7 research outputs found

    Investigating nano-structured domains within ionic liquids: the effect of cation change on thermal equilibrium and relaxation of spiropyran and spirooxazine.

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    The established belief that ionic liquids (ILs) behave as homogenous solvents such as that observed in molecular solvents has been challenged.1, 2 Previous use of solvatochromic probe dyes has allowed for the traditional parameter of ‘polarity’ to be determined.3 These values were compared to the kinetics of the photochromic spirocyclic compounds spirooxazine (SO) and spiropyran (SP). The nature of SO substituents limit the ability of hydrogen bond formation and so relies primarily on electrostatic interactions with the solvent system. Such an increase in solute freedom would be expected to increase the ability of the molecules to dissociate and migrate within the solvent system. A polarity-kinetic relationship for spirocyclic compounds has been established in molecular solvents with increasing polarity exhibiting decreased rates of thermal relaxation from the coloured merocyanine (MC) form to the spiro (SO/SP) form.4 However, thermal relaxation of SO in ionic liquids fails to present a correlation between polarity and kinetics. Kinetic studies were further enhanced by analysis of the relaxation process using thermodynamic parameters of activation. Previous studies have (primarily molecular modelling) proposed that ionic liquids possess a structured in-homogenous structure containing distinct areas of polar and non-polar regions.5 The probe dyes used to examine parameters such as hydrogen bonding (Kamlet-Taft) and polarity (ET30) may only examine a particular region in the solvent. This means that the probe molecules may solvate in one region while compounds such as SO may interact in another region completely and therefore not allow for correlation of polarity to thermal relaxation rates observed. The closed form is a neutral compound exhibiting non-polar characteristics. MC, due to its zwitterionic nature, is in contrast highly polar. We believe that the size and ratio of polar to non-polar regions may be a critical factor in the process of SO thermal relaxation. Increasing non-polar regions may encourage the SO form by shifting equilibrium and encouraging migration and facilitate enhanced closure of MC within the solvent system. Thermal relaxation of SO may therefore allow for confirmation of the theory of IL structuring. Due to the large range of ILs possible, a correlation in structural effects and a quantifiable change may aid in a more detailed understanding of ILs and facilitate customisability of the liquids to meet specific polarity/solvation requirements

    Investigating nano-structuring within imidazolium ionic liquids: A thermodynamic study using photochromic molecular probes

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    Following previous studies involving the thermal relaxation of spirocyclic compounds we extended our studies to investigate the formation of nano-structured domains in ionic liquids (ILs). Two compounds, spiropyran (BSP) and spirooxazine (SO) were added to imidazolium cation based ionic liquids with increasing chain lenghts (C2 –C12). Increasing side-chain length was found to have only minor effects on the rate of thermal relaxation of BSP and SO. BSP was found to be a suitable probe molecule as linear correlations in parameters were observed for this compound. This is believed to be due to the fact that BSP-IL interactions were based on hydrogen bonding between MCBSP and the cation compared to MCSO which is limited to electrostatic interactions thus enhancing the sensitivity of MCBSP to the charged polar regions. Increasing the side-chain of the cation resulted in slight increases in MC-BSP activation energy from 96.93 kJ.mol-1 in [C4mIm][NTf2] to 105.27 kJ.mol-1 in [C12mIm][NTf2]. MC-BSP S‡ and H‡ values also increased with increasing side-chain. Expansion and dispersion of polar regions due to increasing non-polar interactions may be enhanced by introduction of the bulky probe molecule. The resulting reorganisation of the system produced positive entropies of activation, 13.79 J.K- 1.mol-1 for C4mIm to 46.15 J.K-1.mol-1 for C12mIm, following an increase in disorder due to probe dye closure from MC to BSP and migration of dye to regions of preferential solvation. The ability for spirocyclic compounds to form both polar and non-polar isomers resulted in the ability to analyse both solvent regions using a single probe dye. Ground state equilibrium, Ke, examined non-polar regions of the IL while equilibrium of activation, K‡, examined the polar regions. A linear response to side chain length to equilibrium of activation was believed to be due to the fact that polar regions were possibly expanding due to increasing influence of non-polar side chain interactions upon the over solvent structure. The result of such reordering and dispersion of polar regions reduces solvent-solute interactions which increases rate of MC-BSP relaxation

    2,3-Dimethylbenzoxazolium Methosulfate

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    An economically benign solvent-free approach to synthesise 2, 3-dimethylbenzoxazolium methosulfate is reported in the present work. The title compound is derived from 2-methylbenzoxazole reacting with a slight excess of dimethylsulfate, at room temperature. The reaction proceeds via an intrinsic exothermic reaction, and the benzoxazolium salt crystallized after a short time into a white crystalline form. The product was filtered off and washed with acetone and diethyl ether to provide the desired product in 89% yield. The target compound was evaluated by ESI/MS analysis

    Thermal reversion of spirooxazine in ionic liquids containing the [NTf2]- anion

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    We have compared the rate of thermal reversion of Spirooxazine (SO) from its merocyanine (MC) form within ionic liquids and molecular solvents. Et(30) and Kamlet-Taft parameter studies indicate ILs are comparable to polar protic and aprotic solvents. The observed reversion kinetics within the ionic liquids were slower than that of molecular solvents with similar polarity, indicating a greater degree of interactions between the ionic liquid ions and the zwitterionic MC isomer, which led to increased lifetimes for the MC-ion complexes. Pre-metathesis cleaning of precursor salts was found to be necessary in order to obtain spectroscopic grade ILs for physiochemical analysis using solvatochromic probe dyes

    Novel synthesis and characterisation of 3,3-dimethyl-50-(2-benzothiazolyl)- spironaphth(indoline-2,30-[3H]naphth[2,1-b] [1,4]oxazine) derivatives

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    Novel modified spirooxazines (SOs) with additional chelating groups were synthesised and the crystal structure of one of these was determined. UV–vis spectroscopic characterization of the photoisomerization of the SO derivatives shows that the photochromic behaviour is altered with Zn2+ coordination. In particular, addition of a group as in carboxylic acid 5 to the indole section of the SO increases the lifetime of the merocyanine Zn 2+ complex by 20-fold compared to the methylated indole 6

    3-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-2-methylbenzothiazolium Bromide

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    A novel method for the preparation of 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylbenzothiazolium bromide was developed. It consists of heating of 2-methylbenzothiazole, 2-bromoethanol and ethoxyethanol for 2 h. On the next day the precipitate was filtered and air dried