdollisia haasteita tai muutostarpeita ohjelmassa ja sen tavoitteissa oli ilmennyt